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#217 : La première fois

Eric est humilié lorsque Kelso lui apprend que Donna a dit à Jackie que ça c'était mal passé entre eux.
Kitty est étonnée quand Red célèbre son premier salaire en s'achetant une moto.


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After Glow

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La première fois

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Moment complice entre Donna et Eric

Moment complice entre Donna et Eric

Plus de détails

Chambre de Éric

Éric et Donna se rhabillent après avoir fait l'amour pour la première fois. Ils ont l'air mal à l'aise. Éric demande tout de même à sa partenaire si c'était bien, ce à quoi elle répond par l'affirmative. Lorsqu'elle demande à son tour, il lui assure qu'elle était plus que bien. Donna se rend compte qu'ils doivent se dépêcher s'ils veulent que personne ne s'aperçoive de leur disparition. Éric pense qu'ils vont devoir se trouver une excuse mais il ne peut se résoudre à mentir tellement il est fier. Donna le convainc de la laisser parler.

Réception du mariage

Hyde apprend à Fez comment mélanger les boissons pour faire de bons cocktails. Laurie approche Kelso pour savoir s'il l'ignore. Elle pense que c'est parce qu'elle l'a menacé de tout dire à Jackie mais le jeune homme lui assure que la chose les a au contraire rapproché.

Donna et Éric font leur apparition. Bob se dirige tout de suite vers eux pour leur demander où ils étaient. Ils sont un peu perdus et sont sauvés par Jackie qui vient se plaindre auprès de Donna car un de ses oncles l'approche de trop près. Elle se rend alors compte que quelque chose à changé sur son amie, on voit qu'il est écrit « J'ai fait l'amour » sur le visage de Donna. Jackie l'attire à l'extérieur pour discuter. Bob, seul avec Éric, le regarde et on voit écrit « Coupable » sur le visage du jeune homme.

Cuisine des Forman

Red a touché sa première paye et il compte bien faire des folies avec. Pour plaisanter, il propose à sa femme de faire un autre enfant. Mais en fait, il ne sait pas réellement ce qu'il veut en faire alors Kitty propose d'augmenter tout simplement le chauffage.

Perron des Pinciotti

Jackie veut tout savoir, dans le moindre détail mais Donna ne semble pas vouloir partager tant de choses. Son amie lui demande alors simplement comment c'était et devant son silence, Jackie en conclut que ce n'était pas génial. Donna essaie de tempérer, elle a été déçue par rapport à ce qu'elle en avait entendu et puis c'était un peu court. Pour Jackie, il est clair que Éric est nul au lit mais Donna s'insurge, ce n'est pas ce qu'elle a dit. Elle insiste pour que Jackie n'en touche pas un seul mot, à personne. Jackie promet.

Plus tard, Jackie a bien évidemment rompu sa promesse et en parle à Kelso, qui est ravi d'apprendre que son pote est nul au lit.

Sous-sol des Forman

Éric, Hyde et Fez regardent «Scoubidou » à la télévision. Fez est un grand fan. Hyde trouve que Éric sourit un peu trop, il finit par comprendre pourquoi et se réjouit que son ami ait enfin franchi le pas. Kelso arrive dans la pièce en courant. Hyde lui apprend la nouvelle et Kelso fait comme si de rien n'était. Il demande tout de même à Éric ses impressions et comme son ami avoue que c'était superbe, Kelso insiste. Éric comprend que quelque chose cloche et Kelso finit par vendre la mèche, fier de lui. Mais il demande de ne rien dire à Jackie. Éric est anéanti, Fez tente de lui remonter le moral comme il peut.

Allée des Forman

Red s'avance avec Kitty, la main devant ses yeux. Il a une surprise pour elle : une moto ! En la découvrant, Kitty perd son sourire. Elle n'est pas contente de cette acquisition et préfère tourner les talons pour rentrer chez elle.

Sous-sol des Forman

Donna rejoint Éric, qui lui tranquillement un magazine. Il reste froid à son entrée puis lui dit tout. Les deux jeunes gens finissent par se disputer. Donna savait que cela changerait leur couple. Éric, excédé, lui dit qu'ils ne devraient plus jamais faire l'amour. Donna s'en va et Éric regrette tout de suite ses paroles.

Allée des Forman

Red essaie de prouver à Kitty que cette moto pourrait être un bon investissement mais sa femme n'y croit pas. Elle lui rappelle qu'ils ont encore des dettes à payer, plus probablement les mariage de Laurie et les études supérieures d'Éric. Red finit par céder et lui propose de faire un petit tour avant de la rendre. Kitty monte dessus et commence à apprécier.

Van de Kelso

Jackie rejoint Kelso, furieuse. Il ne devait pas humilier Éric mais plutôt l'aider. Comme Kelso se vante, Jackie lui apprend qu'il était totalement nul la première fois. Mais Kelso ne semble pas se remettre en question alors Jackie préfère s'en aller. Elle croise Éric et lui dit pour Kelso, afin de lui remonter un peu le moral. Ça fonctionne.

Sous-sol des Forman

Les garçons font un cercle. Hyde se moque d'Éric. Kelso, vexé de ce que lui a dit Jackie finalement, prend sa défense et propose de l'aider. Éric se moque à son tour de Kelso et avoue à tout le monde ce que lui a dit Jackie. Fez se réjouit de la situation. Ils ont un mystère à résoudre puisqu'ils doivent aider Éric. Il avoue qu'il voudrait bien être « Scoubidou » et devenir un personnage de dessin animé. Le décor se transforme et le rêve de Fez est exaucé. Hyde reprend la discussion, il pense que Éric aurait du s'entraîner avant. Kelso l'appuie dans sa théorie, il est devenu meilleur en embrassant la sœur d'Éric. Pendant qu'Éric leur rappelle qu'il ne peut désormais plus s'entraîner, Fez glisse dans la conversation qu'il est encore vierge. Hyde pense alors que Éric doit vite trouver ce qui ne va pas et s'améliorer.

Allée des Forman

Red et Kitty reviennent, c'est elle qui conduit. Kitty a plus qu'apprécié la balade et decide finalement qu'ils ne doivent pas rendre la moto. Ils s'arrangeront comme ils pourront mais elle considère qu'elle travaille déjà assez beaucoup et a le droit de se faire plaisir. Son mari approuve.

Salon des Pinciotti

Laura interroge à tour de rôle sa mère, Kitty et Laurie sur leur première fois. Sa mère essaie tant bien que mal de lui faire croire que c'était avec son père, Laurie a complètement oublié comment il s'appelait et Kitty l'a fait quelques secondes après la cérémonie de mariage. Toutes ont la même conclusion en tout cas, ça ne s'est pas bien passé.

Plus tard, Éric retrouve Donna et s'excuse. Il pense qu'ils devraient continuer à le faire. Rien ne changera entre eux et tout ira bien car ils s'aiment. Ils doivent juste s'entraîner pour s'améliorer.

Chambre d'Éric

Les deux amoureux se rhabillent après avoir fait l'amour une seconde fois. Pour Donna, c'était un peu mieux. Éric est euphorique.

Cuisine des Forman

C'est l'heure du dîner. Kitty trouve que son fils mange beaucoup. Hyde laisse alors entendre qu'il a fait du sport, Éric entre dans son jeu et affirme qu'il a bien fait du sport. Red demande d'arrêter avec leurs sous-entendus. Éric ne peut redescendre de son petit nuage et demande à son père s'il va tout manger.


(Donna and Eric are in Eric's bedroom, putting clothes back on. They cast
nervous glances at each other, not exactly sure what to say.)

Eric: So. This is what it's like to not be a virgin!

Donna: Yeah. So…how are you?

Eric: Good. How are you?

Donna: Good!

Eric: Good.

Donna: Good.

Eric: It was good! (There's a pause.) Right?

Donna: I can honestly say, the best I've ever had. Was I good?

Eric: Were you good? Donna, you know how my mom's all over my back to write
thank you notes and I never do, well, trust me, you're getting a thank you note.

Donna: Ok. (She stands up.) We better get back downstairs before people start
wondering where we are.

Eric: Right. Oh! And we're gonna need a cover story, so…yeah, let's just tell
'em all we had sex.

Donna: No!

