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#305 : Roller disco

Jackie et Fez vont à une compétition de roller-disco, suscitant la jalousie de Kelso. Red est poursuivi en justice par un ancien employé pour licenciement abusif.


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Roller Disco

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Roller disco

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Jackie et Fez vont à une compétition de roller-disco

Jackie et Fez vont à une compétition de roller-disco

Eric rigole avec son père

Eric rigole avec son père

Kelso tente de se rapprocher de Jackie

Kelso tente de se rapprocher de Jackie

Kelso est jaloux

Kelso est jaloux

Les parents Forman et leur fils

Les parents Forman et leur fils

Plus de détails

Absence de Laurie,  Midge et Bob.

Sous-sol des Forman

Fez, Hyde et Éric regardent « Batman » à la télévision et Fez semble tellement passionné qu'il parle aux personnages. Éric est très vite agacé par cette manie et finit par le taper. Ils se rendent les coups puis se lancent dans une partie de chatouilles. Jackie arrive en trombe dans la pièce et annonce qu'il y a un concours au « Roller Disco », elle voudrait que Hyde soit son partenaire mais ce dernier refuse catégoriquement. La jeune fille lui sort alors un grand discours, que ce serait pour leur amour mais ça ne marche toujours pas. Kelso se propose mais Jackie refuse et l'envoie vertement balader, affirmant que même Fez serait mieux. Celui-ci saute sur l'occasion et accepte. Seulement Jackie ne pensait pas ce qu'elle a dit et ne veut pas du jeune homme comme partenaire.

Plus tard, Éric est parti. Jackie n'a toujours pas choisi son partenaire et Hyde refuse toujours de le faire. Pour la convaincre de ses talents, Fez se déplace dans la pièce et fait quelques mouvements de de danse. Jaloux, Kelso veut faire la même chose mais tombe et se fait mal. Jackie finit par plier et choisit Fez, mais elle insiste pour gagner. Quant à Kelso, il est toujours à terre, blessé.

Cuisine des Forman

Éric rentre du travail, une enveloppe à la main et rejoint sa mère, qui prépare des cupcakes. Il l'informe que son père est poursuivi en justice pour avoir viré Earl d'une façon assez violente. Kitty est bien embêtée et essaie d'ignorer le souci mais son fils insiste : il va falloir lui dire. Red arrive justement avec des courses et demande ce qu'il se passe. Kitty tente de lui dire et c'est finalement Éric qui prend le risque de lui annoncer la nouvelle.

Sous-sol des Forman

Kelso se plaint à Donna de l'attitude de Jackie. Il ne comprend pas pourquoi elle ne l'a pas choisi. Donna essaie de lui remonter le moral et Kelso apprécie mais très vite, Donna commence à lui faire peur en mentionnant le fait que Fez est très sexy.

Salon des Forman

Red est furieux et trouve que ses allégations sont fausses, il n'a pas mauvais caractère. Kitty trouve qu'il devrait au contraire et préparer ses défenses et apprendre à contrôler son caractère. Éric mentionne que cela va être difficile, ce qui agace encore plus son père. Kitty essaie de proposer à son mari de trouver une technique pour se calmer. Par exemple, en ce qui la concerne, elle se met à rire pour passer la colère. Red rétorque que c'est une idée stupide, Kitty se met alors à rire ce qui prouve qu'elle est énervée par son commentaire.

Roller Disco

Donna et Kelso sont venus assister à la compétition. Fez et Jackie font leur entrée et Kelso, toujours aussi jaloux, se met à les huer. Il a ensuite dans l'idée de les faire perdre et veut qu'ils tombent. Il sort une bille de sa poche et Donna se bat avec lui pour qu'il ne la lance pas ; Kelso finit par la mettre dans sa bouche. Pendant ce temps, Jackie et Kelso font une prestation magnifique.

Après leur prestation, Jackie et Fez rejoignent leurs amis. La jeune fille est ravie d'avoir choisi Fez, ce qui rend Kelso encore plus jaloux. Les résultats tombent : Fez et Jackie ont gagné et leur récompense est une bouteille de champagne. Kelso veut tout de suite en profiter mais Jackie le rembarre, elle s'est bien rendue compte qu'il les a descendu plus qu'autre chose. Elle s'en va avec Fez. Kelso est triste, d'autant plus qu'il a avalé sa bille.

Price Mart

Un médiateur pose des questions à Red et Éric tente de rappeler à son père de rester calme et souriant. L'homme s'intéresse ensuite à Éric et lui pose des questions sur le caractère de son père. Le jeune homme est soudain très gêné et ne sait pas quoi dire, ce qui énerve Red. Comme le médiateur le regarde de travers, il essaie de se contrôler et de sauver la situation.

Vista Cruiser

Jackie est quelque peu soûle et récite un poème à Fez pour lui exprimer combien elle est reconnaissante. Puis elle lui dit qu'il pourrait tenter de l'embrasser et qu'elle se laisserait faire. Fez est face à un dilemme et ses « consciences » apparaissent, Batman représente la raison et l'Homme Mystère la tentation. Les deux finissent par se disputer dans la tête de Fez, qui décide de ne pas profiter de son amie malgré l'énorme envie de se laisser tenter. Du coup, Jackie le prend dans ses bras.

Roller Disco

Kelso et Donna sont seuls. Cette dernière essaie de réconforter son ami, elle lui rappelle qu'il a Laurie à présent. Kelso en est conscient mais il avoue avoir du mal à voir Jackie heureuse avec une autre homme. Donna se rend compte que Kelso a finalement un cœur et le prend dans ses bras pour le consoler. Mais en grand séducteur, Kelso essaie de l'embrasser. Donna le tape et s'en va. Kelso essaie tant bien que mal de s'excuser.

Price Mart

Éric ne sait toujours pas quoi dire et tente de justifier l'attitude de son père. Earl arrive enfin, avec plus d'une heure de retard. Il sert de nouveau l'excuse du chien renversé par une voiture. Le médiateur décide qu'il n'y aura pas de procès car Earl n'est pas arrivé en retard, Red a donc prouvé qu'il l'avait viré pour de bonnes raisons. En raison, au vu de l'attitude d'Éric, le médiateur s'est rendu compte que Red avait des problèmes avec son caractère et lui recommande de suivre des cours sur la maîtrise de la colère. Puis il s'en va, suivi de Earl. Éric sent que son père est énervé et essaie de le calmer, en lui rappelant qu'il a gagné. Red préfère s'en aller et lui dit qu'il le retrouvera à la maison. Comme ils sont venus en voiture ensemble, Éric devine qu'il va devoir rentrer chez lui à pied.

Sous-sol des Forman

Fez avoue ce qu'il s'est passé à Hyde et Kelso. Hyde trouve qu'il a agit très noblement mais que la prochaine fois, il devra leur mentir et leur raconter qu'il a eu la fille. Éric arrive furieux, Donna lui a tout dit à propos de Kelso, il se jette sur son ami pour le taper. Fez et Hyde font la même chose.

Plus tard, Fez retrouve Jackie. Il est ivre et lui propose de coucher avec lui, puisqu'elle était presque prête la dernière fois. Mais Jackie avoue ne pas se rappeler de leur soirée. Fez en tombe littéralement des nues.



The gang are watching Batman

FEZ: Oh, don't put Batman in the clam of death, Riddler. That's just gonna make him mad. God, you're stupid.

ERIC: Fez, for the last time, the Riddler can't hear you.

FEZ: Riddle me this, Riddler. When Batman escapes from the clam of death...who will kick your riddle-telling ass in?

ERIC: Hey, Fez. Riddle me this (he hits him on his arm)

FEZ: Then riddle me this (he wets his finger and puts it in Eric's ear)

ERIC: Oh, but, Fez, only if you riddle me this (he piches Fez' nipple)

FEZ: Ow! Riddle me this, you son of a bitch! (he jumps on Eric)

JACKIE (storming in): Oh, my God! Guess what!

ERIC (dramatic): Stop! Fez! This could be important! (he slaps him in the face)

JACKIE: You guys, the Roller Disco Doo-dah is coming to Kenosha next Friday!

HYDE: Oh, my God! Guess what! [Raspberry]

JACKIE: See, now, that's the kind of thing the judges really frown upon during
competition, Steven.

HYDE: Excuse me?

JACKIE: We're gonna be partners! (he gives her a blank look) Skating partners.

HYDE: Hey, how about instead, you hit me in the face with a wrench, and I black out?

JACKIE: Steven... this is not just a last chance at roller disco. It's a last chance at love...our love. Now, will you or will you not skate with me?

HYDE: I would, Jackie...but seeing you there in your cute little skating outfit...with all your tassels and sequins...I might be tempted to...push you down a flight of stairs (he leaves)

KELSO: All right. Jackie, what do you say...you and me, roller disco? I mean, we used to have some good moves, you know, like, when we did it...so it would be like that...except for with lights and skates.

JACKIE: Okay. Um, first of all, you make me sick. Okay? Second, you're lame, and you make me sick. Third, you make me sick, and any one of these guys would be a better partner than you, even Fez.

FEZ: Really? Then I am in.

JACKIE: Um, no, I didn't really mean it, Fez.

FEZ: Oh, then I am out. Damn it. Let me in.



The gang are watching TV

FEZ: So, who wil lJackie choose as her roller disco partner? Who, who, who?

Jackie looks at Hyde

HYDE: No freakin' way.

FEZ: Hmm, how very sad. No one to disco with. Now, where did I leave my potato chips? Oh, there they are (he makes a dance-move) Look at that. I left my soda back in the other side of the room! (he makes some more moves) Refreshing. God, my arm is sore! (disco move)

JACKIE: Wow, Fez!

KELSO: Oh, come on, Jackie! You're gonna pick him over me? All right. Watch this (he starts to make some moves but falls to the floor)

FEZ: Jackie, I'm just a roller disco machine... and I don't work for nobody but you.

Kelso groans from behind the couch

JACKIE: Okay. Okay, fine. We'll be partners. But hear me now. I want first prize. If I lose and some stupid, spoiled rich girl wins...I'll scream.

KELSO (from behind the couch): I am really hurt!


Kitty is making cupcakes. Eric comes in

KITTY: Hi, sweetie. How was work?

ERIC: Oh, pretty good...except for the fact that Dad's getting sued for firing a Price Mart employee.

KITTY: Okay. Well, good. Have a cupcake.

ERIC: Mom, did you hear what I said?

KITTY: Uh-huh, and it's just so very unpleasant, I'm ignoring it. So, have a cupcake.

ERIC: Earl is suing Dad for wrongful termination.

KITTY: Earl? He didn't do his job. He was always late. He was a complete dumb-ass...person.

ERIC: Mom, you said "ass."

KITTY: Well, now so did you. Give me back the cupcake, foul mouth. I can't even imagine the mood your father's in.

ERIC: Actually, he doesn't know yet. I got the news after he left. God, Dad is gonna freak. I don't know how we're gonna tell him.

RED: Tell me what?

ERIC: That, uh...Mom said the "ass" word.

KITTY: Well, now...actually, um... Red...umm...

ERIC: You know, Mom, I got this one. Okay, uh, everyone here who's not being sued by Earl for wrongful termination...raise their hand (Kitty and Eric raise their hand)


Donna is reading, Kelso is pacing around

KELSO: I don't get Jackie, man. I mean, picking Fez over me? Me? I have the three things that women want. I'm-I'm hot, and I'm smart.

DONNA: That's two things, moron.

KELSO: No, it's three. I count hot twice. I mean, come on.

DONNA: Kelso, who cares? It's a stupid roller disco thing.

KELSO: Yeah, I guess you're right. It's silly for me to be jealous. You're a good friend, Donna.

DONNA: Yeah. 'Cause when you think about it, I mean, what does Fez have going for him... except an incredibly sexy accent and an extremely hot body?

KELSO: Okay. Now you're being a bad friend, Donna.

DONNA: I mean, come to think of it, if Fez helps Jackie win a roller disco... she might rip his clothes off and have sex with him right there on the rink. That's how hot he is.

KELSO: Bad friend, Donna! Bad!


Kitty and Eric are on the couch, Red is reading the complaint

RED: Oh, look at this guy's complaint. "Red Forman was habitually ill-tempered." Am I ill-tempered?

ERIC: No, sir. You're like Mary Poppins.

KITTY: Okay, honey. Well, it says here you have to go to the labor board. You
know what, Red Forman, you have to go in there and defend yourself.

RED: Oh, I'll defend myself. I'll go in there, and I'll tell those morons... that they're wasting my time with this stupid crap!

KITTY: Or...you could control your temper.

ERIC: No offense, Mom, but what's plan "B"?

RED: Hey, shut it, pal.

KITTY: Okay, now, see, that's the kind of thing that's gonna get you in trouble. Now, when...when I get really angry, I just...I laugh it off... like this. Ahahaha!

RED: Oh, geez, Kitty. That'll never work. That's dumb.

KITTY: Ahahahaha!


A pair have just finished their routine. Donna and Kelso are in the audience

DONNA: Oh, my God. I think Jackie and Fez are next. Look! There they are!

KELSO: Hey! The next contestants are cheaters. The brown guy is a robot.

DONNA: Robot? Shut up.

MAN ON P.A.: Ladies and gentleman...welcome to the rink our last contestants of the evening-from Point Place, Wisconsin, Jackie Burkhart and, uh...Jackie Burkhart's Partner.!


Jackie and Fez start their routine

DONNA: This is so cool. Oh, my God. They're amazing!

KELSO: Oh, did you see that? Fez just tripped.

DONNA: No, he didn't.

KELSO: The foreign guy tripped. That's a deduction right there. You're gonna lose!

DONNA: Kelso, shut up.

KELSO: That's it. They're doing too well (he grunts and pulls something from his pants)

DONNA: What the hell is that?

KELSO: It's my secret weapon.

DONNA: A marble?

KELSO: Yep. I'm gonna chuck it out there so they trip.

DONNA: You moron, it's one marble. Give me that. Give me that (she wrestles him for it)

KELSO: No! No!

They wrestle more, and then Kelso swallows the marble. Jackie and Fez end their routine

KELSO: Boo! Boo! Boo!

CROWD: Whoo!

KELSO: Oh, no. They were good. I swallowed my marble.

Jackie and Fez join them to wait for their scores


DONNA: Oh, my God. You guys were so great.

JACKIE: I know. I know. And even when I almost tripped, my natural grace totally
saved us.

KELSO: Well, I saw plenty of mistakes out there, especially from Fez.

FEZ: Shut your hole. Here come the scores.


MAN ON P.A.: And the winner of Kenosha's Annual Roller Disco Doo-dah is...Jackie Burkhart and...

DONNA&JACKIE: Oh, my God! (Jackie hugs Fez)

MAN ON P.A.: Friend.

KELSO: Fix! Fix!

JACKIE: I can't believe it! I'm so sorry I doubted you. You...You are my
hero...My...my hunky, sexy, foreign skating hero!

FEZ: And you are my...my spoiled, whiny skating princess.

JACKIE: Oh, Fez, thank you! (A man hands them champagne) Yaaaay, champagne! Yaaay!

KELSO: Yaaaay! Yaaay! (he rubs Jackies back)

JACKIE: Get off me. Kelso, you booed us the entire time. What? No! That was some rude guy. So I popped him one, and then I was goin', "Ooh," because I hurt my hand when I popped the rude guy. So... you're welcome. You wanna kiss it?

JACKIE: Let's go, Fez (they leave)

DONNA: Hmm. Come on, Kelso. Look at the bright side.

KELSO: What's the bright side?

DONNA: The bright side is there isn't one. Fez has Jackie, and you have to squeeze out that marble.


Eric and Red are at one end of a tale, a mediator is on the other end

MEDIATOR: Now, Mr. Forman, at any point did you ever berate Earl Arthur... by
calling him any of the following names: Candy-ass... dumb-ass, lazy-ass- Uh, it- it just goes on like that.

RED: Well, that sounds like just good-natured ribbin' to me.

MEDIATOR: Doesn't sound that way to me.

RED: Hehehehe. Are you callin' me a liar? 'Cause it's funny if ya are. Well, you know, Eric worked with him too. Eric, tell him about Earl.

MEDIATOR: Actually, I'd be more interested in hearing what Eric thinks about working with you. Eric?

ERIC: No. No, no, no, no. I'm-I'm here...just to answer questions about Earl- old, dumb Earl. So, you know, you fire away with the Earl questions.

MEDIATOR: I think we know all we need to know about Earl.

ERIC: Oh, then good. I'll just step out then. Good. This was good.

MEDIATOR: No, no, no, no. Eric, just a few more questions. Is your father ever unnecessarily angry?

ERIC:  Unnecessarily angry. Well....ahem....you know, what does "unnecessarily" mean really? I mean, my sister likes to put salt on roast beef... but I think it's unnecessary. I mean, why cover up the flavor of such a delicious meat?

RED: Just answer the question, dumb-ass! I mean...hehehehe...Good work, Son.


Jackie (drunk) and Fez are sitting in the car

JACKIE: Oh, my God. I love champagne!

FEZ: Yes. Was it any good?

JACKIE: Great. Just great. Hey, Fez, I just made up a poem. Do you want to hear it?

FEZ: Okay.

JACKIE: There once was a guy named Fez...who had a really cute butt. Ta-da!

FEZ: Well, I have to say I don't hate it.

JACKIE: Hey- Psst...Fezzie...do you want to know a secret? If you try to kiss me right now... I probably wouldn't stop you [Giggles] In fact... I'd probably let you do more than that.

A little Batman appears on Fez' shoulder

BATMAN: Fez...

FEZ: Huh!

BATMAN: Good God, man. Don't do it. She is drunk.

FEZ: But, Batman, she is so hot.

BATMAN: But she's drunk. There is no honor in this.

A little Riddler appears on his other shoulder

RIDDLER: Ah, screw honor. Take her pants off.

FEZ: Ay!

BATMAN: Riddler, nefarious fiend. Don't do it, Fez. It's a trap.

RIDDLER: Riddle me this, Fez. Why would Jackie ask you to make out with her if
she didn't want you to?

FEZ: Seriously, he makes an excellent point.

BATMAN: It's the dastardly alcohol talking. If you and Jackie get together, you want it to be real, not like this.

FEZ: Honestly, I was rooting for you... but imaginary Batman makes a lot of sense.

RIDDLER: Then riddle me this. What does Batman know about girls? Slides down a pole and lives with a teenage boy. Enough said.

FEZ: Okay. Now I have to say, advantage Riddler.

BATMAN: What are you trying to say, Riddler?

RIDDLER: I think you know what I'm trying to say. Ooh-la-la.

BATMAN: Oh, you want to go, question dork?

RIDDLER: Oh, bring it on, bat-wuss.

They jump back into Fez' head through his ears and start to fight

JACKIE: So...are you gonna kiss me, Fez?

FEZ: No, I am sorry, Jackie.

JACKIE: That's okay. You still have a very cute butt (they hug)


Donna and Kelso are the only ones left

DONNA: Come on, Kelso. So Jackie likes Fez. Big deal. You're going out with Laurie.

KELSO: I know. It's just, you know... seeing her with another guy just made me remember all the good times we had together... and it just made me sad.

DONNA: Yeah. Come here (she puts her arm around him) You know, Kelso... I guess underneath it all you're kind of a good guy. Sometimes. Sort of. Things'll work themselves out

KELSO: Yeah, I know (he tries to kiss her)

DONNA: What the hell are you doing?

KELSO: We can't fight these feelings anymore, Donna.

DONNA: What?

KELSO: What? We've been doing this dance all night... and, oh, God, I'm tired of dancing.

DONNA: You moron! (she hits him and walks off)

KELSO: Nobody likes a tease, Donna! I'm sorry. You're not a tease. Come back. Tease! I'm sorry. Donna!


Eric and Red are at one end of a tale, a mediator is on the other end

ERIC: I guess "violent" is the wrong word... but, you know, it's definitely some kind of rage. Although, I mean, you know, Earl had it coming. I love you, Daddy.

Earl comes in panting

EARL: Oh, hey. Sorry I'm late.

MEDIATOR: Hour and 10 minutes late. I can only assume you're Earl.

EARL: Yeah. So, um, sorry. My, uh, dog got hit by a...a guy in a....

RED: Car?

EARL: Thanks, Red. So, what'd I miss?

MEDIATOR: You missed everything. Okay. I'm not gonna lie. Mr. Forman, you...you scare the living hell out of me. No offense.

RED: None taken.

ERIC: That's kind of his thing.

MEDIATOR: But, Earl, in light of your failure to show up for your own hearing... we have no choice but to rule in favor of Mr. Forman.

RED: Yes, sir!

ERIC: Way to go, Dad!

EARL: Damn... dog.

MEDIATOR: And Mr. Forman, even though this hearing did go your way today...in light of some of your son's responses... I would strongly encourage you to go to anger management classes.

RED: Sure, I'll...I'll do that (Earl and the mediator leave)

ERIC: Neat! Anger management. That sounds like it could be kind of fun, right? We...We won. Hey! You and me...We're such a good team. Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah. We did it. How about us, huh? Stickin' it to the man.

RED: I'll see you at home (he leaves)

ERIC: Wait. But, Dad, we...we drove here together! (he runs after him)


Hyde, Fez and Kelso are talking

FEZ: Then she fell asleep, and I stroke her hair.

HYDE: You did the right thing, Fez, but a word of advice. Next time you tell the story, ya nailed her.

KELSO: Yeah, but, you know, it's better you didn't... 'cause scammin' on another guy's woman- That's totally breaking the code.

ERIC (storming in): Donna told me what you did, you dill-hole! (he pushes Kelso onto the couch)

KELSO: No, she's lying! Oh! That's my nipple!

Hyde and Fez join Eric in beating up Kelso



Jackie is sitting on the couch reading, Fez comes in (drunk)

FEZ: Hello...buttercup.

JACKIE: Fez, you're drunk.

FEZ: Madam, I may be drunk, but you should have sex with me.

JACKIE: That's crazy.

FEZ: But you have to, because last night...I made a big mistake.

JACKIE: I don't even remember last night.

FEZ (falling to the floor): Ay!


Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

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