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#207 : L'amour, c'est du gâteau!

Eric ne sait pas quoi répondre quand Donna lui avoue qu'elle l'aime.
Une dispute de plus avec Midge amène Bob à dormir chez les Forman.
Et Kelso se ridiculise avec une étrange veste.


3 - 2 votes

Titre VO
Love, Cake

Titre VF
L'amour, c'est du gâteau!

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Les parents Forman

Les parents Forman

Kelso et Laurie

Kelso et Laurie

Donna et Eric

Donna et Eric

Donna et Jackie

Donna et Jackie

Plus de détails

Vista Cruiser

Eric essaie de créer un peu plus d'intimité avec Donna, qui semble perturbée. En effet, la situation entre ses parents se détériore de jour en jour. Le jeune homme lui propose alors de passer sa colère sur lui et de lui servir d'objet sexuel. Donna retrouve le sourire et lui dit « je t'aime ». Eric est totalement perdu et lui répond « j'aime le gâteau ».

Allée des Forman

Bob a dormi dans le coffre de la voiture d'Eric. Red ne veut pas savoir pourquoi mais Bob ne se prive pas pour lui expliquer qu'il s'est une fois de plus disputé et qu'il est parti en claquant la porte. Le problème est que Midge ne veut plus le laisser entrer. Red n'est cependant pas très enclin à l'accueillir chez lui. Il finit pourtant par le faire.

Plus tard, Fez et Hyde discutent tranquillement de filles lorsque Jackie fait irruption et insiste pour leur présenter le nouveau Kelso. Ce dernier arrive avec un blouson en cuir et prétend ressemble à Marlon Brando. Hyde se moque de lui et lui fait remarquer qu'il ressemble beaucoup plus au personnage de Fonzie ; Fez approuve. Vexé, Kelso s'en va.

Cuisine des Forman

Kitty est furieuse après son mari car Bob est en ce moment dans sa salle de bains. Red essaie de lui expliquer la situation mais Kitty ne veut rien entendre, elle ne veut pas de Bob chez elle. Red suggère alors qu'elle aille parler à Midge mais c'est hors de question pour Kitty, c'est à Red de le faire. Il finit par accepter mais refuse de nettoyer la salle de bains.

Sous-sol des Forman

Les garçons font leur petit cercle habituel. Kelso a apporté de la pizza mais annonce n'en donner qu'à ceux qui ne se moquent pas de son blouson. Du coup, Hyde s'excuse. Eric en profite pour raconter ce qu'il s'est passé avec Donna, les garçons sont choqués de la réponse qu'il a donné. Éric explique qu'il a paniqué et n'a pas réfléchi. Pour Hyde, il doit lui dire aussi et elle répondra comme il faut.

Vista Cruiser

Eric et Donna écoutent de la musique et tous deux sont très tendus. Eric finit par se lancer et lui dit « je t'aime ». Il attend qu'elle réponde mais rien ne vient. Du coup, il ajoute « mec » et lui donne une tape sur l'épaule.

Allée des Forman

Donna raconte tout ce qu'il s'est passé à Jackie. Son ami pense déjà qu'elle n'aurait pas du dire ces mots si vite car elle a du faire peur à Eric. Elle lui conseille de mettre de la distance entre eux.

Perron des Pinciotti

Red vient frapper à la porte de Midge qui préfère lui parler à travers car elle ne vaut pas Bob en profite pour renter. Red lui explique qu'elle doit reprendre son mari mais Midge refuse catégoriquement.

Sous-sol des Forman

Pendant que les garçons taquinent Kelso en cachant sa crème glacée, les filles préfèrent s'en aller. Comme prévu, Donna reste distante et Eric ne comprend rien. Hyde sent qu'il a encore du faire quelque chose de travers et lui demande des explications. Son ami lui répond qu'il a paniqué une fois de plus. Kelso trouve qu'il est trop sensible mais fond lorsque Laurie arrive. Comme la jeune fille se moque de sa veste, il l'enlève et s'en va, furieux.

Salon des Forman

Bob s'est endormi dans le fauteuil. Kitty ordonne à son mari de lui parler et le réveille brusquement avant de s'éclipser dans la cuisine. Red essaie de le convaincre de retourner chez lui, il va l'aider.