Eric: Yeah, I know, I'm kidding, uh…we'll say we went out for ice, because…we
needed to cool down from having sex!

Donna: Maybe I should do the talking.

Eric: Yeah, well, you know, try to work it in somewhere that we had sex, in
conversation, if it comes up. Gra-uh-gracefully!

(Donna shoves him out the door.)

(That 70's Show theme song plays.)
** ** **

(Fez and Hyde are milling around after the wedding. Hyde is holding a glass and
pouring half full drinks into it.)

Hyde: See Fez, you take all the partially consumed drinks, and mix 'em together
to combine one giant über drink! (Holds up the glass) In this case, Torn
Wallbanger Bloody Sunrise on the Beach!

(He takes a drink. Fez smiles.)

(Cut to Kelso and Laurie talking.)

Laurie: Kelso, have you been avoiding me?

Kelso: You kidding me? I'm right here, aren't I?

Laurie: It's just that ever since I threatened to tell Jackie about the two of
us, you've seemed distant.

Kelso: Laurie, that's just crazy, all right? You blackmailing me has just
brought us closer together.

(Cut to Donna and Eric walking back into the room where the wedding happened.
Bob is getting a drink, and they walk up to him.)

Bob: Hey, there kids, where've you two been?

Donna: God, Dad can't we be gone for a minute without you making all sorts of
accusations? I mean, god, it was just a minute!

Eric: To be fair, Donna, it was a little more than a minute.

(Bob looks at Eric suspiciously. Jackie walks up and taps Donna.)

Jackie: Donna, one of your drunken uncles is touching me. (Her face changes as
she looks at Donna.) Oh my god.

(The camera cuts to Donna's face, which has "I HAD SEX" written on it in big
black letters.)

Jackie: Oh my god! We need to talk. Right now!

(She pulls Donna out of the room. Bob turns to Eric and glowers at him.)

Eric: What?

(The camera cuts to Eric's face, which has "GUILTY" written on it in big black
letters. Bob just stares and glares at him.)

** ** **

(The Forman's kitchen. Kitty is still in her bridesmaid dress. Red is holding
the mail in his hand.)

Red: Yay, my first paycheck from Price Mart! The dark times are over, Kitty!

Kitty: Oh, honey, those weren't dark times, it was…an economic segue!

Red: Well, it's over. We should celebrate! Come on, Kitty, let's get you

(She hits him.)

Kitty: Red!

Red: I'm kidding! You know I can barely stand the kids we have! You know what we
should do? Treat ourselves to something nice.

Kitty: (She bangs on the table.) I know! We can turn on the heat!

** ** **

(Donna and Jackie are sitting on the front steps talking.)

Jackie: All right. Tell me everything.

Donna: No.

Jackie: Come on, Donna, we're supposed to be friends. Aren't we friends?

Donna: Well, yeah.

Jackie: Ok, then. So. What'd it look like?

(Donna rolls her eyes)

Donna: Jackie!

Jackie: Ok, we'll come back to that one. So how was it?

Donna: Jackie, I don't really wanna talk about it.

Jackie: Oh. That bad, huh?

Donna: No, no, no. It was great. It just wasn't what I expected. I don't think
we did it right.

Jackie: So Eric's not good?

Donna: It was more like…like neither of us was good.

Jackie: Donna. It's not up to the woman to be good.

Donna: I dunno, Jackie. I mean, I love Eric, but when the moment came, it was
just like, awkward. And weird. And….I dunno, I just felt so far away, you know.

Jackie: No. But go on!

Donna: I mean, during it I just remember thinking, you know, this it it? This is
what everyone…

Jackie: Everyone what?

Donna: That's as far as I got.

Jackie: Oh. See, that's the problem.

Donna: That's not the problem.

Jackie: Oh, trust me, that's a problem.

Donna: Ok, you know what Jackie? Everything's fine. Just don't tell anyone about
this, ok?

Jackie: (unconvincingly) Ok.

Donna: Ok?

Jackie: Ok!

** ** **

(Cut to Jackie and Kelso talking on the steps.)

Kelso: Eric and Donna had sex?

Jackie: Yeah, yeah. And Eric wasn't good at it.

Kelso: Wow. Really. That's great!

** ** **

(Eric's basement. Hyde, Eric, and Fez are watching TV. Hyde is sitting in his
chair, and Eric and Fez are sitting on the couch. Eric has a great big grin on
his face.)

TV: And I would've gotten away with it, too. If it wasn't for those darn kids.

Fez: Oh, I love the Scooby Doo.

Hyde: Forman, what the hell are you grinning about?

Eric: What? A guy can't grin?

Hyde: I think that maybe Forman and Donna finally made the beast with two backs.

Fez: The Backasaurus?

(They just stare at Fez.)

Hyde: So?

Eric: Well, Hyde, I'm not saying yes, and I'm not saying no, but...I'm
especially not saying no.

Hyde: Thank god, man, I'm telling you, I couldn't deal with one more week of
that will they, won't they crap.

(Kelso bursts through the door.)

Kelso: Hey.

Hyde: Hey.

Kelso: What's going on?

Hyde: Donna made Forman a man.

Eric: Oh, yeah, she did.

Kelso: Really? So. How was it?

Eric: Well…boys…I tell ya. It was as if, in that one magic moment, the two
people, Donna and Eric, ceased to exist. And were replaced instead by one
perfect being. Donnaric Formsciotti.

Kelso: So. Eric, you're saying it was good?

Eric: Kelso, was Michaelangelo's creation of Adam good?

(Kelso just stares at him, not understanding.)

Eric: Yes, Kelso, it was good.

Kelso: So, well, my first time, Jackie called me the Apollo rocket of live. What
kind of rocket were you?

Eric: Where're you going with this, Kelso?


Eric: (Disbelief) Jackie said?!?

Kelso: Yeah. Donna told Jackie and Jackie told me. Oh! But you can't tell Jackie
I told you 'cause she'd get pissed.

Fez: It's okay, Eric. Maybe sex isn't your thing.

(Eric drops his face in his hands, completely mortified.)

** ** **

(Red and Kitty are walking outside. Red is covering Kitty's eyes and leading her
toward a big surprise.)

Red: All right. Almost there!

Kitty: Oh, I can't wait to see what we got!

Red: Oh, you're gonna love it! Are you ready?

Kitty: Uh-huh!

Red: Ta-da! (He takes his hand off her eyes. The big surprise is a big red

Kitty: A motorcycle?

Red: Don't you love it?

Kitty: (sarcastically) Of course I do, Red. What woman wouldn't?

Red: Oh, you hate it.

Kitty: (Brutally honest) Of course I do, Red! What woman wouldn't? Red, I
thought, I thought we would get something we both would enjoy, like a, a

Red: But this is much better than a necklace!

Kitty: How?

Red: Well, it's…not a stupid necklace! (Kitty is frustrated and walks back in
the house.) But it's shiny!

** ** **

(Eric's basement. Eric is sitting on the couch reading a comic. Donna walks in.)

Donna: Hey!

Eric: Hey.

(Donna sits down next to him. He doesn't look up from his comic.)

Donna: So…what's new?

Eric: Well, turns out I'm really lame in the sack, what's new with you? (He
tosses the comic aside and stands up.)

Donna: W-what?

Eric: Oh, it's all the news. Jackie told Kelso and, Kelso told all of us, so,
sorry I'm "lame in the sack."

Donna: (Stands up to face Eric.) I never said that. I said it felt awkward and

Eric: Oh. (He places his hand over his heart, and waves his hands as if to say,
"That washes it all away, so never mind.") What a relief. You could've told me!

Donna: How am I supposed to tell you something like that?

Eric: I don't know, how 'bout, hey Eric, you're awkward and weird!

Donna: You know what? That's the problem. We did this really huge thing and now
I feel like I can't even talk to you about it!

Eric: Well, god knows you can talk to Jackie.

Donna: I knew this was gonna happen.

Eric: What?

Donna: I knew that once we did this, everything would change, and damned if it

Eric: Well, if that's the way you feel about it, maybe we should never do it
again. (He sits back down on the couch.)

Donna: (Leaving.) Great.

Eric: Oh….Great! (Donna walks out the door.) Oh great.

** ** **

(The Forman's driveway. Red is sitting on the motorcycle and Kitty is watching

Red: Look, Kitty. Look how good I look on it. Hey! We could get matching
jackets. You know how you love things that match!

Kitty: Red, what were you thinking?

Red: Oh, come on, Kitty! You know the last thing I bought for myself? A hose.

Kitty: Well, I'm sorry, but we can't afford it.

Red: What do you mean? I'm working again.

Kitty: But we still have to get outta debt. (She starts pacing) And we have to
pay for Eric's college and we got, we got Laurie's wedding and, and you know
whoever she ends up with is not gonna be any Rockefeller!

Red: Ah, I suppose you're right. Well at least let's take one ride on it before
we bring it back?

Kitty: (Reluctantly) Ok, fine. (She gets on the motorcycle behind Red and he
revs it up.) Oh, that feels nice. (He revs it again.) Oh! That feels very nice!

(They drive off.)

** ** **

(Jackie and Kelso are sitting in Kelso's van. Jackie shuts the door.)

Jackie: Michael, how could you?

Kelso: What'd I do?

Jackie: Michael, I didn't tell you about Eric's…sad dilemma so you could make
fun of him. I told you so you could help him.

Kelso: Well Jackie, I can't help him and burn him at the same time.

(Jackie glares at him.)

Kelso: Uh, I mean come on, Jackie, it's funny! And he must have been really bad.

Jackie: Yeah well, so were you.

Kelso: Uh! All right Jackie, I don't think you know what you're saying. Ok,
'cause you called me your Apollo rocket of love.

Jackie: Right. But I said it like, (total sarcasm) Oh, Michael, you're a regular
Apollo rocket of love.

Kelso: Ok, I don't hear a difference.

(Jackie, frustrated, gets out of the van and, as she's leaving, runs into Eric.)

Jackie: Eric, if it makes you feel any better, Michael was really bad his first
time, too.

Kelso: (From van) Uh!

Eric: Oh, that's supposed to make me feel better?

Jackie: Doesn't it?

Eric: Yeah, a little. Thanks Jackie!

** ** **

(Eric's basement. Eric, Fez, Hyde, and Kelso are all getting high.)

Hyde: Forman, I've been thinking about your problem with Donna. And after hours
of serious consideration…it still makes me laugh.

Kelso: Hey. Ya leave Eric alone. All right? He's our friend. And he needs our
help, in this his most desperate hour. I'm with yo, buddy, Semper Fi!

Eric: Gee, Kelso, why the sudden change of heart? Oh, Maybe it's because the
"Apollo rocket of love" blew up all over the launch pad?

Fez: Whoa ho ho, a mystery! One suitable for Scooby Doo and his gang of cartoon
teenagers! You know guys, sometimes I wish we were cartoon teenagers.

(The camera swings around to Hyde, and he is a cartoon. Scooby Doo-esque music
is playing in the background.)

Cartoon Hyde: Zoinks. That'd be super, Fez. Look, man. If god had meant for
virgins to lose it to other virgins, he wouldn't have given us middle-aged
hookers, man!

Cartoon Fez: Amen, brother! Because if there's one thing men like us know, it's
how to have sex. Oh, I cannot live with this lie. Everyone prepare to be
shocked! I, Fez, am still a virgin.

Cartoon Eric: Gosh, my world no longer makes sense. Fine Hyde, but, now that the
middle-aged hooker ship has sailed, what am I supposed to do?

Cartoon Kelso: Well, I know I got a lot better when I started making it with
your sister. I got it! You should make it with my sister!

Cartoon Hyde: Kelso, I've seen your sister. She's a virgin, and she's gonna be.
For a long time.

Cartoon Kelso: All right, what are you saying?

Cartoon Eric: Well I think he's saying, moooo.

Cartoon Fez: Ok, maybe you did not hear me. Fez, the man you all revere, has
still not had sex. (The cartoon Fez eats a chicken leg.)

Cartoon Hyde: Yeah, heard you the first time. Forman, you've gotta figure out
what you're doing wrong, man. And fast. You know what women call guys who are
lame in the sack? Just friends.

Cartoon Kelso: Yeah, but you can't let the pressure get to you. I mean, don't
think about how embarrassing it'd be if you tried and you couldn't. And she'd
stare at you with those cruel black eyes, as if to say…you're not really a man,
Michael! You're not a man at all!!!

Cartoon Eric: Oh…kay, well, this has been, really helpful guys.

Cartoon Fez: All right, you called my bluff. I am not really a virgin, heh heh.
Yes I am. (His cartoon eats a club sandwich.)

** ** **

(Red and Kitty pull up in the motorcycle. Kitty is laughing.)

Red: All right, fun's fun. Time to take it back.

Kitty: No.

Red: No?

Kitty: No, I like it, I wanna keep it.

Red: But you said yourself, we gotta save money for the kids!

Kitty: Oh, screw the damn kids. Oh, Red, I have worked double shifts all year, I
deserve this. I want my hog. (She laughs again.)

Red: You know, Laurie might not even get married.

Kitty: Maybe Eric'll get a scholarship to college.

Red: Oh, hell, he might be too stupid to even get in college!

Kitty: Well, Red, we can only hope!

** ** **

(Donna is sitting on the couch. The camera is focused on her.)

Donna: Ok, so just out of curiosity, no reason, what was your first time like?

(Cut to Midge)

Midge: Oh, my first time was with a guy named…your father.

(Cut to Laurie)

Laurie: My first time was with this guy named Darren. It was really special! Oh
no, wait. It wasn't Darren, it was…Robert? I think, Robert!

(Cut to Kitty)

Kitty: Well, um, Red and I waited until after we were married. Like, five
seconds after we were married. We said, to heck with the receiving line and hit
the nearest closet!

(Cut to Midge)

Midge: Oh, I remember running my hands through his long blonde hair and
listening to his beautiful British accent. (She has a faraway look in her eyes,
then suddenly snaps out of it.) You see, because, back then your father was
blonde and British!

(Cut to Laurie)

Laurie: No, no no no, not Robert. There was this guy…what was his name? Or was
it his brother? It'll come to me.

(Cut to Kitty)

Kitty: Good god, that dress must've had a hundred buttons down the back, but Red
got it off in no time! You wouldn't know it to look at him but Red's got very
nimble fingers. Nimble!

(Cut to Midge)

Midge: I just remember it was very disappointing. And I never saw that guy
again. I mean, your father. I mean, you father was the first. Don't tell your
father, ok?

(Cut to Laurie)

Laurie: I wanna say Billy. But that's not right. Anyway, I just remember that he
wasn't very good.

(Cut to Kitty)

Kitty: And it was just wonderful. Eventually.

** ** **

(Donna is sitting down in her living room to read a book, when Eric walks in.)

Eric: Ok, Donna. Here's the deal. Do you have any Rolaids?

(Donna stares at him, confused.)

Eric: Ok, uh, I've been thinking, about what we said, about us not doing it
again, and uh, I've decided that's just crazy talk.

Donna: But Eric, we did it and now everything's a mess.

(Eric sits on the couch next to her.)

Eric: See, Donna, everything you and I do is a mess. At first. I mean, face it,
we're just a couple of goons here. (They laugh) The first time we kissed, the
first time we went out...

Donna: The first time I let you get to second.

Eric: Exactly. (Considers what he's just heard) Wait, what'd I do wrong then?

Donna: (laughing) God, it was like you were tuning a radio.

Eric: Ok. Ok, but, do I still do that?

Donna: No.

Eric: And the kissing? Has that gotten better?

Donna: Yeah, like a zillion times better.

Eric: And, Donna, you know why those things got better? Because...we...kinda
care about each other and we talk and, we make things work.

Donna: Yeah, but what if it doesn't work? And then not only does it not work,
but we don't have what we used to have?

Eric: Donna, we will. We love each other, right? So, trust me. It can only get

(Donna lets this sink in and smiles.)

Donna: Ok, so, I guess what you're saying is, we need practice.

Eric: And lots of it! Yes!

** ** **

(Donna and Eric sitting on Eric's bed. They're putting clothes back on.)

Eric: So?

Donna: Yeah, it was a little better.

Eric: A little better? I am the king!

(They kiss.)

The End

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !