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#209 : Eric se fait virer

Donna veut attirer l'attention de ses parents, alors elle se met à fumer et a des F à l'école. Mais Eric se fait virer de l'école quand il se  fait prendre avec la cigarette de Donna à la main.
Hyde et Fez vont à un rendez-vous avec deux jeunes filles, mais seulement l'un d'entre eux s'amuse.


3.5 - 2 votes

Titre VO
Eric Gets Suspended

Titre VF
Eric se fait virer

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Kelso, Eric et Hyde

Kelso, Eric et Hyde

Donna essaie d'attirer l'attention de ses parents

Donna essaie d'attirer l'attention de ses parents

Hyde, Eric et Donna

Hyde, Eric et Donna

Le père d'Eric n'est pas content

Le père d'Eric n'est pas content

Plus de détails

Extérieur du lycée

Éric, Hyde et Donna regardent leur bulletin de notes. Si les deux premiers ont de bons résultats, Donna a obtenu un F en anglais et ne semble pas perturbée. Toujours aussi imperturbable, elle allume une cigarette devant les garçons. Éric est choqué. La jeune fille lui demande de tenir sa cigarette pendant qu'elle cherche quelque chose. Au même moment, un professeur arrive et réprimande Éric. Donna veut dire la vérité mais son petit ami l'en empêche. Il doit alors assumer les conséquences de ses actes.

The Hub

Éric est exclu. Donna lui en veut de s'être dénoncé à sa place et ne s'excuse même pas pour son comportement, ce qui agace fortement son petit ami. Comme Hyde lui fait remarquer son attitude de petite fille gâtée depuis quelques temps, Donna préfère partir. Éric a peur de la réaction de Red mais Kelso se focalise surtout sur son attitude avec Donna, il doit faire des compromis.

Jackie et Fez arrivent. Jackie a apporté des peluches pour mettre dans le van de Kelso, qui n'a d'autre choix que d'accepter. Ils s'en vont. Fez annonce à Éric et Hyde que ses parents d'accueil lui ont arrangé un rendez-vous avec une fille....et elle a une copine. Il demande à Hyde de l'accompagner.

Cuisine des Pinciotti

Bob et Midge s'apprêtent à aller dans un bar échangiste. Donna leur montre alors son bulletin. Si ses parents la réprimandent, cela ne dure qu'un bref instant. Ils sortent.

Cuisine des Forman

Éric rentre chez lui, paniqué. Sa sœur a répondu à un appel téléphonique du lycée et sait ce qu'il a fait. Son frère a l'espoir qu'elle n'ait rien dit mais c'est sur-estimer Laurie qui s'est empressée de tout dire à leur père qui fait irruption dans la cuisine, furieux.

The Hub

Les filles arrivent. Tout de suite, Hyde embrouille Fez pour avoir la blonde. Le jeune étranger tombe évidemment dans le piège.

Van de Kelso

Jackie présente toutes ses peluches à son petit ami, qui s'en fiche royalement. Comme il finit par le lui dire, elle quitte la voiture.

Cuisine des Forman

Éric se justifie comme il peut et assure qu'il ne fume pas même personne ne le croit. Laurie jette bien évidemment de l'huile sur le feu et Kitty lui montre des photos de poumons de fumeurs. Red est furieux car cette exclusion a entaché son futur et il ne s'en rend même pas compte. Il s'imagine alors lors d'un entretien pour aller à l'université de Princeton, gâchée lorsque le responsable découvre ce petit écart.

De retour à la réalité, Red demande à son fils de fumer un paquet entier de cigarettes. Éric insiste à nouveau sur le fait qu'il ne fume pas mais rien n'y fait. Il doit s'exécuter.

Allée des Forman

Éric passe le râteau pour ramasser feuilles sous la supervision de Red. Bob vient se plaindre auprès de son ami ; il pense que les mauvaises notes de Donna sont dues à Éric et sa mauvaise influence. Red défend son fils et lui fait remarquer que c'est plutôt à cause du comportement de ses parents. Mais comme d'habitude, Bob ne comprend pas le message et s'en va.


Kelso roule au pas et Jackie marche à côté, il veut la convaincre de rentrer mais elle refuse.

Cuisine des Pinciotti

Éric vient voir Donna pour obtenir des excuses, ce qu'il obtient. Sa petite amie comprend enfin que son comportement va un peu loin. Ils s'embrassent et Bob fait irruption dans la pièce. Il n'est pas très content mais Donna ne plie pas et sort pour le provoquer. Éric la suit, très embarrassé.

The Hub

Les adolescents se découvrent. Hyde comprend qu'il a choisi une chrétienne coincée alors que Fez est face à une vraie rebelle. De nouveau, il embobine Fez pour échanger et une fois de plus, ça fonctionne.


Jackie refuse toujours de monter dans la voiture malgré les menaces de Kelso de partir.

The Hub

Fez s'amuse comme un petit fou et Hyde aussi. Mais la jeune fille brune doit s'en aller car elle doit réviser. Mary, la blonde, invite Fez à partager une petite baignade en jacuzzi chez elle car ses parents ne sont pas là.

Allée des Forman

Eric et Donna discutent alors que Kitty sort fumer, puis Laurie fait de même. Elle jette son mégot et Éric l'écrase au moment où Red arrive. Une fois de plus, son père croit le prendre en flagrant délit de mensonge. Kitty lui cherche des excuses mais Donna dit la vérité. Laurie, comprenant que son frère n'aura plus d'ennuis, rentre dans la maison. Donna et Kitty s'éclipsent, chacune de leurs côtés. Red s'excuse auprès de son fils du bout des lèvres, sous prétexte qu'il lui a menti à de nombreuses reprises par le passé. Éric provoque son père en affirmant avoir apprécié fumer le paquet de cigarettes. Son père le menace de lui mettre un bon coup de pied aux fesses.

Van de Kelso

Kelso finit par céder et accepte de lui laisser mettre quelques animaux dans le van. Jackie rentre dans le véhicule, ravie.

Jardin de Mary

Fez et Mary sont dans le jacuzzi et semblent avoir passé un bon moment. Cependant, elle tient à lui dire que bien qu'ils se soient embrassés, elle a un petit ami à l'université et ne compte pas aller plus loin. Fez le prend bien.

Sous-sol des Forman

Donna retrouve Éric et lui explique qu'elle a tout dit à ses parents, qui l'ont privé de sortie. Elle est très heureuse mais cela ne l'a pas empêché de sortir tout de même. Éric lui dit alors qu'elle n'est pas obligée de fumer ou de ne pas travailler pour attirer l'attention de ses parents. Elle peut toujours coucher avec lui. Donna comprend qu'il plaisante et l'embrasse.


Comme Jackie a une fois de plus exagéré et a installé toutes ses peluches dans la voiture, c'est Kelso qui est sorti a présent du véhicule. Sa petite amie le menace de partir mais Kelso ne plie pas. Jackie met cependant sa menace à exécution et accélère, obligeant Kelso à courir pour la suivre.



Hyde, Eric and Donna are standing outside in the car park

DONNA: Hey, check it out, I’ve got an F on my rapport card.
ERIC: An F? What did you fail?
DONNA: English!
ERIC: Isn’t that...what we speak?
HYDE: Hey, I got a B in Spanish! When did I start taking Spanish?

Donna lights up a cigarette

ERIC: Wow Donna! That’s a cigarette!
HYDE: Even worse, it’s a menthol! You’re gonna get suspended little lady!
ERIC: When did you start smoking?
DONNA: Well you just saw me light it!
ERIC: It’s haha, come on Donna, you know smoking causes cancer.
DONNA: I know, but it makes me look cool, so it’s an even trade. Hold this (she hands Eric the cigarette, he holds it at an arms lenght)
HYDE: Jeez Forman! Hold it like a man would ya?!
ERIC: Shut up! (he holds the cigarette like he’s smoking it and leans against the car) Wow Donna, first you fail English, now you’re smoking. Can I ask you, what are you doing?!
DONNA: Smoking...failing.
TEACHER: Hey Forman! Smoking on school property?
DONNA: No that’s not his, that’s mine!
ERIC: No, it’s ehh...it’s mine (he takes a drag from the cigarette and leaves it in his mouth) Yeah! Mmm! Menthol!
DONNA: Eric! Quit it!
TEACHER: Yeah okay! Let’s go Forman (he drags Eric back into the school)
HYDES (pickes up the cigarette): Dios mio, no es bueno!



Donna, Kelso, Eric and Hyde are sitting at a table

HYDE: Eric Formans first suspension! I’m so proud!
KELSO: No wait, back up, why did you get suspended?
DONNA: Cause he’s stupid!
KELSO: They can do that?!
DONNA: No, he told them it was his cigarette, and that’s stupid!
ERIC: Please Donna, stop, don’t fall all over yourself thanking me.
DONNA: I didn’t need your help!
HYDE: Yeah Forman, I think she wants to get in trouble. It’s Donna’s little cry for help. “Help me, help me” ! We hear you Donna, and we love you.
DONNA: Get bend, you guys are jerks! (she leaves)
KELSO: Why am I a jerk, I don’t even know what’s going on!
ERIC: This is great. Why did I even take the fall? I mean Donna doesn’t care and Red’s gonna kill me.
HYDE: Relax Forman, he’s not gonna... O wait did you say kill you? Hahahaha, yeah you’re right!
ERIC: Hyde this isn’t funny, Red isn’t on screw ups. Getting suspended from school is right up there with...backing up over my mom.
KELSO: Hey man, having a chick is about sacrifice. Like Jackie, she wants do decorate my van with some of her girly stuff right. So I tell her she can have one stuffed animal. In the glovebox! See, sacrifice!
HYDE: Kelso, remember how you used to put your whole fist in your mouth?
KELSO: Yeah!
HYDE: Do it now!
KELSO: Damn why is everybody so crabby today?!

Fez and Jackie come in, carrying a suitcase

KELSO: What’s in the suitcase?
JACKIE: Stuffed animals for in the van remember? Look Michael, I know we agreed on just one. But then I got to think, and well, I want them all!
KELSO: But...!
JACKIE: But WHAT Michael?!
KELSO: But...!....Okay....
HYDE: Ooooh ease up on her Kelso...
ERIC: Sacrifice is hard

Kelso and Jackie leave, Fez takes a seat

FEZ: So, my hostparents send me up on a blind date and she has a friend for you Hyde.
HYDE: Finally, somebody to love!
FEZ: And it gets better! They’re not even blind! (Eric and Hyde don’t laugh) Get it? Blind? (still no response) Screw you, that’s funny!


BOB: Oh hi honey, you’re mom and I are going out tonight. It’s happy hour are Swingels.
DONNA: What’s Swingels?
BOB: It’s a singles bar.
MIDGE: No, it’s a swingers bar!
BOB: It’s both.
DONNA: And you’re neither!
BOB: Don’t get involved Donna, this is grown-up stuff.
DONNA: Well, before you go, there’s my rapport card
BOB: An F? Donna, we’re very disappointed, and we’re gonna have a long talk about this!
MIDGE: Yes we are! Right after happy hour.
BOB: Provided we don’t meet anyone.
DONNA: Alright, I’ve learned my lesson, and I’ll be sure to try harder.
BOB: There’s our girl!
MIDGE (as they leave): Oh, wish us luck!


Laurie is reading a magazine, Eric walks in

LAURIE: Welcome home smoker!
ERIC: Oh no...
LAURIE: The school just called. You’re lucky I answered the phone and not dad.
ERIC: You didn’t tell?
LAURIE: Eric! Ofcourse I didn’t tell!

Red walks in

RED: Well, if it isn’t Mister Smoker!
LAURIE: Oh wait...yes I did...


Fez and Hyde are sitting at a table, waiting for their dates

FEZ: I’m nervous!
HYDE: Don’t be nervous, you’ll get sweaty.
FEZ: Oh no, too late! I can’t help it, this is my first official American date!
HYDE: That’s why I’m here Fez, to help you out man. Unless they’re uggo’s, and then I’m gone.
FEZ: There they are! And they’re not even uggo’s!
HYDE: Oh they’re hot! The blond is blond...and hot!
FEZ: Yes, and since I set us up on this date, she’s mine, right?
HYDE: Well I can see why you’d think that, but actually, since I came along to help you out, American custom dictates that I get the blond.
FEZ: Once again, the local custom bones the foreign guy.
HYDE: America man! Love it or leave it.


JACKIE: This, this is Camomile the camel, he can sit in the backseat. But Lama Cass here, she has to sit up in the front with us!
KELSO: Jackie, it’s just... I thought all you wanted was to put in one little animal.
JACKIE: Well I know Michael, but this way, there will be even more things to remind you of me. Don’t you like thinking about me?
KELSO: No ofcourse I do, the thing is, how can I say this without hurting your feelings... Oh okay, I don’t want you stupid things in my cool van!
JACKIE: OH! (she leaves the van)
KELSO (goes after her): NO! I didn’t say you were stupid, just everything you like!


Red, Laurie, Kitty and Eric are having dinner

RED: Congratulations Eric, you got suspended. Are you getting dumber?
ERIC: Gee I don’t think so. Look dad, I don’t smoke.
LAURIE: Daddy, if Eric’s a smoker, and he lies about smoking, doesn’t that make him a smoking liar?
KITTY: Okay you know that’s enough. Eric have some more pot roast, here is some mashed potatoes and here is a photo of a cancerous lung...
ERIC: WOW! Mom, gross! Look, I don’t smoke!
KITTY: Okay, well either way, that is what’s gonna happen to your lungs if you keep on smoking.
RED: Well the way he is screwing up his life, death will be a sweet release.
ERIC: So I’ve got that to look forward to...
RED: You got suspended pal! How do you think your college interviews are gonna go?

Eric imagines himself at a college interview

MAN (with Red’s voice): Well...looks like we have a model student here! Excellent grades, secretary treasure of the AV-club...Uhoh, what’s this?! You were suspended?!
ERIC (with Kitty’s voice): Yes, sir, for smoking UCHE-UCH
MAN (with Red’s voice): Well, we can’t have a loser like you at our school! I’m sorry to say you’re not Princeton material dumb-ass!
ERIC (with Kitty’s voice): Oh if only UCHE-UCH I’d listened UCHE UCHE to my mother UCHE-UUUCHH (coughs up some phlegm) Sorry...

Back in the kitchen

ERIC: What a lesson I have learned...can I go?
RED: Sure...Right after you smoke this entire pack of cigarettes!
LAURIE: Yay Daddy! Oeh, tear off the filters!
ERIC: Dad, you can’t be serious...
RED: Have I ever NOT been serious?
ERIC: Dad, I’m telling you the truth, okay you have to take my word for it, I don’t smoke!
RED: Your word huh...
ERIC: It’s all a man has.
KITTY: Oh now that’s nice!
RED: What a load of crap! Light up! (throws Eric the packet)


Eric is sweeping, Red is sitting on the porch, Bob walks by

BOB: Hey, I heard Eric got suspended?!
RED: Yeah and we’re all real proud!
BOB: I’ll tell you what Red, I think Donna’s been having trouble because Eric’s a bad influence!
RED: Could be...but did you ever think the way you and Midge act like idiots that might be screwing her up?
BOB: Nope, I’m pretty sure it’s Eric.
RED: Well, that’s kinda stupid Bob.
BOB: Well I guess the truth hurts.
RED: So does a swift kick in the ass!
BOB: Alright I’m going! But a swift kick in the ass is not the solution to everything Forman!
RED: I gotta disagree Bob! (Bob leaves)
ERIC: Gee Dad, thanks...


Kelso is behind the wheel of his van, driving alongside a pissed off Jackie

KELSO: Jackie! Get in the van!
KELSO: Jackie! Get in the van!
KELSO (soft): Get in the van...
KELSO (soft): Jackie...
KELSO (shouting): Jackie! Get in the van!
JACKIE: ....

Kelso starts hitting the dashboard with a stuffed animal: OH!!


Donna sitting at the table, Eric comes in

ERIC: Hey.
ERIC: So, what do you wanna do, you wanna watch some TV or eat some ice cream or.. I don’t know, apologize to me?
DONNA: I’m sorry!
ERIC: Well you should be! Okay, I’m sorry, I was expecting more of a fight.
DONNA: Did you get in a lot of trouble for of the cigarette?
ERIC: Surprisingly, yes. Turns out Red has a temper, so yeah...who knew...
DONNA: Really?
ERIC: And..uh... your dad doesn’t like me anymore.
DONNA: That’s okay. Cause I do! (they kiss)

Bob walks in

BOB: What is HE doing here?
DONNA (on Eric’s lap): Who?
ERIC: Maybe you should get off me so I could like...run away?
BOB: You better get outta here!
DONNA: Okay, FINE, I’ll get outta here! (gets up)
ERIC: Actually I think he was talking to me...
DONNA: Come on!
ERIC (gets up): Uh okay boy this is awkward, with Donna and the yelling and uh...(Bob looks at him, angry, Eric leaves)


Hyde and Fez are talking with their dates

MARY: So then my pastor said it’s okay to get a B once in a while, nobody’s perfect! Except (she points upwards) you know who!
HYDE: You know, it’s so refreshing to meet someone who’s believes are the complete opposite of mine...
MARY: Well I’m episcopalian and my best friend’s presbyterian, but we’re still best friends! It’s hard work, but..it’s worth it!
HYDE: I bet you make really good punch huh...
MARY: Oh my gosh the best!
PATTY: I mean, the teachers say they deserve our respect, but they don’t! I mean who are they to teach us about history and maths?
FEZ: Hm. I do feel rebellious sexual tensions
PATTY: I mean, it’s like Malcolm X said, by any means necessary!
HYDE: You like Malcolm X?
FEZ: Hey, who doesn’t like Malcolm X?
PATTY: You heard of Malcolm X in Panama?
FEZ: Oh no, I’m not from Panama, I’m from...
HYDE: Hey Fez, come here (Fez gets up) American custom be damned, I want you to have the blond!
FEZ: Oh my God! Blondes are notorious whores! Thank you Hyde!
HYDE: Not a problem (they switch chairs and thus, girls)
FEZ (to Mary): Hi! (to Patty): Bye!


Kelso is still behind the wheel of his van, still driving alongside a pissed off Jackie

KELSO: Come on Jackie. Just get in the van...
KELSO: Jackie. Just get in the van...
KELSO: Jackie...
KELSO: Get in the...
KELSO: Jackie...
KELSO: Jackie-get-in-the-van!
KELSO: Alright. I’m just gonna leave now...
JACKIE: Bye...
KELSO: Ah dammit Jackie GET IN THE VAN!


The guys are still on their date

MARY: Well I heard G-11, so naturally I yelled out: BINGO! Boy was the pastor cheesed at me...
FEZ: Great story...So you are a blond?
MARY: Yeah, natural!
HYDE: I can’t believe you like all the same bands that I like!
PATTY: Yeah, I just like music that’s passionate and rebellious and really pisses off my dad!
MARY: Oh Patty don’t say ‘piss’! OH!
HYDE: Hey, you know what’ll really piss off you dad? You and me grab a twelvepack and stay out all night!
PATTY: I can’t. I have a big test tomorrow.
HYDE: That’s funny. Let’s go.
PATTY: No really, I’ve gotta go study.
HYDE: Study? You don’t study, you’ve got a tattoo!
PATTY: Hyde, rebellion is cool and all, but I want to get into a good college so I can fight the system from the inside. It was nice meeting you though! Mary?
MARY: Oh no, go ahead without me... So Fez, uhm, my parents aren’t home, wanna come back to my house? I have a hot-tub!
FEZ: That would be super! (They leave, leaving Hyde behind)


ERIC: Donna is it me, or does your dad hating me make me even more sexy?
DONNA: Sure.
ERIC: Yeah, I think he senses my bad-boyness...
DONNA: Yeah Eric, you’re a parents worst nightmare
ERIC: Yes. Yes I am!

Kitty sneaks backwards out of the kitchen door and lights up a cigarette

ERIC: Mom what are you doing?!
KITTY (tries to hide cigarette): Nothing! And you (points to Eric with cigarette) you just you do as I say and not as I do!

Laurie walks by

LAURIE: Ahh hey mom, cool, give me a drag (she takes the cigarette)
KITTY: Okay, now see, Laurie is doing as I do, that is wrong!
RED: What is going on out here?

Laurie drops the cigarette, Eric puts it out with his foot

RED: Eric!! Are you smoking again?!
LAURIE: I think he is daddy!
KITTY: No he is not!
KITTY: I think this might be my fault, I think he is just imitating me so he can look cool.
DONNA: Mr. and Mrs. Forman, Eric got caught holding my cigarette at school. I’m the one who was smoking.
KITTY (looking at Red): Ooooww...
RED: Well Donna, thank you for your honesty.
ERIC: WHAT?! How come you believe HER?! I told you I don’t smoke!
DONNA: Okay, I’m gonna go home now, so...goodnight! (she leaves)
LAURIE (upset): Eric’s not in trouble now?! FINE! (she leaves)
KITTY: Well now...I think you have something to say to Eric.
RED: Oh yeah...(pats Eric on the back) Nice job on the driveway...
RED: Okay, just...(he gestures that she has to leave. To Eric): Okay, I’m gonna say I’m sorry but you know...you do lie a lot!
ERIC: What have I lied about?!
RED: You lied about the beer keg, the dent in the VistaCruiser, you lied when you said you weren’t taking the car out of town!
ERIC: What, you knew about that?!
RED: I do now!
RED: Ha! We’re even!
ERIC: Oh dad, you’ve got to be kidding me.
RED: Okay. I’m sorry I made you smoke all those cigarettes.
ERIC: Okay, yeah. That’s okay. Actually I kinda liked them...
RED: Watch it!
ERIC: Nah, I think they’ll go great with beer! (he goes inside)
RED: So does a swift kick in the ass!


Kelso is still behind the wheel of his van, still driving alongside a pissed off Jackie

KELSO: Jackie, get in the van!

Kelso hits the brakes

KELSO: Okay FINE! I GIVE UP, I GIVE UP! You can keep your stuffed animals in the van.
JACKIE: Do you really mean it?
KELSO: Yeah, just one.
KELSO: Three.
KELSO: Deal! (They shake hands and they kiss)
KELSO: Ah alright..Five!
KELSO: FIVE! (Jackie runs to get into the van)


Fez and Mary are sitting in the hot-tub

FEZ: So, you have me in your tub. If you tried to send a sexy message, then message recieved!
MARY: Well Fez, I know we made out in my parents bedroom and I know we frenched in the poolhouse and I know that may seem romantic to some people...
FEZ: Tell me something I don’t know!
MARY: I have a boyfriend.
FEZ: See, that I did not know!
MARY: Fez I really like you, but he’s in college and we’re still faithful.
FEZ: I see. You know, there are many ways to remain faithful yet still have fun!
MARY: Really?
FEZ: Oh yes! (he takes off his swimming pants) Ahhh, that’s much better!


Donna walks in

ERIC: Hey.
DONNA: So I told Bob and Midge that it was my cigarette.
ERIC: And how did that go?
DONNA: Really good, they grounded me.
ERIC: Cool. So what are you doing over here?
DONNA: Snuck out. Being grounded makes it so much naughtier! (they kiss)
ERIC: You know Donna, I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but failing classes is not the only way to get attention from your parents, I mean, for instance, a lot of girls when they’re having a bad time at home just...go slutty!
DONNA: You know what Eric? You’re right! Let’s have sex RIGHT NOW!
ERIC: Really?
ERIC: Stop doing that!


Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !