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#304 : Trop vieux pour les farces

C'est une étrange nuit d'Halloween. Eric tombe amoureux du nouveau look de Donna, Laurie joue les psychopathes avec Kelso, et Fez essaie de découvrir pourquoi Midge a disparu.


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Titre VO
Too Old to trick or treat, Too Young to Die.

Titre VF
Trop vieux pour les farces

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Le père de Donna

Le père de Donna

Laurie et Kelso

Laurie et Kelso

Tout le monde est réuni autour de Fez

Tout le monde est réuni autour de Fez

Plus de détails

NB : Cet épisode comporte un générique spécial « Halloween ». L'intrigue rend hommage à cinq films d'Alfred Hitchcock.


Sous-sol des Forman

La bande regarde tranquillement un film de Hitchcock lorsque Fez fait irruption déguisé en femme portant des porte-jarretelles. Le jeune homme se justifie, il s'est déguisé en Dr. Frank N Fürter du « Rocky Horror Picture Show ». Mais cela n'empêche pas ses amis de se moquer de lui. Donna voudrait bien faire quelque chose de spécial pour Halloween mais personne ne veut se bouger. Kelso râle parce qu'il doit accompagner Laurie à une soirée où il faut être bien habillé. Donna réitère sa demande auprès d'Éric mais ce dernier ne semble pas très intéressé. Du coup, ils se chamaillent. Kelso réfléchit, il se demande ce qu'il se passerait si tous découvraient qu'ils étaient les héros des films Hitcockiens. Tous sont choqués. Agacée, Donna préfère s'en aller. Comme Éric ne bouge pas et continue de faire rebondir une balle, Fez lui propose d'aller faire la quête aux bonbons mais son ami refuse. Du coup, Fez lui pique sa balle.

Éric se lance à sa poursuite dans le jardin et les deux jeunes hommes se retrouvent très vite sur le toit de la maison. Mais Éric trébuche et est suspendu à la gouttière.

Au sous-sol, Kelso s'inquiète car un de ses amis pourrait se blesser. Mais c'est lui qui se fait mal en ouvrant une canette. Jackie et Hyde se moquent de lui.

Sur le toit de la maison, Fez se penche vers Éric pour lui rende sa balle. Il perd l'équilibre et tombe.

Chambre d'Éric

Kitty met un bandage à Fez, qui s'est fait une entorse à la cheville et est dans un fauteuil. Elle voudrait que ce dernier se couvre et demande à Éric de prendre une couverture dans son armoire. Le jeune homme s'exécute et monte sur un tabouret. Il est soudain pris de panique et s'évanouit quelques secondes dans les bras de Hyde. Kitty regarde par la fenêtre et remarque que la voiture de Midge est là alors que Bob lui a dit qu'elle était partie depuis quelques jours. Pour occuper Fez, Éric lui prête ses jumelles et lui conseille d'observer Midge.

Cuisine des Forman

Kitty prépare de la soupe alors que le téléphone sonne. Elle raccroche et demande à Red d'aller servir sa soupe à Fez. Red ne veut pas mais sa femme insiste, une voisine lui a demandé de venir nourrir ses oiseaux. Il devra faire l'un ou l'autre. Il choisit Fez.
Maison de la voisine

Kitty trouve une maison pleine de corbeaux en cage. Alors qu'elle ouvre la cage pour les nourrir, un corbeau s'enfuit, se cogne violemment à la fenêtre et meurt. Les autres se mettent à hurler sur Kitty.

Salon des Forman

Red regarde la télévision et Kelso vient le déranger, lui piquant quelques pop-corn au passage. La sonnerie de la porte retentit. Kelso veut aller répondre mais Red lui défend de le faire car c'est certainement le livreur de journaux qui vient réclamer son argent. Mais Kelso ne supporte pas ne pas répondre à la porte et se lève, Red s'en va. C'est effectivement le livreur de journaux qui réclame son dû, Kelso lui explique qu'il n'est pas un Forman mais le nom est inscrit derrière son tee-shirt. Le jeune garçon ne le croit donc pas et bloque la porte. Kelso arrive à le distraire et à refermer la porte.

Chambre d'Éric

Fez observe avec les jumelles, Hyde à ses côtés. Il voit Bob traîner des gros sacs poubelle et commence à s'inquiéter pour Midge.

Salon des Forman

Kitty rentre, complètement catastrophée. Elle ne veut plus y retourner et cherche quelqu'un pour la remplacer. Laurie passe par là et Kitty réussit à convaincre sa fille de le faire pour de l'argent.

Perron des Forman

Donna pense qu'Éric la trouve ennuyeuse et Jackie le lui confirme. Une routine s'est installée entre eux et c'est le pire ennemi du couple. Paniquée, Donna réalise qu'elle est bien ennuyeuse.

Maison de la voisine

Laura arrive et nourrit les oiseaux, mais un des volatiles lui défèque sur le bras. Elle s'enfuit en hurlant.

Chambre d'Éric

Eric a rejoint ses deux amis et a les jumelles en main. Il remarque une belle blonde chez les Pinciotti et s'aperçoit que c'est Donna ! Il décide de la suivre. Il se penche alors pour mieux voir et est à nouveau pris d'une crise de panique et s'évanouit brièvement dans les bras de Hyde avant de partir. Fez et Hyde continuent d'observer et remarquent que Bob tient un énorme couteau ensanglanté dans la main.

Allée des Forman

Kelso est prêt pour la soirée et attend Laurie. Il entend soudain un bruit de moteur et réalise qu'un avion téléguidé lui fonce dessus. Il cherche à l'éviter et finit à moitié assommé dans le garage. Le livreur de journaux arrive et fouille dans son porte-feuille pour se payer.

Salon des Forman
Kelso retrouve Kitty dans le salon, il est tout sale et a bien l'intention d'aller prendre une douche. Il conseille à madame Forman de payer son livreur de journaux la prochaine fois. Laurie entre ensuite, complètement sous le choc. Elle fonce dans sa chambre.

Chambre d'Éric

Hyde est parti chez les Pinciotti et Hyde l'observe. Le jeune homme profite de sa petite « visite » pour prendre deux bières puis s'amuse à montrer ses fesses à son ami. Mais Bob arrive et il doit s'enfuir. Malheureusement pour Fez, Bob finit par comprendre qu'il est observé. Paniqué, Fez éteint la lumière.

Salle de bain des Forman

Kelso entre dans la douche et ferme le rideau. Alors qu'il se lave, on voit l'ombre de Laurie s'avancer, tirer le rideau et le taper avec une brosse. Elle est furieuse car il lui a piqué son shampoing. L'eau coule rouge.

Chambre d'Éric

Fez se retrouve face à Bob, suivi de Hyde. Les deux garçons demandent alors des explications et ils comprennent très vite qu'ils se sont fait des films. D'ailleurs Midge est dans son salon et commence à se déshabiller. Bob court chez lui pour l'arrêter.

Château d'eau

Éric a suivi Donna et parvient à monter en haut du château d'eau malgré sa peur soudaine du vide. Il se retrouve face à Donna qui leur a emmené de quoi faire un pique-nique. Le couple s'embrasse mais Éric perd l'équilibre et se retrouve une fois de plus dans le vide. Donna arrive à le remonter mais il trébuche de nouveau et chute.

Maison de la voisine

Kitty est finalement revenu et découvre avec horreur que les oiseaux sont sortis de la cage. Ils l'attaquent et elle se réfugie dans une cabine téléphonique, mystérieusement apparue. Elle se réveille alors chez elle, tout ceci n'était qu'un cauchemar.

Chambre d'Éric

Éric porte un bandage à la jambe et est dans un fauteuil roulant. Il confie à Donna qu'il est content car sa chute a fini étrangement par le guérir de sa peur du vide. Seulement à cause de cet épisode malencontreux, Donna a maintenant peur du sexe. Éric se met à hurler.


(The Forman’s basement. The gang is watching an Alfred Hitchcock marathon. Eric
is bouncing a little rubber ball…Kelso is standing by the door drinking
something…and the rest are on the couch)

Announcer: Now, back to the Hitchcock movie marathon…

(Fez comes in dressed as a Frank N. Furter from “Rocky Horror Picture Show”)

Fez: BOO!

(Kelso, drinking something, proceeds to spill it all over shirt after being
scared by Fez)

Kelso: Dammit Fez!

Eric:(he turns aroun) OH! Damn Fez!

Donna: Fez! What the hell are you doing?!

Kelso: Fez, I don’t know if you’ve noticed…but you’re dressed like a
girl…and…not a nice girl! (He walks over to the washer and dryer)

Fez: Kelso, you spilled juice all over your shirt…you look stupid. (He adjusts

Eric: Hey Kelso, while you’re over there…would you please, please toss Fez a
pair of pants?!

Donna: Or at least a skirt.

Fez: No. I’m Dr. Frank N. Futer from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. You know, my
ultra conservative host parents were upset about my rock hard ass.

(He shoves his butt in Jackie’s face. She stares happily)

Donna: Fez, put it away or take it outside. (She jumps over the couch to Eric)
So, Eric, do you wanna get out of here? You know, do something fun for

Fez: I DO!

Kelso: I gotta go to a stupid Halloween party with Laurie’s stupid friends. Not
only do I have to wear a suit, but all her guy friend’s act like they’ve done it
with her before.

Eric: Um…Kelso…

Hyde: Leave it.

Eric: Ok. Look, there’s nothing to do. It’s like we’re too old to Trick ‘er’
Treat and too young to die.

Hyde: Oh hey, we could take Fez to Chicago and pedal his ass for beer.

Fez: I’m game!

Donna: No, Eric, I thought that maybe there was something we could do…together.

Eric: Pft, I doubt it.

Kelso: OOO, BURN!

Donna: Wait! WHAT?!

Eric: No! I…No, no, I didn’t mean it like that.

Jackie: Nope, sorry Eric. That was a burn. What’s burnt it burnt, and what’s
burnt…is Donna.

Donna: Oh, so we’re out of fun things to do. You’re already bored of your

Eric: No, I meant…this town…not you…pretty lady.

Kelso: You know what would be fun? If we were in an Alfred Hitchcock movie right
now, and we didn’t know it. And then, someone one told us and we were all like,
“Oh man! I’m in a movie!”

(One by one, the camera shoots a close up of each person, and they all give the
camera surprised looks. It goes: Hyde, Kelso, Donna, Eric, Jackie, and Fez.)

Donna: Yeah, ok, I’m out of here.

Eric: Wait, but I thought we-

Donna: GET BENT!

Eric: Ok, I’ll do that.

(Fez gets up and walks over to Eric who’s still bouncing his ball)

Fez: You know what would cheer you up? A little Trick or Treating. (Eric
continues to bounce the ball) HELLO?! Quit bouncing the ball and let’s do

Eric: Yeah, you know…I can’t Fez. ‘Cause I can’t even look at you. I don’t know
whether to throw you out or throw you down and make sweet love to you.

Hyde: You know, that says more about you than it does him.

Eric: Well, I’m not the one dressed like a damn girl!

(Fez steals Eric’s super ball)

Fez: Well, the damn girl has your ball. Hehe! (He runs outside)

Eric: What do I care about…man, that’s my ball! (He runs after Fez)

(Shot shifts to the two of them outside. Fez climbs on top of the roof and Eric

Fez: Oh, these heels are killing me!

Eric: Okay Fez, that’s it. Give the ball back and no one gets hurt.

(Eric lunges toward the ball and falls off the roof, but manages to grab on to
the gutter. Shot goes back to Jackie, Kelso, and Hyde in the basement still
watching the TV.)

Kelso: Hey, guys, do you wanna go outside and see Fez and Eric run around?
Someone might get hurt! It’s funny when people get hurt.

(He starts playing with the tab on his soda can.)

Hyde: Especially when they’re in their underwear. That’s great.

Jackie: (To Kelso:) Okay, the only person dumb enough to get hurt around here is

Kelso: Okay, Jackie, I’m really starting to get sick- (he hurts himself playing
with the soda can.) OWWWWW! Awww! Aww! (He puts his hand in his mouth.)

Hyde: That’s great.

(Shot shifts back to Eric and Fez. Fez is trying to help Eric without falling

Fez: I’ll give you the ball back Eric, just don’t fall. We don’t want anyone
falling. No falling. (He falls off the roof) AHHHH!

(Shot shifts to Eric still holding on and Fez on the ground unconscious.)

(“That 70’s Show” theme song plays)

** ** **

(Eric’s room. Fez is in a wheel chair with Eric, Red, and Hyde standing around
him. Kitty is wrapping his left ankle.)

Kitty: Okay Fez, you have a nasty sprain here…not to a…to mention a run in your
stockings! Hahaha!

Red: So, you were running around, chasing him up on the roof because he took
your little rubber ball?

Eric: Oh, it wasn’t a ball. It was a super ball.

Hyde: Yeah, you should see that thing bounce. It’s pretty super.

Red: Dumbasses.

Kitty: Honey, get Fez a blanket. He needs to cover his...he needs to just cover

(Eric gets up on a little stool and gets a blanket from his closet. As he is
getting down he gets a funny look on his face he starts remembering his “brush
with death” on the roof. The shot shifts to him on a hypnotic black and white
background with him screaming “AHHHHHH!” Shot shifts back to the room and he
falls into Hyde’s arms.)

Hyde: Get off me, you girl! (He drops him on the ground and Eric comes out of
his daze.)

Eric: What…what happened?

Kitty: Honey, you just, you just had a little touch of Vertigo there. So, just
uh, stay away from heights for a while and you’ll be fine.

(She goes over to her first aid kit on the dresser and Kelso and Jackie walk

Kelso: See?! See that Jackie!? Fez hurt himself! There is someone stupider than

Jackie: It’s not his fault he’s stupid! He’s foreign! What’s your excuse…stupid?

Kelso: Well, I know one thing’s for sure. There’s definitely someone bitchier
than me.

Jackie: Oh, you better not mean me.

Kelso: OH...I..so…mean…YOU!

Jackie: UGH! (She leaves)

(Kelso starts to follow)

Hyde: Nice burn.

Eric: Top shell.

Kelso: Thanks guys.

(Kitty looks out the window.)

Kitty: Well, now, that’s strange. Midge’s car is right there, Bob said she
wasn’t home. In fact, I haven’t seen her for days.

Hyde: Maybe she went to the store and forgot where she lived.

Kitty: (Laughs hysterically for a few seconds, then realizes what she’s doing.)
Oh, that’s just wrong.

(She leaves.)

Eric: (claps his hands) Okay, Fez, I know what will cheer you up. (He grabs some
binoculars sitting on his stool, and hands them to Fez. Then he pushes Fez’s
wheelchair over to his window.) With these, you can look into the Pinciotti’s
house and frequently enjoy a naked Midge, up close and personal.

Fez: That’s exactly how I like my naked Midges.

Eric: Oh, but Fez, be warned. If Bob approaches a naked Midge, look away. For
the love of god, look away! Okay, let’s practice. Naked Midge, Naked Midge,
Naked Midge, Naked Midge, Bob!

Fez: Aye! (He yanks the binoculars away from his eyes.)

Eric: You’re going to be okay.

** ** **

(The Forman’s kitchen. Kitty is on the phone and Red walks in. Kitty is cooking
some soup.)

Kitty: Oh, okay. All right. Yeah, Bye. (She hangs up the phone.) Red, I need you
to take this soup up to Fez.

Red: No Kitty. He’s wearing ladies’ underwear. Uh…no.

Kitty: Well, crazy bird lady from next door called. She and her bingo crew’s
stuck out on Lake Michigan, and she asked me to feed her birds. So, you can
either feed the birds or feed the Fez.

Red: Give me panty boy’s damn soup.

** ** **

Kitty: Hello, pretty birds. Hello…pretty damn big birds. It’s your Aunt Kitty.
(She goes to open one of the cages. When she does a bird flies out and hits the
window and dies. She goes over to pick it up and gets scared. All the birds
start screeching at her and she drops the bird and just stands there.)

** ** **

(The Forman’s living room. Red is watching TV eating popcorn alone. Kelso walks

Kelso: Hey. (He grabs some popcorn from Red’s lap. He points at the TV.) OH!
I’ve seen this one. These guys think that Grant is a secret agent but he’s not.
It’s a case of mistaken identity.

Red: Right. Like you’ve mistaken me for someone who wants you here.

Kelso: Hehe...wait…was that- (he’s interrupted by the doorbell.) Oh. Kickback.
I’ll get it.

Red: No. Don’t. It’s the paperboy.

Kelso: Mr. Forman, you have to answer your door.

Red: Look, I forgot to pay him for last couple of weeks. And, I didn’t pick up
any cash, so, just ignore it!

Kelso: I don’t think you understand, ok? I…I can’t let a doorbell go unanswered.

(Red gets up.)

Red: Don’t answer the damn door!

(Kelso gets up and heads for the door.)

Kelso: But I gotta!

Red: Don’t!

Kelso: But I gotta!

Red: Fine, you pay him, kettlehead.

(He goes into the kitchen. Kelso opens the door to see the paperboy, who’s very
pissed off.)

Paperboy: Hey, Forman. I want my money.

Kelso: Oh…uh…oh there’s no Forman’s here. (He turns and looks around…not
realizing it says Forman on the back of shirt he borrowed from Eric.) See for

Paperboy: Then why does it say Forman on the back of you shirt?

Kelso: (looks at the shirt) Oh, I borrowed the shirt.

Paperboy: It’s a bunch of bullcorn, Forman! Now, give me my money!

Kelso: I’m not Forman. (He tries to close the door but the paperboy puts his
foot in the way.) Look, don’t you think you’re taking this paperboy thing a
little too seriously?

Paperboy: I’m a very serious paperboy.

Kelso: Okay, do you know what this is? This is a case of mistaken identity.


Kelso: (points behind the paperboy) Look! Someone is trying to steal your bike!
(Paperboy runs out and Kelso smiles and sits back down on the couch) Fine,
there’s two guys stupider than me.

** ** **

(Eric’s room. Fez is watching Bob lug heavy garbage bags through his living

Hyde: Hey.

Fez: Hi.

Hyde: Any sign of naked Midge yet?

Fez: Nope, just Bob lugging them big huge garbage bags. What do you suppose is
in them?

Hyde: Oh, I dunno, I’m guessing…garbage?

Fez: Or, you know how Mrs. Kitty said she hadn’t seen Midge in a few days? What
if…naked Midge is in the bags?! (He goes back to spying.)
** ** **

(The Forman’s living room. Red is back watching TV. Kitty comes in, she is very
freaked out.)

Kitty: Red, I killed a bird!

Red: Hehe. (Noticing that Kitty is getting mad, he wipes the smile off his
face.) Awww.

Kitty: And then the rest of them, they just, they just glared at me with this
birdie hate look! I can’t go back there. I have to find someone else to feed
those birds! Someone who won’t flinch in the face of evil! (Laurie walks in.)
Oh, and there’s Mommy’s girl! Laurie, have I got a job for you.

Laurie: Not interested.

Kitty: It pays 10 bucks!

Laurie: All right! I’ll do anything for 10 bucks!

Kitty: And for once, that’s a good thing!

** ** **

(The Forman’s front porch. Donna and Jackie are sitting. Donna is very upset and
thinking.) Jackie: Donna what’s wrong? You look sad.

Donna: I think Eric thinks I’m boring. Do you think I’m boring?

Jackie: Oh, Donna…yeah a little. But, it’s not like it’s a bad thing! The world
needs people like you. You’re the gray that makes the color, me, POP!

Donna: Jackie! I’m not boring! Eric and I do lots of fun stuff together! We go
to movies-

Jackie: Every Friday night, early show.

Donna: What? I get sleepy!

(Jackie nods her head.)

Donna: Oh no! (We can hear her thoughts:) BORING?! BORING?!

(Scene shifts to the hypnotic black and white background, only this time Donna
is screaming on it.)

** ** **

(Laurie feeding the birds. As she puts her arm in one of the cages a bird poops
on her. She screams, and then scene cuts to the hypnotic black and white and
Laurie is screaming on it. Scene cuts back to the birdhouse and Laurie runs

** ** **

(Eric’s room. Eric, Hyde, and Fez, are still spying on the Pinciotti’s house.
Eric is looking through the binoculars and sees Donna dressed in a blonde wig
being very mysterious.)

Eric: Hey, who’s the hot blonde? Oh wait a minute, that’s no hot blonde.
That’s…Donna! Where is she going?

Hyde: Maybe she’s going patrolling for men who don’t piss her off.

Eric: I don’t know where she’s going, but I’m going to follow her.

(Eric stands up and gets his Vertigo again, and the hypnotic scene appears
again. It cuts back to the room and Eric faints in Hyde’s arms again.)

Hyde: Would you quit doing that?!

(He drops him again. Eric gets up quickly and silently, puts the binoculars in
Fez’s lap, and leaves. Hyde grabs the binoculars and continues spying.)

Hyde: Hey, I don’t know how this fits into you’re murder theory, but Bob’s
wearing an apron with guts all over it and holding a big carving knife!

(Fez grabs the binoculars and looks. Shot shows Bob with his apron and guts and

Fez: He did kill Midge! And I never got to see her naked!

** ** **

(The Forman’s driveway. Kelso outside, waiting for Laurie. He sees a remote
control plane and starts following it with his eyes. He soon realizes it’s the
Paperboy trying to annoy him for money. Kelso dodges the plane and falls then
gets back up again when he sees the plane coming back towards him. Finally, he
falls again in the Forman’s garage and the plane crashes into a painting above
him. The Paperboy comes and takes his wallet, takes the money out, and throws
the wallet back down at Kelso.)

Paperboy: That’s $2.50 plus a 50-cent tip…cause I’m good! See ya next week,

Kelso: (crying) I’m not FORMAN!

** ** **

(The Forman’s living room. Kelso barges in, Kitty is watching TV. Kelso’s suit
is all dirty and ripped and he’s messy. He’s really pissed off.)

Kelso: First of all Mrs. Forman, I’m using your shower. (He goes up the stairs
and starts crying. Then he stops in the middle.) And second of all, you have to
pay your paperboy!)

(Laurie runs into the living room, very frightened. She stands by the door
holding herself.)

Kitty: So…how did it go? Did you feed the birds?

Laurie: Well…uh…yeah…I mean, I dunno! I think I did!

Kitty: Well, either you did or you didn’t!

Laurie: Well, you didn’t either! And you didn’t even get pooped on! Now go find
someone else to go feed those stupid birds!

** ** **

(Eric’s room. Fez is all alone. Hyde has snuck into the Pinciotti’s house. Fez
is watching. We can hear his thoughts.)

Fez: Oh, Hyde please be careful! Go get some clues. Why aren’t you checking the
garbage bags full of Naked Midge? (We see Hyde come back with two beers and he
stands in the room dancing.) Ohh beers! Ahaha! He’s so funny! Oh what is he
going to do? (Hyde takes off his pants to moon Fez.) Is he going to moon me?
(Bob comes in. Hyde runs away.) Oh, Run, HYDE, RUN! WAIT! DON’T FORGET THE
BEERS! (We see Bob with a strange look on his face and Fez gets scared and backs
out of the light. Then he tries turning off the lamp and has difficulty.
Eventually he does.)

** ** **

(The Forman’s bathroom. Kelso is getting ready for his shower. We see him take
off his clothes and a shot goes to his Hulk Boxers. He gets in the shower and
starts washing. Laurie comes in and opens the door. It’s supposed to be similar
to a scene from the movie Psycho. She opens the shower curtain and sees Kelso.)

Laurie: Why are you in my bathroom?! (She takes the scrubber and pretends to
stab Kelso with it. Angrily, Laurie walks over to the toilet and flushes it. The
water in the shower gets really hot and burns Kelso.)

Kelso: AHHHH! That’s really hot!

(He knocks over a bottle of red shampoo.)

Laurie: YOU SPILLED MY SHAMPOO! GOD, YOU IDIOT! (Shot of spilled shampoo. It
runs down the drain.)

** ** **

(Eric’s room. Fez is alone in the dark waiting for Bob. He’s holding a camera.
Bob opens the door and Fez starts taking pictures, flashing the camera’s flash
to scare Bob off.)


(Hyde comes in and turns on the light.)

Fez: You can’t kill me like you killed Midge, you big doofy!

Bob: Kill Midge? I didn’t kill Midge. She’s in Chicago visiting her sister.

Fez: Oh, really. Then what was in the heavy garbage sacks?

Bob: Garbage, you idiot.

Hyde: Oh, well I guess that explains the giant knife, the guts all over your
apron. Oh, wait, no it doesn’t!

Fez: Explain that, killer!

Bob: They were pumpkin guts. I was making Jack-o’-lanterns.

Fez: So, you’re hiding Midge’s body in a jack-o’-lantern. Clever plan.

Bob: (he walks over to the window.) Look, there’s Midge now. Not dead or

(Camera closes in on the Pinciotti’s house where Midge is getting undressed by
the window.)

Fez: Oh goody! You can go now.

Bob: Midgey! No! Cover yourself! (He leaves)

(Shot goes back to Midge undressing. Hyde starts fighting with Fez for the

Hyde: Give it!

Fez: NO!

(Hyde slaps Fez’s ankle.)

Fez: AYE!

** ** **

(The water tower. Eric is at the bottom screaming for Donna.)

Eric: Donna! Donna! (He then starts talking to himself.) Why would she go up the
water tower? Why does she want to be up there? And why…am I talking to myself? I
have to…(he gulps) climb. (Shot of Eric in the hypnotic scene. When the scene
shifts back, Eric is at the top of the water tower. Donna is at the top still in
her blonde wig and trench coat.)

Eric: Donna, what the hell are you doing?

Donna: (grabs him. Her voice is all mysterious.) I guess you’ve caught me. And,
if you must know the truth...(her voice goes back to normal)…I’m not boring, you

Eric: I never said you were boring. How’d you know I’d follow you here?

Donna: I saw you spying on me.

(She sits down on the edge.)

Eric: I wasn’t…no…I wasn’t spying on you. I was teaching Fez how to spy on your
naked-yeah, you know what? I was spying on you.

(He sits down next to her. Next to Donna is a basket. He notices it and

Eric: Donna, please, tell me there’s not a…head…in that basket.

Donna: Haha, no. It’s just a picnic. (She puts the basket behind her.)

Eric: So…so we’re ok?

(Donna nods and Eric leans over and starts making out with her.)

Eric: Lovin’ it!

Donna: Ouch, you’re on my leg! (She accidentally pushes him off. He grabs on to
the edge of the tower.)

Eric: Oh my god, I’m gonna die!

Donna: Eric, hold on I’m going to pull you up!

Eric: No, Donna, you can’t. You’re just a girl. (She pulls him up over the
railing) Okay! You got it! Haha! (He goes to step on the railing and completely
falls off this time. But lands in a tree.) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

** ** **

(Kitty at crazy bird lady’s house. She opens the front door and sees all the
cages empty. All of a sudden the door slams behind her. The birds are all over
the place cawing at her. She starts screaming.)

Kitty: AHHHHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! (Cuts to Kitty in the hypnotic scene. Then back
to the house. All the birds come flying at her. She spots a telephone booth next
to her.) A telephone booth! That’s lucky! (The birds hurl themselves at the
phone booth and Kitty bangs on the glass to get them away. Scene cuts to the
Forman’s house. Kitty is asleep on the couch flailing her arms. The she wakes up
and realizes it was a dream.) Oh thank god! It was just a dream! Well, I can’t
go back there. I just can’t!

** ** **

(Eric’s room. Donna is sitting on his bed and Eric is in a wheel chair.)

Eric: So, Donna, even though my ankle is sprained, I can still probably make it
up that water tower. You know, finish what we started.

Donna: You know, I would, but I don’t know if I can. Something happened to me up
there too.

Eric: Oh, I know. Vertigo, right? Fear of heights?

Donna: No, Eric! Fear of SEX!

Eric: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Cuts to Eric in the hypnotic scene.)
The End

Kikavu ?

Au total, 17 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

03.12.2020 vers 21h

22.12.2018 vers 14h

20.06.2018 vers 11h

15.10.2016 vers 20h

05.10.2016 vers 15h

Date inconnue

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Locksley, 17.06.2024 à 19:08

Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

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Si vous avez la majorité (en âge, pas à l'Assemblée, hein!)venez voter chez Queer as Folk, clichés gays obligent...

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Bonjour, venez voter au sondage culinaire de Star Trek :=)

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