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#219 : Les parents l'apprennent

Les flics surprennent Eric et donna complètement nus dans la Vista cruiser d'Eric. Il leur est alors impossible de cacher plus longtemps leur relation à leurs parents.


4.5 - 2 votes

Titre VO
Parents Find Out

Titre VF
Les parents l'apprennent

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Plus de détails

Vista Cruiser

Donna et Éric sont en pleine action, nus sous une couverture lorsqu'une voiture de police s'arrête juste derrière eux. Donna s'en rend compte et tente d'avertir son petit ami qui ne finit par cesser que lorsqu'une lampe torche l'éclaire. Éric pense pouvoir se débarrasser de l'officier de police en lui demandant simplement de s'en aller mais cela ne semble pas fonctionner. Du coup, il panique à son tour.

Salon des Forman

Kitty et Red lisent tranquillement alors que Laurie descend et s'apprête à sortir. Kitty lui pose des questions pour savoir où et avec qui elle sort mais Laurie fait la sourde oreille. Quelqu'un sonne à la porte d'entrée et la jeune fille l'ouvre ; il s'agit de Donna et Éric, débraillés et escortés par un policier. Red est agacé.

Cuisine des Forman

Éric tente de trouver une explication à leur état et explique que le chauffage de la voiture est détraqué et qu'ils ont du se déshabiller. Red rappelle à son fils de ne pas le prendre pour un idiot car il sait très bien ce qu'ils faisaient. Kitty ne veut y croire et reste dans le déni tandis que Laurie jubile. Son frère lui rétorque qu'il est évident qu'elle savait ce qu'ils faisaient vu qu'elle a certainement un diplôme en la matière. Donna décide d'intervenir pour que Éric ne soit pas puni et insiste sur le fait qu'ils ont pris une décision en tant qu'adultes. Du coup, Red lui demande de le dire à ses parents, il vérifiera qu'elle l'a bien fait. Donna est paniquée.

Van de Kelso

Fez et Hyde découvrent la nouvelle acquisition de Kelso : une CiBi. Le jeune homme cherche un surnom potable. Hyde lui propose de prendre les noms des personnages de la série « The Mod Squad » ; Hyde prend Linc, Kelso choisit Peter et ils donnent Julie à Fez. Des jeunes femmes les contactent et Fez prend le contrôle de la radio. Les trois jeunes filles tombent sous le charme de son accent, même si Fez ne croit pas en avoir un.

Cuisine des Pinciotti

Donna tente de parler à ses parents mais cela a bien du mal à sortir. Elle finit par dire qu'elle a fait quelque chose avec Éric puis, en voyant la tête de ses parents, elle avoue qu'ils ont pris la moto de Red. Ses parents sont soulagés car ils pensaient qu'elle parlait de sexe. Donna rigole nerveusement.

Allée des Forman

Donna a tout raconté à Jackie, qui trouve que c'est génial et très excitant. Mais Donna a un problème, elle ne sait pas comment le dire à ses parents. Jackie, au lieu de lui répondre, se penche sur des problèmes techniques et lui conseille la prochaine fois de mettre une jupe car c'est plus pratique pour se rhabiller après. Donna essaie de la ramener sur Terre ; ses parents vont soit être furieux ou alors ils vont lui demander comment c'était.

Chambre des parents Forman

Kitty rêve. Elle imagine Éric bébé avec sa tête d'aujourd'hui. Elle lui donne à manger mais lui ne parle que de sexe avec Donna. Red la réveille en sursaut. Il s'inquiète car il est 3:00 de l'après-midi un samedi et elle est encore au lit. Kitty n'arrive pas à supporter ce qu'il s'est passé et en veut à Donna. Red essaie de la raisonner ; ils devaient s'attendre à ce qu'une telle chose se passe, surtout que Kitty n'a pas arrêté de la préparer. Kitty le prend mal et pense que son mari l'accuse. Du coup, Red s'accuse en disant que tous les hommes sont des pervers. Il demande à sa femme de sortir de son lit car tout le monde a faim. Kitty lui rappelle qu'il est assez grand pour se faire un sandwich et lui demande de sortir.

Sous-sol des Forman

Donna avoue à Éric qu'elle n'a pas eu le courage de parler à ses parents. Le jeune homme propose alors de le faire mais lorsque Donna approuve, il panique et prétend que ce n'était qu'une plaisanterie. Donna est déçue alors son petit ami lui propose de le faire en semble. La jeune fille se lève, prête à partir mais Éric a les muscles paralysés par la peur et n'arrive pas à bouger.

