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#211 : Laurie déménage

Laurie déménage, et Red s'inquiète que son petit bébé parte si tôt.
Jackie suspecte Kelso de l'avoir trompé lorsqu'elle apprend que Laurie a renvoyé à son petit-ami un t-shirt qu'elle aurait retrouvé dans sa chambre. Hyde conseille à Kelso de tout nier en bloc.


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Laurie Moves Out

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Laurie déménage

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Jackie confronte Kelso qui a le soutien de Hyde

Jackie confronte Kelso qui a le soutien de Hyde

Donna et Eric

Donna et Eric

Laurie et son père

Laurie et son père

Le trio Forman

Le trio Forman

Plus de détails

Absences de Midge et Bob.

Cuisine des Forman

Red est perdu dans ses pensées. Il déprime car Laurie va quitter la maison pour emménager avec une amie. Il demande à Éric quand il compte faire de même. Son fils lui rétorque qu'il ne le fera jamais car il est trop bien ici. Kitty ne semble pas inquiète du tout au sujet du départ de sa fille et essaie de rassurer son mari. Éric se rend compte que la chambre de sa sœur est libre et demande s'il peut l'avoir mais Red l'a déjà promis à Hyde.

Chambre de Laurie

Laurie emballe ses dernière affaires lorsque Hyde arrive pour prendre possession des lieux. Il est étonnée que ce soit une chambre féminine avec tous les hommes qu'il a pu voir y entrer. Kelso les rejoint et est euphorique car il va enfin pouvoir venir la voir librement sans risque de tomer sur Jackie. Cependant, Laurie est claire, il ne viendra jamais dans son appartement. Hyde s'éclipse avant de rappeler à Laurie qu'elle doit se dépêcher.

Kelso ne comprend pas la réaction de Laurie, qui lui révèle enfin qu'il représentait juste un moyen de passer le temps lorsqu'il n'y avait rien à la télévision. Le jeune homme est furieux.

Salon des Forman

Jackie regarde la télévision quand Laurie, Hyde et Kelso arrivent. Jackie dit au revoir à Laurie, qui donne ensuite un tee-shirt à Kelso qu'elle aurait retrouvé dans sa chambre. Kelso essaie de s'en tirer comme il peut mais Jackie remarque qu'il y a son nom cousu sur le tee-shirt. Pourtant, Kelso s'enfonce dans son mensonge et persiste à dire que le vêtement appartient à Éric. Hyde le regarde s'enliser et jubile.

Garage des Forman

Donna confie à Éric qu'elle est ravie que Laurie s'en aille car elle n'aura plus à mentir à Jackie. Son petit ami lui fait alors remarquer qu'elle aura plus de temps pour le chouchouter. Jackie les interrompt et demande à parler seule à Donna. Elle n'est pas dupe et sent qu'il se passe quelque chose entre Kelso et Laurie. Son ami est gênée et n'ose rien dire.

Chambre de Laurie

Fez admire la décoration de la chambre et fait remarquer à Hyde qu'il a intérêt à la changer car elle fait plutôt gay. Kelso arrive et n'est pas très content après Hyde, qu'il accuse de vouloir le faire prendre par Jackie. Mais Hyde lui fait comprendre qu'il jubile juste de le voir s'enfoncer et que s'il se trahit, ce sera entièrement de sa faute.

Cuisine des Forman

Red continue de s'inquiéter et se demande si c'est une bonne idée d'avoir laissé la chambre de sa fille à Hyde. Il craint en effet que le jeune homme change trop de choses. Encore une fois, Kitty essaie de dédramatiser la situation afin que son mari se sente mieux.

Appartement de Laurie

Red et Éric ont décidé de surprendre Laurie en lui amenant le petit déjeuner. Lorsque la porte s'ouvre, ils se retrouvent nez-à-nez avec un jeune homme. Red croit alors s'être trompé d'appartement mais Éric n'est pas dupe et demande si sa sœur est là. Le jeune homme l'appelle et Laurie arrive. Elle est sans voix face à son père, qui préfère s'en aller sans un mot. Éric le suit, hilare.

Cuisine des Forman

Red revient avec son fils. Il est furieux et délivre une litanie sur les jeunes d'aujourd'hui puis quitte la pièce. Kitty devine que sa fille vit avec un garçon. Elle s'assure juste auprès d'Éric qu'il ne s'agit que d'un seul homme avant d'être rassurée.

Sous-sol des Forman

Les garçons font leur cercle habituel. Éric annonce la bonne nouvelle à tout le monde. Kelso déprime car Jackie le soupçonne et il n'a plus Laurie. Steve se moque à nouveau de lui et lui conseille d'apprendre à jouer les innocents. Éric continue à jubiler et se ressasse la scène dans sa tête. Fez voudrait que Kelso dise toute la vérité à Jackie....pour mieux la récupérer. Hyde prend alors pitié pour son ami et promet de l'aider.

Cuisine des Forman

Red se demande alors ce qu'il a loupé et demande à Éric s'il est un bon père. Son fils s'en fiche complètement, toujours euphorique et peine à lui répondre. Red finit par lui intimer de quitter la pièce. Kitty essaie une nouvelle fois de calmer son mari et l'informe qu'elle a invité Laurie pour le dîner afin d'apaiser les esprits.

Salon des Forman

L'ambiance est glaciale autour de la table. Éric essaie d'envenimer les choses et cherche sa sœur, qui tente une fois de plus d'être défendue par son mère. Red est trop furieux et donne raison à son fils, faisant comprendre à sa fille que son choix de vie est immoral. Éric essaie alors de défendre sa sœur mais Red ne veut rien entendre et quitte la table.

Pour détendre l'atmosphère, Hyde complimente Kitty sur sa cuisine tandis que Laurie remercie son frère, puis les deux garçons s'éclipsent. Kitty avoue alors à sa fille qu'elle se doutait de tout. Laurie est en colère et rejette la faute sur sa mère, qui aurait du tout dire à son père et éviter tout ce drame. Déçue, Kitty s'en va.

Sous-sol des Forman

Jackie questionne Kelso. Le jeune homme entend les conseils de Hyde dans sa tête et s'en sort maladroitement. En effet, Jackie n'est plus très dupe....

Chambre de Laurie

Kitty vient sermonner Red. Il doit accepter que sa fille a grandi et qu'elle n'est pas forcément une adulte exemplaire, il doit également ne pas le rejeter ou alors il n'est pas un bon père. Red reconnaît qu'il a été un idiot.

Salon des Forman

Éric et Laurie regardent la télé, le frère essaie de taquiner la sœur mais cette dernière est tellement déprimée qu'elle n'a plus la force de répondre. Red arrive pour parler à sa fille, Eric rejoint sa chambre. Kitty écoute la discussion. Red s'excuse et réalise qu'il l'aime même si elle fait des erreurs plutôt stupides. Laurie demande alors à revenir vivre avec eux, ce que son père accepte avant d'aller dans la cuisine. Kitty rejoint alors sa fille et devine que son petit ami a du la laisser tomber. Laurie lui rétorque qu'il est retournée vivre avec sa femme. Kitty est une fois de plus déçue par le comportement de sa fille et se rend dans la cuisine pour prendre un cachet.

Chambre de Laurie

Hyde barricade la chambre pendant que Laurie frappe à la porte. Il ne compte pas retourner dormir au sous-sol maintenant. Manque de chance pour lui, la porte s'ouvre vers l'extérieur et Red parvient à rentrer.


Red and Eric are sitting at the table, Kitty is preparing something

KITTY: So uhm, Laurie is almost all packed.

RED: I can’t believe my little girl is moving out. Which reminds me, (to Eric) when are you leaving?

ERIC: NEVER! Cause I LOVE it here!

RED: Right. Kitty, do you really think this is a good idea? I mean it might be a little soon for her to be on her own.

KITTY: Red, she’s gonna be fine, she’s gonna split rent with a girlfriend.

RED: She doesn’t even have a job!

KITTY: Well she is gonna get a job!

ERIC: Oh, that reminds me, can I have her room?

RED: No, I already gave it to Stephen.

ERIC: But I’m your son! Daddy?


Laurie is standing at her dressing table, Hyde walkes in

HYDE: Man , would you look at this place? It’s kinda girlie.

LAURIE: It’s a girls room Hyde.

HYDE: Oh, so all those guys, they were just passing through? Well, that’s over. Welcome to Hydeville baby!

LAURIE: You know, if I cared about this dump at all, that would totally creep me out.

HYDE: Come on Laurie, you’re gonna miss your room. It’s not like you have no feelings. Ever. About anything.

KELSO: YES! I’m so psyched!

LAURIE: Owww, did you finally figure out how a thermos works?

KELSO: Noooo, I’m psyched about your new place you know. Cause whenever we fool around here I’m always afraid that Jackie’s gonna catch us. And I don’t wanna hurt her, cause I love her. So this is great, it solves everything.

LAURIE: Kelso, you are not allowed anywhere near my new place. EVER!

KELSO: Laurie...

HYDE: You know what, you freaks, you got about two minutes to deal with this little drama here, then get the hell out of my room! (he leaves)

KELSO: Wow, I see what’s going on here, you’re breaking up with me.

LAURIE: No. For me to break up with you, there would have to be something between us to break.

KELSO! OHHH! I cannot believe that you’re being SUCH a...

LAURIE: Bitch? Duhhh! Look Kelso, it was fun, and sweaty and all, but you’re just a guy I fooled around with when there was nothing good on TV. Sorry. (she leaves)

KELSO: Well, maybe there won’t be anything good on TV at your new place! Oh DAMN there is always something good on TV! (he leaves)



Jackie is watching TV, Laurie, Kelso and Hyde come down the stairs

HYDE: Hey Kelso, look who’s here! It’s Jackie! Hi Jackie!

JACKIE: God Laurie, I can’t believe you’re moving! I know we didn’t spend much time together, but I think some of my good taste was rubbing off on you. And I’m so happy for that!

LAURIE: Thanks Jackie! (they hug) I’m gonna miss you too! Oh Kelso, I almost forgot, I found a t-shirt of you when I was cleaning out my room (she hands him the shirt and leaves)

HYDE: Say..how did that get there?

KELSO: That’s funny, this isn’t even mine! Yeah I know, this must be Eric’s shirt.

JACKIE (grabs the shirt): Your mom sewed your name in it Michael!

KELSO: MAN, Eric’s gonna be pissed huh! Jackie see, I borrowed Eric’s shirt cause mine wasn’t working right. And uh then my mom must have sewed my name in it.

JACKIE: Hm, I don’t know Michael.

KELSO: What, do you think I’m lying? Jackie, if I were lying, I’d come up with a lot better lie then that.

HYDE: Yeah, you’d think so!


Eric and Donna on the couch

DONNA: So Laurie is definitely moving out? And it’s definitely over with her and Kelso?

ERIC: Well, she is moving all the way across town, I mean, she is slutty but.. I mean she hates to commute.

DONNA: Good. Good, because Kelso is a rat-bastard and I’m not covering for him.

ERIC: Donna relax, it’s over. So now you can get back to pleasing your man.

JACKIE (comes in): Eric please leave. I have to talk to Donna alone.

ERIC: Well okay, ‘cause I mean, it’s not like this is my home or any...

JACKIE: ERIC! (he leaves)

DONNA: Jackie, you have something you wanna ask me?

JACKIE: See, I’m kinda worried about Michael and Laurie. I mean, she found his t-shirt in her room, and he said it wasn’t his even though it had his name in it. And at that time I believed him. But now I can’t remember why. But if there is something going on, I think I wanna know. But I don’t wanna know. That even if I wanna know, you know?

DONNA: I’m supposed to say...?

JACKIE: Donna, you’re supposed to say that there is nothing going on, that Michael loves me and we’re together and that’s all that matters.

DONNA: That sounds good.

JACKIE: GOD you’re so NAIVE!

DONNA: Isn’t there like someone else you could talk to about this?

JACKIE: Yeah well, I used to have this penpal in Nicaragua, but she just stopped writing after that hurricane-thingy


Hyde is sitting at her dressing table, Fez is walking around

FEZ: Your new room is very pretty. Like a flower, or a girl. You know, people might see this room and think you are a gay.

HYDE: I don’t think so Fez.

FEZL Oh Hyde, you would be surprised how easily people can make that mistake.

Kelso walkes in

KELSO: Hey Hyde, thanks for your help with Jackie man.

HYDE: Sure thing man.

KELSO: Okay Hyde, do you know what sarcasm is?


KELSO: Hyde man, you almost got me caught!

HYDE: I almost got you caught? “My mom sewed my name in Eric’s shirt” ? You’re so lame man.

KELSO: You know, half the time you act like you want me to get caught.

HYDE: Kelso, you’re my friend, I don’t want you to get caught, cause if you get caught then my fun is over. So I’m just trying to prolong your suffering.

KELSO: Well okay, that’s a little better.

HYDE: Allright, friends for life baby! (they shake hands)


Red is in the kitchen, Kitty enters with some laundry

KITTY: Well Stephen is getting all settled in.

RED: He better not change anything, I don’t want him messing with my little girl’s room. You know how he is, messy, dirty, foul. What if she has to move back home?

KITTY: Oh Red, she is gonna be fine.

RED: I know Kitty, you think that she is all grown up, but there is still a lot that she doesn’t know. I mean what if her place doesn’t have a deadbolt? Or smoke-detector?

KITTY: Red, you don’t have to baby her, she’s twenty!

RED: You’re never too old to burn to death in a fire!


Eric is carrying a smoke-detector, Red has a box with breakfast

RED: Well would you look at this, she found a place in a nice neighbourhood.

ERIC: Ain’t she something...

Red knocks on Laurie’s door

RED: Well I hope she hasn’t had breakfast yet. Or a fire.

MAN (opens door): Can I help you?

RED: Duhhh..no we got the wrong appartment I guess. Sorry.

MAN: Not a problem.

ERIC: No wait, is Laurie there?

MAN: Oh yeah, hold on a second...Honey?

Laurie comes to the door with a toothbrush in her mouth, she sees Red and the toothbrush drops to the floor.

LAURIE: Hi Daddy!

Red walks off without saying anything. Eric starts to laugh and follows him


Red burst into the door, Kitty sits at the table

RED: ...go to hell!!

KITTY: Honey, what’s wrong?

RED: Everyhting is wrong! Damn kids today, they wouldn’t know responsibility if it walked up and bit ‘m in the ass! Get a job, phah, it’s just party all night, dance all day, and sex everywhere in between! Sydney! (he leaves)

KITTY: Laurie is living with a boy?

ERIC: Yes.

KITTY: Just one boy right?

ERIC: Yeah I think so.

KITTY: Now see, it could have been worse.


ERIC: Laurie’s busted! This is, and I don’t think I’m exaggerating here, the greatest day in the history of time.

FEZ: Except maybe the day cheese was invented. I love the cheese!

HYDE: Wow man, she’s gone one day, and she’s already got a new guy. Kelso you heartbreaker you...

KELSO: I’m having a horrible day. Laurie’s gone and Jackie is all suspicious of me, and I’m getting no lovin’. None! I can’t be me without lovin’.

HYDE: Kelso, if you wanna keep Jackie man, and trust me, you don’t, , let’s practice. So, did you fool around with Laurie?

KELSO: You know I did!

HYDE: Dumbass NO MAN! Complete denial! Watergate! Learn! Did you fool around with Laurie?

KELSO: Yeah. I mean NO, I mean..yeah, SEE this isn’t gonna work!

ERIC: It’s just so perfect if I could go back in time, I’d just relive that moment over and over again (he mimicks her expression) Hi daddy! (he mimicks her expression) Hi Daddy! (he mimicks her expression) Hi Daddy!

FEZ: Just tell Jackie the truth. Then, if she leaves you for another man, whoever he might be, no hard feelings. You do not need Jackie. Sweet, luscious Jackie...

HYDE: You are an evil little foreign man. Don’t ever change. Look Kelso allright, I’ll help you out with Jackie man, I’ll talk you through the whole thing step by step.

KELSO: Thanks man. Yeah I guess it was wrong what I did with Laurie, but I was just amusing myself you know. And that’s the key to life right? Never stop amusing yourself.

FEZ: Unless it starts to chafe. Then you should take a week off.


Eric is sitting at the table eating a sandwich, Red is comes in

RED: Eric, I’m asking you, have I been a bad father? Maybe I’ve been to hard on her. I mean for God’s sakes, I think I’m a fair man. Hey? Eric I’m talking to you!

ERIC: Does this need more mayonaise? (he sniggers)

RED: Get outta here!

ERIC: Thank you! (runs off)

RED: Boy Kitty we’ve got a pair to beat a full house, that’s for sure.

KITTY: Well Red, relax. You’re overreacting.

RED: I’M overreacting?! Well I’ll tell you what Kitty, people are gonna talk. Her living with that guy.

KITTY: Red, it doesn’t matter if people talk, Laurie is still a part of this family, which is why I invited her to dinner tonight.

RED: Oh no no no, Kitty, I’m not ready for that.

KITTY: Oh that’s sweet. The way you say that like you have a choice.

RED: Look Kitty...

KITTY: She’s coming! (she leaves)


Red, Eric, Laurie, Kitty and Hyde are having dinner

KITTY: Well I’m glad we’re all eating dinner together as a family.

ERIC: Yeah it’s nice. Especially since Laurie could make it from all the way across town. Where she lives. With some guy. In sin.

LAURIE: Will you ever hit puberty?

ERIC: Oh ow, but you know, what’s really sad, is that you’ve got no respect for yourself. For this family.

LAURIE: Daddy!

RED: Well he’s not wrong!

LAURIE: But Daddy!


RED: Well Kitty, who’s gonna buy the cow, when they get the milk for free?

ERIC: You know Dad, it’s not like she’s hooking. Or some other less... She’s just living with a guy and it is the seventies now right.

RED: What are you babling about?

ERIC: Well, maybe, maybe I just think you’re being a little hard on her.

RED: Well that’s nice Eric. But right now I’m too angry to pretend to give a crap about what you think! (he leaves)

HYDE: These are great potatoes Mrs. Forman!

LAURIE: Thanks Eric.

ERIC: Yeah sure.

KITTY: Okay why don’t you boys take your plates in and watch some McMillan and wife.

ERIC: You know just once today I’d like to finish a meal without being chased out of the room (Eric and Hyde take their plates and leave)

KITTY: Well Laurie, you better stop your lying and face up to this one. Just look at what you’re doing to your father.

LAURIE: Mom, I’m an adult okay?

KITTY: No no no, an adult would have told the truth, and not lied about moving with a girlfriend which I knew wasn’t true.

LAURIE: WELL MOM, if you already knew then why didn’t you tell Dad?! Then we wouldn’t be in this mess!

KITTY: Oh my God, Rosemary had a better baby then me... (she leaves)


Jackie and Kelso sitting on the couch

JACKIE: Okay, you’ve been acting kinda weird ever since Laurie gave you that t-shirt Michael.

Hyde’s head appears next to Kelso’s: First off, act innocent!

KELSO: I don’t know what you’re talking about Jackie.

Hyde’s head: Ofcourse, she’ll explain herself.

JACKIE: It’s like you’re hiding something.

Hyde’s head: But you just stick to your original story

KELSO: I’m sticking to my original story!

Hyde’s head: Now, she’ll be sceptical

Jackie: Uhuhhh...

Hyde’s head: So go on the offensive!

KELSO: You know Jackie, you’re just being paranoid! And that hurts...because you don’t trust me and other stuff...

Hyde’s head: And then, she’ll be so embarrased, she’ll cave and apologize to you

JACKIE: FINE! I believe you Michael, but know this: if you’re NOT telling the truth I wil find out, cause I’m smart, and you...aren’t!

Hyde’s head: And all you have to do is forgive her

KELSO (confused): O..kay...Jackie... I forgive you.


Red is standing near Laurie’s bed, Kitty comes in

KITTY: Red, I think you’re being a little hard in Laurie.

RED: I don’t care what anyone thinks. What she is doing is wrong. Now that I think back on it, I don’t know if I even knew that girl. Living with a guy. (he spots a poster on the wall) Is that a foreign car?! Oh jeez!

KITTY: Red, you have gone your whole life thinking she is just a little girl, but she is an adult now. And she is not a perfect one. Boy, is she not a perfect one! But you know what, you have to love your children even when they do things you don’t like or better yet, hate.

RED: You think you do a good job. You think that you teach your children the difference between right and wrong and this is what you get! Well, to hell with it!

KITTY: Okay. I guess we don’t love her anymore, let’s take all pictures of Laurie out of here and pretend she’s not ours and if we see her on the street let’s ignore het. No, let’s throw things at her.

RED: Well now you’re just being stupid.

KITTY: And you...’re not being a good father.

RED: Well........okay. Maybe I have been uh kinda of uh...

KITTY: A dumbass.

RED: I was gonna say unreasonable...

KITTY: Fine, fine, you were an unreasonable dumbass.

RED: Are you done now?

KITTY: I think I am (she kisses him and leaves)


Laurie and Eric sitting on the couch

ERIC: The Brady’s are such a nice family. I bet Mr. Brady never ?? Marcia. But then again, Marcia wasn’t so whory.

LAURIE (almost crying): No, she really wasn’t!

ERIC:What? No! Come on, this is our thing! You love this, I’m mean to you, you’re mean to me, so come on, hit me!

LAURIE (still upset): Sorry, I can’t. Not today.

Red comes down the stairs

RED: Eric, you were just leaving.

ERIC: Dad, I think maybe you should take it a little easy on her...

RED: Eric...

ERIC (to Laurie): You’re on your own... (he leaves)

RED: Laurie, I’ve been thinking. About the uh...the thing that happened. At the place you live. And uh I want you to know that I understand that you’re not my little girl anymore.

LAURIE: I like being your little girl!

RED: But you’re not. You’re my daughter. And you’re a grown-up. Who is going to do awful and stupid things. I’ll still love you.

LAURIE: I love you too. And I’m sorry. So Daddy, can I move back in?

RED: Oh yeah, okay! Good! (he hugs her) Yeah! Great to have you back! (he leaves)

Kitty comes down the stairs after listening to Red and Laurie

KITTY: So, your man-friend kicked you out didn’t he?

LAURIE: NO! He moved back in with his wife.

KITTY: Well I just, I need a little yellow pill (she leaves)


Kikavu ?

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