Perron des Pinciotti

Red se présente devant Midge avec une scie et prétend vouloir couper quelques branches. Il s'arrange ensuite pour en mettre une grosse sur lui et appelle à l'aide. Midge accourt et Bob en profite pour rentrer chez lui.

Allée des Forman

Alors que lui et Donna jouent tranquillement au basket, Eric lui répète qu'il l'aime. Donna est quelque peu agacée car elle au moins, pensait vraiment ce qu'elle a dit. Eric lui avoue alors qu'il a tout simplement peur de ce qu'il peut se passer s'il lui livre ses sentiments et qu'ils rompent. Donna lui propose alors de faire comme s'il ne s'était rien passé.

Plus tard, Bob retrouve les Forman, qui rentre des courses. Il leur annonce que Midge vont continuer à vivre sous le même toit tout en étant séparés, ils vont même voir d'autres personnes. Red lui demande de bien réfléchir avant d'accepter une telle situation mais Bob trouve cela plutôt excitant.

Sous-sol des Forman

Hyde a essayé la veste de Kelso et tout le monde pense que ça lui va bien, Laurie le trouve même très sexy. Kelso se jette alors sur lui pour qu'il lui rende.

Allée des Forman

Donna se confie à son petit ami sur la séparation de ses parents. Comme toujours, il fait de son mieux pour la réconforter. Ils se disent « je t'aime » et s'embrassent.

Cuisine des Forman

Kitty se prépare à aller récurer la salle de bains mais Red ne peut se résoudre à la laisser le faire. Il appelle Eric.


Eric and Donna are sitting in the VistaCruiser

ERIC: Oh my God! (slides over to Donna) Did you hear that? It sounds like a bloody hook scraping against the backdoor....What’s wrong, you’re like a millions miles away?
DONNA: I don’t know. It’s just like my parents are fighting like all the time. It just makes me so mad. Like I wanna kick their asses but I can’t. I wanna do something!
ERIC: Okay (sighs) Take me Donna!
DONNA: What?!
ERIC: Go ahead, take me! Punish your parents by using me for sex! Do your business and be done with it! Go ahead! Don’t be shy! I can take it! But...God...do be gentle!
DONNA: You didn’t actually think that was gonna work did you?
ERIC: No, but I’m a virgin and it’s driving me crazy. But that’s not your fault. No wait, YES it is!
DONNA: How do you do that?
ERIC: Do what?
DONNA: You always make me feel better.
ERIC: Uhm, well thank you.

They kiss

DONNA: I love you Eric.
ERIC: I love...cake!


Forman driveway, Red comes out of the kitchen, walks by the VistaCruiser to pick up the morning paper

RED: Morning Bob!
BOB (sticks his head out of the back of the cruiser): Mornin’ Red! Probably wondering why I’m in your car eh?
RED: No. Just get out and have a nice day.
BOB: Midgy and I got into a fight Red, and I walked out! Guess that’ll teach her right?
RED: Well, you’re the one sleeping in the car, Bob.
BOB: Right, well, that’s cause when I stormed out, I sort of forgot some stuff. You know, keys, wallet, blowdryer. All I need now is a place to stay...maybe with some friends...?
RED: Well uhhh...we don’t uhh have a blowdryer Bob.
BOB: Laurie’s got a blowdryer, I know! Cause she’s had that Farrah Fawcett hairdo. That’s not natural! You know, I wouldn’t even need my own room, just a little corner to sleep in!
RED: Bob I really... I mean, would you...ahh cripes. Okay.
BOB: Ah thanks Red! Your my best friend.
RED (pats Bob on his back): No, I’m not!

Hyde and Fez sit on the Forman porch

FEZ: Do you think when girls have sleepovers, sometimes they play games and giggle and then every once in a while they start out to make out altogether in a big naked heap?
HYDE: I sure hope so!
FEZ: Me too!
JACKIE: Ahummm..may I have your attention please?! I would like to introduce to you all the new Michael Kelso ! (applauds as Kelso runs up the driveway)
KELSO (wearing a leather jacket): Sooo, what do you think?! Yeah, Jackie says it makes me look like Marlon Brando in the Wild Ones. Yeah, I’m so Brando!
HYDE: Yeah, if Brando had a buddy named Potsie!
KELSO: What are you even saying?
HYDE: I think you know what I’m saying... (imitating Fonzie) EYYYY!
KELSO: Jackie, did you dress me up like the Fonz?
JACKIE: No Michael, I did not dress you up like the Fonz! Although I mean I like the Fonz you know he’s kinda...
KELSO: Fez?! Fonz, yes or no?
FEZ: Well you know me Kelso, I just want you to be happy.
KELSO: Thank you Fez!
FEZ: Now, if I could just have a moment of your time...?
KELSO: Sure!
FEZ: Good, yes. Okay a gang of tugs has taken over our town! Help us Fonzie, you are our only hope!
KELSO: I can’t believe you guys! Here I am, as Brando as can be, and you guys can’t even see that! Well you can both just...
HYDE: Sit on it?!

Kelso runs off, with Jackie following him.

Forman kitchen, Red is reading his paper, Kitty walks in

KITTY: Why is Bob in my bathtub? You told me you sent him home, that’s what you said, he went home!
RED: He did go home. And then Midge kicked him out.
KITTY: But he went home!
RED: Well, now he’s back!
KITTY: Red, he is IN my bathtub! I can’t have him in my bathtub! His afro-gel is gonna leave a ring!
RED: This isn’t easy on me either Kitty! He tried to talk to me about his feelings! He almost started to cry! I really wanted to punch him!
KITTY: Bob can’t stay here Red. I know that makes me a bad person, I don’t care. I’m bad so just let’s get him out of here!
RED: Well then, go talk to Midge and fix it up.
KITTY: Ahahahahhh! NO! You let the stray in, you find him a home!
RED: It’s not that simple Kitty.
KITTY: Do you want me to go to my unhappy place Red?
RED: I’ll talk to Midge first thing in the morning...
KITTY: Thank you Red, you wonderful husband. Now, when you’re done with the paper you get upstairs and scrub my tub! Okay (grabs paper out of his hand) you’re done!
RED: I won’t do it!
KITTY: Well I won’t either.
RED: Well I don’t know what the hell we’re gonna do!

Forman basement

FEZ: Kelso, it was brave of you to come back. We gave you quite a ribbing.
KELSO: Yeah, except for this time, I brought a hot fresh pizza! But it’s only for my friends who don’t make fun of me! Mmmm pizza!
HYDE: Kelso man, I got a thousand insults and no pizza is gonna make me... (Kelso waves a piece in front of his nose) Is that sausage? Brilliant bastard!
ERIC: Guys, let me ask you something, Donna told me she loves me, and then I told her I love cake... That’s not bad is it? I’m still cool right? (They all stare at him in silence) Okay, I don’t know what happened, I just panicked and it popped out, I mean, I don’t remember ever wanting to talk about cake. I wasn’t really that hungry.
FEZ: Cake is good. But you cannot have sex with cake! Ofcourse you cannot have sex with Donna either, so...
KELSO: Yeah man, you should’ve just lied and told her that you loved her, “I love you baby”, see and I don’t love you isn’t that great?
HYDE: He DOES love her you dope. Right?
ERIC: Okay, well, if I admit it, are you guys gonna make fun of me?
FEZ: Oh Eric, love is not a joke. This is a joke: knock knock...
KELSO: Who’s there? Look if you really do love her, there is only one thing to do man! You’ve got to dump her and live free!
HYDE: Don’t listen to him man, he’s stupid. Here’s what you gotta do: she said it, now you’ve got to say it! Then she’ll say it back and everything will be okay. Oh and get her pizza, cause right now I kinda love Kelso!
ERIC: Yeah I can do that. I’ll just say it and then I’ll be back on top again. Alright! So now where was I when Fonzie here moved to town? (Kelso grabs his pizza) Hey! Give that backtomundo!

Eric and Donna are sitting in the VistaCruiser

DONNA: Eric! Eric, are you okay?
ERIC: What, yeah...
DONNA: You look like you’ve got a stomach-ache or something.
ERIC: No. There is nothing wrong with my stomach. It’s just that...I...love you...(deep silence) Man! Haha!

Donna and Jackie sitting on top of the car in the driveway

DONNA: And then he punched me in the arm and said: Man!
JACKIE: Oh my God. What a horrible disaster! Well go on!
DONNA: I guess I like totally screwed things up. Cause ever since I said I love you he’s been acting SO weird.
JACKIE: Okay wait a second, I’m a little confused, why did YOU say I love you?
DONNA: Because I...love him!
JACKIE: Uh Donna! That’s got nothing to do with it! YOU are way too young to be saying I love you.
DONNA: Shut up Jackie, you say it to Kelso all the time and you are like younger than me.
JACKIE: Not in love-years. Alright look. Eric doesn’t know how to handle that kind of thing. You probably just scared him off. All you could do right now is play it cool for a while, turn down the emotional heat and Donna, God willing, he’ll forget you threw yourself at him.
DONNA: I know it sounds impossible, but what you just said actually makes sense.
JACKIE: Look the sooner you realise I’m a genius, the better off we’ll both be!

Red knocks on the Pinciotti’s backdoor, Midge answers

MIDGE: Oh, hi Red! Sorry I can’t open the door, but I don’t want Bob sneaking back into the house again.
RED: That’s okay, I just came by to see how you’re doing.
MIDGE: Oh I’m working through some things. Gotten past denial and I’m well on my way to acceptance...
RED: Yeah well couldn’t agree with you more, well anyway... Take Bob back!
MIDGE: Red I can’t do that right now.
RED: Midge, I’ve talked to Bob, and he’s really sorry. Now be a sport and take him back!
MIDGE: I can’t.
MIDGE: NO! (she closes the window)
RED (pressed against the closed window): THIS ISN’T OVER PINCIOTTI!

Forman basement

ERIC: Donna, check it out. Hey Kelso! Popsicle! (he throws, Kelso misses and flies over the couch and lands flat on his face)
KELSO: Where did it go?
FEZ: Perhaps it went under the couch? (Kelso ducks and Fez picks up the popsicle)
DONNA: Jackie, lets get out of here, this is kinda lame...
JACKIE: Yeah sure.
ERIC: Wait Donna! So I’ll see you later?

Jackie mouths ‘no’ to Donna

DONNA: NO! You’re never gonna see me again! (Jackie and Donna leave)
ERIC: Ha! She’s a little pistol huh...
HYDE: What did you do?!
ERIC: Nothing! I did what you said! I told her I loved her!
ERIC: No it’s true! Except...except, I might have..you know...popped her one on the shoulder and called her ‘man’.
FEZ: You idiot!
ERIC: Wait! This isn’t my fault! (points to Hyde) It’s YOUR fault! You said if I told her I loved her she’d say it back, but she didn’t man! She just stared at me!
HYDE: Well did you give her a chance to answer?! How long did you wait before you completely muffed out?
ERIC: Forever man! Like...five minutes!
ERIC: No it’s true, it was like...well maybe just a couple of seconds, but I.. Time ceased to exist okay! I was just hangin’ out there, really far out there, just...hangin’ !
HYDE: Eric contributes in class but does not follow directions!
KELSO: MAN, where the heck is that fudgesicle?! (looks at Fez) Hey, is that my fudgesicle?
FEZ: No, this one’s mine.
KELSO (keeps looking around): Damn, where is my fudgesicle?!
ERIC: Just tell me how am I supposed to fix this?!
KELSO: Well, first of all, you need to learn how to handle a little woman troubles without getting all freaked out. It’s pretty unmanly man.

Laurie comes down the stairs

KELSO: Laurie!
LAURIE (looks at Kelso and sees his jacket): Hahahahahahaha! EYYYYYYY!

Laurie leaves and Kelso throws off his jacket

KELSO: That’s IT, I hate this stupid thing! Laurie laughing at me...
ERIC: But Kelso, I thought we were supposed to handle our woman troubles like a man...?
KELSO: You shut up! You just SHUT UP! And if anybody else here laughs at me, I swear, I’m gonna kick SO MUCH ass! And that’s MY fudgesicle! (grabs it from Fez and leaves)
HYDE: I’m telling you man, that jacket is the best thing that ever happened to us!

Forman living room. Bob is asleep in a chair, Kitty and Red stand next to him

RED (whispering): I can’t do it now Kitty, he’s sleeping!
KITTY leans over to Bob and shouts: BOOOOOBB! Oh, Bob, you’re awake! (she leaves)
RED: Hi! Let’s see it was ehm it was no go with Midge. She doesn’t wanna see you.
BOB: Boy that’s a shame Red. Guess it’s you and me buddy.
RED: Well that’s a problem. I like you Bob, you don’t borrow my things, you keep your lawn mowed, but the fact of the matter is, you’re a little bit... you’re kind of a... You’re an ass.
BOB: Yeah?
RED: Well it’s not your fault. We’ve gotta stop pussyfootin’ around here and
somehow get you back in that house!
BOB: How?!

Red is at the Pinciotti’s backdoor again, he knocks

MIDGE: Oh, it’s you. I’m NOT taking him back Red!
RED: No no no no, I’m just gonna trim a few of these branches for you.
MIDGE: Oh okay.

Red walks away and comes back with a big branch. He lies himself down on the ground and puts the branch on top of him

RED: HELP! Midge! I’m trapped under this very heavy branch! HELP!
MIDGE (comes outside) : OH MY GOD! RED! Are you hurt?!
RED: GO BOB! GOOOO! (Bob runs for the door, Midge screams)
BOB (inside): I’m IN!!
MIDGE (outside): NOOO! Red, that was NOT nice!
RED: I’m not sorry Midge!

Eric and Donna are shooting hoops in the driveway

ERIC: Great shot! And I love you.
DONNA: Well the basket doesn’t really count because I travelled.
ERIC: You could never travel. Because I love you.
DONNA: Eric, you’re acting like a huge dork.
ERIC: A huge dork who loves you.
DONNA: God! God stop it! Alright, look the only reason I said it is because I felt it. And not just so you’d say it back. And if I knew you would get in such a twist about it, I wouldn’t have said it at all!
ERIC: I’m NOT in a twist! It’s just...cake okay that was pretty stupid.
DONNA: Yes! Thank you! So, I mean, why did you say it?
ERIC: I don’t know, I just...now, once IT is out there, if we broke up, I mean, what would I tell myself then?
DONNA: I guess you could tell yourself you still have cake, we both know how much it means to you!
ERIC: That’s nice, there is a sweet girl...
DONNA: Okay, look, I have an idea. Why don’t we pretend it just never happened?
ERIC: I like that (closed his eyes and opens them up again): never happened!
DONNA: Okay.
ERIC: Then...you DID travel so...My ball!

Forman driveway at night. Kitty and Red are getting their groceries out of the car

BOB: Hi you two! Thought you might wanna know, Midge and I worked things out.

RED: Well that’s just great Bob!
BOB: Yeah, we’re separating.
RED: You can’t stay with us!
BOB: No, I’ll be staying at home, we’re gonna live together, we’re just gonna see other people.
RED: Okay Bob, how much did you think about this? You’re living in the same house, but you’re dating other people. I’m not saying for sure there’ll be problems, but I want you to think about it. Think hard Bob!
BOB: I think it’s gonna be sexy!

Forman basement, Hyde is wearing Kelso’s jacket

FEZ: Oh Hyde! What a fabulous look for you!
DONNA: Seriously, you look like Marlon Brando or something!
LAURIE: O my God! Hyde, when did you get so hot?! (she starts fondling Hyde)
KELSO: What?!
HYDE: I’ve always been hot. Jacket just brings it out.
KELSO: No! No, give it to me, give me back my jacket!

Kelso and Hyde start to fight

Eric and Donna are sitting on top of the car

ERIC: So..they’re really gonna separate?
DONNA: Yeah, but they’re still gonna live together!
ERIC: O. Wow. Are you okay?
DONNA: Yeah, but I mean that’s just the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard! I mean, how is that supposed to work?
ERIC: Well, I imagine it’ll be like when Gilligan and the Skipper had a fight and they drew a chalk line down the center of their hut, that worked out great...
DONNA: Yeah that solved all their problems! (she laughs)
ERIC: I love you.
DONNA: I love you too.
ERIC: Alright!!

They kiss


Kikavu ?

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

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Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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