Allée des Forman

Kelso arrive à joindre le trio de filles de nouveau et leur passe Fez, qui leur demande si elles sont grosses. Son interlocutrice lui répond qu'il n'a qu'à venir voir le soir même. Fez décline l'invitation car il y a « La croisière s'amuse » à la télévision. Hyde lui prend la CiBi des mains.

Chambre des Forman

Jackie discute avec Kitty. Elle essaie de lui remonter le moral mais comme d'habitude accumule bourde sur bourde ; prétextant notamment que Kitty n'a pas à s'inquiéter car Donna prend la pilule. Ils peuvent donc faire l'amour autant qu'ils veulent sans risque. Red les interrompt et met la jeune fille dehors. Comme Jackie prétend qu'elle voulait juste aider, il lui demande d'aller lui faire un sandwich. Red essaie de secouer sa femme et lui crie dessus. Kitty se met alors à pleurer ; lorsque Red s'excuse, elle lui intime une fois de plus l'ordre de partir.

Cuisine des Pinciotti

Bob et Midge attendent patiemment ce que Donna et Éric ont à leur dire. Éric a bien du mal et arrive à expliquer que parfois quand on s'aime, on a besoin de l'exprimer physiquement. Bob comprend tout de suite et rappelle au jeune homme que quand il se met en colère, il a besoin de l'exprimer physiquement. Éric tente d'apaiser la situation, insistant sur le fait qu'il aime et respecte Donna et que ce sera toujours le cas, même si la police les interrompt. Donna intervient en sa faveur et essaie de faire comprendre à son père qu'Éric est gentil, respectueux et qu'il l'aime. Elle avoue clairement qu'ils ont fait l'amour. Midge les remercie pour leur honnêteté mais Bob préfère aller se coucher. Une fois son mari parti, Midge leur demande comment c'était.

Cuisine des Forman

Red mange des céréales à même la boîte. Éric entre dans la pièce, son père lui explique que sa mère va mal car elle pense qu'il n'a plus besoin de lui. Éric sait que c'est totalement faux et propose de faire croire qu'il est malade. Son père approuve, même s'il aurait préféré lui casser une jambe.

Van de Kelso

Les garçons sont en route pour rencontrer leurs interlocutrices et sont impatients. Hyde se rend compte qu'ils n'ont jamais vraiment eu de réponse concernant leur physique. Ils arrivent au même moment au club et aperçoivent trois filles plus vieilles et au physique ingrat. Hyde et Kelso veulent tout de suite faire demi-tour mais Fez les accuse d'être superficiels et tient tout de même à rencontrer ses trois femmes. Il sort du van et va les saluer alors que les deux autres s'en vont. Il dit qu'il est « Julie », les trois femmes ne semblent pas comprendre de quoi ils parlent mais trois jeunes filles sexy font leur apparition et savent qui il est. Fez entre avec elles dans le club.

Chambre de Forman

Éric tousse pour réveiller sa mère . Il prétexte avoir une mauvaise fièvre mais sa mère sait qu'il ment. Éric essaie d'expliquer qu'il a toujours besoin d'elle et qu'il l'aime mais Kitty n'est pas toujours convaincue. Il lui dit alors que son père lui rend la vie impossible depuis qu'elle est alitée. Cela semble convaincre Kitty, qui sort du lot. Cependant, elle refuse toujours de voir grandir son fils. Éric lui assure qu'il aura de toute façon toujours besoin d'elle car Red va continuer à être exécrable avec lui. Il arrive à faire rire sa mère.

Cuisine des Pinciotti

Éric tente de plaisanter et discuter avec Bob, qui reste impassible. Le jeune homme, désemparé, se cogne la tête contre la table de la cuisine.


Eric and Donna are making out under a blanket when a policeman shows up
ERIC: Donna, this is a tricky maneuver okay, I need quiet.
The policeman shines with his flashlight on Eric and Donna
ERIC: Oh my God! It's the cops!
DONNA: Eric! We're completely NAKED!
ERIC: Don't panick! I uhh have a plan.
DONNA: Okay...
ERIC (staring into the light): Go away!
DONNA: That's the plan?! That's NOT a good plan!
ERIC: Yeah, no, that's the plan. I mean, we're totally naked, I think he'll probably just go away.
The policeman knocks on the window
ERIC: Crap. Have you seen my pants?
Red in his chair, Kitty on the couch. Laurie comes down the stairs
KITTY: Where are you going?
KITTY: Where?
LAURIE: A place.
KITTY: Who with?
LAURIE: Doctors and stockbrokers.
The doorbell rings, Laurie opens it and Eric and Donna are brought in by a policeman
RED: Oh holy hell!

Eric and Donna are sitting at the kitchen table, Red, Kitty and Laurie standing
ERIC: And and and the heater is broken in the VistaCruiser, that's why it was so hot...so uh naturally we removed one or two articles of clothing which you know in retrospect was probably not that good an idea...
RED: Eric, how stupid do you think I am?
ERIC: You're right, should've cracked a window, good thinking.
RED: Eric, we know what you were doing in the car.
KITTY: No, we don't 'know'.
RED: Trust me, we know.
KITTY: No, no, we don't 'know'!
LAURIE (holding up her hand): I know! I know!
ERIC: Course you know, you majored in it.
RED: What were you thinking?
DONNA: Mr. Forman uhh it was my idea too. So uhm, please stop yelling at Eric?
RED: What?!
ERIC: Just play dead and cover your face.
DONNA: No Eric, it's okay (clears throat) What we did was a choice that we made. A choice we made as adults.
RED: Oh really. You're an adult?
ERIC: Don't answer! It's a trap.
DONNA: Yes. We're adults.
RED: Okay Donna, then as an adult I expect you to go next door and tell Bob and Midge just exactly what happened tonight.
DONNA: Okay. I'll tell them.
RED: Good. And I'm gonna check to see that you did.
DONNA: Oh come on! Why would you do that?!
RED: Donna I won't keep something like this from your parents. They think we're friends.

Kelso is behind the wheel, Hyde and Fez get in
HYDE: Hey cool man, a CB radio!
KELSO: Yeah! So I narrowed down my potential CB handles to two choices, either Stud Kickass or Flex BuffChest.
HYDE: Gee Kelso, what about Beef Dingleberry?
KELSO: Great, now I've got three choices...
Radio crackles(female voices): Breaker 1-9, Breaker 1-9, this is Hot-To-Trot, Foxy-Lady and Nice-And-Easy...
FEZ: Oh my God, they sound nice!
HYDE: And easy!
KELSO: Quick, come on we need handles so we can talk to 'm.
HYDE: Okay uh OH OH we'll be the ModSquad!
KELSO: That's perfect, I'm Linc.
HYDE: I'M Linc!
KELSO: Why do you get to be Linc?
HYDE (points to his hair): The magic afro baby!
KELSO: Okay...I've got dibs on Pete.
FEZ: Okay, then what is my macho cop-handle?
HYDE & KELSO: Julie! (they laugh)
KELSO: Breaker 1-9, Breaker 1-9, this is Pete...
HYDE: I'm Linc
FEZ: And Julie. It is so nice to talk to you my lovelies.
Hot-To-Trot: Hey Julie, cool accent! You sound sexy.
FEZ: Accent? What the hell is she talking about?

Bob and Midge are having dinner, Donna tries to find a way to tell them what happened
BOB: Something on your mind?
DONNA: Yeah. There is something important I want to tell you guys. Eric and I have been going out for a while now and we did something you two should know about.
BOB (looking a bit angry): Yes?
DONNA: Well see, Eric and I, uhm we uhm we rode the Forman's motorcycle! There! I said it! Weight is just off my shoulders.
BOB: Donna, that was wrong. But not a wrong as it could have been, cause it could have been...
MIDGE: Sex! That's what I thought too!
DONNA: What?! No, that's crazy,that's that's silly, you guys are silly gooses! You make me laugh, cause you're silly!
They all laugh

Jackie and Donna are sitting on the porch
JACKIE: So the cops caught you doing it? (Donna nods) Oh my God! That is SUCH a turn on!
DONNA: That is NOT a turn on! You're a little pervert! Jackie, I have a big problem. How am I gonna tell my parents?
JACKIE: Okay, if you need to use the bathroom, you should go now. Cause I have a lot to say.
DONNA: No, I'm fine thanks.
JACKIE: Okay. You're first mistake, was wearing pants for car-sex. When you do it in the car, skirts are your best friend! Zip-zap, bim-bam, you're done, you're dressed, you're back at the mall!
DONNA: Jackie, I'm screwed! If I tell my parents, only one of two things could happen. Either they'll be furious, or they'll ask me how it was.

Kitty is in bed, dreaming of baby Eric. She has a baby on her lap, with Eric's adult face. He makes babysounds, while she is feeding him
KITTY: Here now, have some peas...
BABY ERIC: I'd rather have sex...with Donna.
KITTY: Mmmmmm tapioca!
BABY ERIC: Hmmmm sex with Donna!
KITTY: Oh you, you are just so cute. Ahahahha! Say Ma-Ma!
BABY ERIC: Sex with Don-Na!
KITTY: No baby no!
Kitty is still dreaming yelling NO NO NO NO, Red tries to wake her up
RED: Kitty!
KITTY (waking up): Slut!
RED: What?
KITTY: Nothing.
RED: Are you okay?
KITTY: I'm fine.
RED: Kitty, when it's three o'clock on a saturday afternoon and you're still in bed, I know something is wrong.
KITTY: Oh Red I'm fine. Why should I care that my sweet babyboy was defiled by some jiggly red-haired tramp?
RED: Kitty!
KITTY: What I can't figure out is how she tricked him into it.
RED: Look it's not like we didn't know this was coming. You're always showing Eric anatomical diagrams and charts and slides. You've been prepping him since he was six!
KITTY: Are you blaming me?!
RED: No no, heck no. It's my fault. Men are dirty.
KITTY: Well good.
RED: Kitty I just want you to get out of bed. You know, none of us had lunch and uhm we're kinda hungry...
KITTY: Well, it's a house full of grown men and I would think that one of you FULLY grown men would know how to make a damn sandwich!
RED: Well maybe I should go...
KITTY: I sure as hell would!
Red leaves and Kitty snuggles up in bed

Donna and Eric are talking
DONNA: And when Bob and Midge look at me with their big dumb eyes, I just... I can't find the words.
ERIC: Okay Donna, I've given this a lot of thought, and I think I should be the one to tell your parents we had sex.
DONNA: Oh my God, Eric that is so great! Thank you!
ERIC: What? No no! What? No! It was a bluff! I was bluffing..to seem nice. Oh crap this is a nightmare.
DONNA: Fine, I'll do it myself.
ERIC: What? No, wait. Look, we told my parents together so, hey let's tell your parents together!
DONNA: Thank you. So do you wanna go get it over with?
ERIC: Yeah, let's go tell your parents.
DONNA: Okay (she gets up)
ERIC: Okay (he stays put) Donna, I want to go with you, but my legs have gone numb.

Kelso is standing in the door of his van with his CB radio, Hyde and Kelso are sitting on the porch
KELSO: Breaker 1-9, Breaker 1-9, this is Pete, Linc and Julie, we're looking for a 20 on Hot-To-Trot, FoxyLady and Nice-And-Easy over...
HOT-TO-TROT: Hey guys!
FEZ (takes the radio from Kelso): Hello Hot-To-Trot! This is Julie. I was just wondering, are you fat?
HYDE: Wow Fez!
KELSO: No, I'd say that's not a bad question.
HOT-TO-TROT: Well, why don't you guys come see for yourselves? We could meet tonight.
FEZ: Oh tonight? No tonight we have to watch Love Boat so I don't think...(Hyde grabs the radio from him)

Kitty is still in bed, Jackie lies next to her
JACKIE: As soon as I heard you were down Mrs. Forman, I had to come and see you. Because I know the blues. But you know, the good news is, Donna is on the pill. So, they can do it like a zillion times a day and nothing bad can happen. Yeah, they can just do it and do it and do it and do it and do it!
RED (comes in): JACKIE! Good you're here. Get out.
JACKIE: But I'm trying to help.
RED: Ah you wanna help? Go make me a sandwich. (Jackie leaves) So Kitty. You think maybe it's time to get up?
RED: Okay! You know what. Kitty, you gotta shape up! I can't believe that you're all surprised that your seventeen year old is doing what seventeen year olds do! BIG DEAL! Now get the hell out of bed and BUCKLE UP! (Kitty starts to cry) Oh jeez honey I'm sorry!

Bob and Eric are standing, Midge and Donna are sitting at the kitchen table
BOB: So, what do you kids need to tell us?
MIDGE: I tried to guess but my mind's a total blank!
ERIC: Actually, Mrs. Pinciotti, Mr. Pinciotti, it's something I need to tell you (Bob stares at him, Eric looks down at the floor) Sorry, I almost threw up... I'm fine now. You both know how much I respect your daughter, how much I love your daughter, and uhm, funny thing about love, haha, is uhm sometimes, we express it in a physical way.
BOB (still staring): You better not say what I think you're gonna say. Cause I'll be mad. And funny thing about mad, haha, is sometimes I express it in a physical way.
ERIC: I love your daughter and I totally respect her, and I never stopped respecting her. Even when the cops came.
BOB: Well I'm sorry Eric. But I still gotta twist your neck shut!
DONNA: Dad! You know you shouldn't be threathening Eric. You should be uhm thanking him.
BOB & ERIC: What?!
DONNA: He's treated me like a queen since the day we started dating. Eric and I have sex. There. You know. At least I have a nice boyfriend and not some juvenile delinquent.
MIDGE: Like that Fonzie!
ERIC: Well that's...nice.
DONNA: And at least Eric had the guts to come over here and tell you man to man.
MIDGE: Well, I'm happy for you. And thank you for being honest. That took a lot of courage, didn't it Bob?
BOB: I'm going to bed!  (he leaves)
MIDGE: So...How was it?

Red is eating out of a package of Raisin Bran. Eric comes in
RED: Boy oh boy. I'll tell you Eric, you take the cake.
ERIC: Oh man, there is cake?! (he looks around for it)
RED: There's no cake. We're all starving to death and it's all your fault. You broke your mothers heart! She's up there crying about how you're all grown up and you don't need her anymore.
ERIC: But...that's not true.
RED: Well I know that. You're a helpless idiot.
ERIC: Ah. Okay. I could pretend to need help with my homework.
RED: No no no-one gives a crap about that.
ERIC: Oh! I could pretend to be sick.
RED: No that...Wait a minute, that might work. She mothered the heck out of you when you broke your leg that time.
ERIC: Right, I could say I have a fever.
RED: Or better yet, we could walk to the garage, I hit you in the elbow with a baseball bat!
ERIC: I'm gonna stick with the fever.
RED: If you wanna go through life doing everything half-assed, that's your decision son.
Kelso, Hyde and Fez are in the van
KELSO: Okay! They said they'd wait out front. Here we go, cold beer and hot babes!
FEZ: Or vice-versa!
HYDE: Hey guys, did we get a yes or a no on the fat question?
They arrive, three older women are standing in front of the van
FEZ: Oh goody, they're not fat, they're just old!
KELSO: If your voice is hot, then you should be hot, those are the RULES! Damn old ladies with hot voices. Let's go...
FEZ: No no, I'm staying. You two are shallow!
KELSO: I'm not shallow Fez, I just judge chicks on their looks.
FEZ: Suit yourself, but sometimes the old ones are super grateful.
HYDE: Yeah, okay Fez, but if you wind up at some car feeling up June Cleaver don't come crying to me.
KELSO: Yeah!
Fez leaves the van and Kelso backs up. Fez walks up to the older women
FEZ: Hello my lovelies, I am Julie. Which one of you is Hot-To-Trot?
Behind Fez a girl says: Julie?
FEZ (turns around): Yes?
Three beautiful, hot girls walk up to him
HOT-TO-TROT: You made it! I'm Hot-To-Trot
FOXYLADY: I'm FoxyLady!
NICE-AND-EASY: And I'm Nice-And-Easy!
FEZ: You're not fat. Or old at all!
NICE-AND-EASY: Ofcourse not! We're gymnasts.
FEZ: Dear Penthouse...

Kitty is still in bed, Eric stands at her bedside, he coughs
ERIC: I'm really sick...Mommy. And I don't have anyone to take care of me.
Kitty sticks out her hand, Eric presses his forehead against her hand
KITTY: Well you do feel a little warm...
ERIC: Right, cause I'm sick!
KITTY: Or you stuck a hot towel on your head Eric!
ERIC: Fine, I'm not sick. I just...I didn't want you to be mad anymore Mom.
KITTY: Oh honey, I'm not mad. I'm just horribly horribly depressed.
ERIC: Look Mom, I'm not all grown up, and I do still need you for stuff.
KITTY: Oh you do not.
ERIC: Sure I do.
KITTY: Really? For what? List it.
ERIC: I need you to love me.
Kitty strokes his cheek, then hits him
ERIC: I need you to...I really need you to get out of bed because Dad's been making my life extra miserable.
KITTY: Well okay, that one I buy (she gets out of bed)
ERIC: So, are we okay now?
KITTY: Oh honey. NO! Well I'm sorry, I just...I don't like you growing up and I don't like it and I'm not gonna. But I..I guess it's just something I'm gonna have to get used to.
ERIC: You know what Mom, I'm always gonna need you. Because chances are, Dad's gonna ride my ass for the rest of my life.
KITTY: Yeah, you really do rub him the wrong way honey. Ahahahahaha!
They leave the room 
The end

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !