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#401 : L'ange d'Eric

Quand Eric fait le voeu de n'avoir jamais rencontré Donna, un ange apparaît et lui montre ce qu'aurait été sa vie s'ils n'étaient jamais sortis ensemble.


4.5 - 2 votes

Titre VO
It's A Wonderful Life

Titre VF
L'ange d'Eric

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Absences de Léo et Bob.

Chambre d'Éric

Éric est allongé sur son lit. Il revoit la scène de sa rupture avec Donna, puis celle de leur premier baiser. Il voudrait que ce baiser ne soit jamais arrivé. Là, un ange apparaît, il souhaite lui montrer ce qu'il se serait passé si lui et Donna ne s'étaient pas embrassés. Le jeune homme a du mal à y croire et lui dit qu'il n'est pas un ange car il ne lévite pas. L'ange s'exécute et Éric accepte de le suivre.

Allée des Forman

La fameuse scène du baiser arriver mais cette fois-ci, Donna ne revient pas pour l'embrasser. Éric est ravi mais l'ange n'en a pas fini avec lui car il souhaite lui prouver qu'il vaut mieux avoir aimé et perdu plutôt que n'avoir jamais aimé, il va lui montrer comment la soirée s'est terminée pour Donna.

Jardin des Pinciotti

Hyde attend Donna, qui est contente de le voir. Ils boivent une bière. Hyde lui demande si elle est en couple avec Éric. Comme elle lui répond que non, il l'embrasse.

Sous-sol des Forman

Éric est la cinquième roue du carrosse qui observe Jackie et Kelso, ainsi que Donna et Hyde s'embrasser. Red arrive et ordonne à Éric d'aller balayer l'allée. Il vire les autres. Éric s'étonne d'être si docile avec son père, l'ange lui fait remarquer que Donna a fait ressortir son côté rebelle et l'a aidé à acquérir une certaine assurance. L'ange veut ensuite l'emmener ailleurs, Éric lui ouvre la porte du sous-sol et la referme tout de suite. Malheureusement, l'ange peut réapparaître comme il le souhaite.

Le « Hub »

Éric découvre qu'il fait désormais partie du club d'échec. Fez le rejoint et c'est devenu un vrai « loser » qui joue dans la fanfare du lycée. A peine arrivé, deux costauds lui sautent dessus pour l'entraîner dehors et le frapper. Donna entre et rejoint Hyde, elle lui montre son tatouage. Éric doute que sa Donna puisse se faire tatouer, l'ange lui réplique que celle de Hyde le ferait certainement. Hyde et Donna s'embrassent goulûment et ne remarque même pas Éric. Ce dernier finit par saluer ses anciens amis, qui le remarquent enfin. Donna ne sait même pas s'il habite encore à côté de chez elle. Hyde révèle que, comme sa mère est partie, il va devoir quitter l'école pour aller travailler. Éric est catastrophé et lui propose de venir habiter chez lui. Donna et Hyde éclatent de rire.

Allée des Forman

Éric découvre avec stupeur qu'il va au bal du lycée avec la « grosse Rhonda ». La jeune fille n'a d'ailleurs pas l'air très enchanté non plus. Kitty prend tout de même des photos pour immortaliser l'instant. Avant de partir, Red donne à son fils de l'argent pour offrir à manger à Rhonda.


C'est la soirée après le bal du lycée. Donna a un nouveau tatouage, « propriété de Hyde ». Fez voudrait écouter de la musique mais il se fait une fois de plus taper. Rhonda arrive dans la pièce et annonce, toute fière, qu'elle a fait d'Éric un homme. Le jeune homme remarque que Kelso est désormais avec Pam Macy, l'ange lui explique qu'il n'a pas pu se réconcilier avec Jackie car Hyde n'était pas là pour l'emmener. Il lui montre la jeune fille qui observe tristement la scène. L'ange voudrait que Éric comprenne que son choix a influencé la vie de tout le monde. Mais il n'est toujours pas convaincu. L'ange lui assure qu'il y a pire. Il l'emmène dans les années 80.

Jardin des Pinciotti

1983. Donna et Hyde viennent de se marier, la jeune femme est enceinte jusqu'au cou. Kelso est devenu un présentateur télé, Éric est venu avec sa copine, Rhonda, qui ne pense qu'à manger. Hyde l'aborde et lui demande quand il va l'épouser. Éric répond qu'il est trop occupé par son travail à Price Mart et que Rhonda est trop occupée à le tromper. Jackie arrive et Kelso va tout de suite vers elle. Jackie fait semblant de ne pas le reconnaître et annonce qu'elle est hôtesse de l'air. Lorsque Kelso lui apprend le métier qu'il fait, elle change d'avis. Les deux courent se réfugier dans la maison. Soudain, un petit garçon donne un coup de pied à Éric. C'est son petit frère, Jake, qui est le fils rêve pour Red et Kitty. Cette dernière espère d'ailleurs que son fils va bientôt quitter la maison. Mais Éric ne semble pas prêt à le faire et prend sa mère dans ses bras. Kelso et Jackie ressortent de la maison, tout débraillés. Hyde ouvre le cadeau de Kelso, c'est une grosse barrette de chit. Les garçons décident d'aller la fumer. Fez, qui jouait de la musique, les suit.

Sous-sol des Forman

Les garçons font un cercle. Éric, qui fume pour la première fois, tousse. Kelso est complètement « stone ». Hyde trouve que les cheveux de Fez sont ignobles alors que ce dernier ne fait que se consacrer à sa musique. Éric croit qu'il a des dispositions pour la cuisine et Kelso avoue ne pas tout le temps mettre de pantalon pendant le journal télévisé. L'ange est lui aussi « stone ».

Salle de réception

C'est la soirée de retrouvailles, dix ans après la fin du lycée. Fez est le chanteur de la soirée. Kelso a considérablement grossi, il est accompagné de Pam Macy. L'ange apprend à Éric que Kelso a été viré car il buvait, il travaille désormais pour Éric, qui est devenu vendeur de matelas à eau. Jackie vient une fois de plus l'aborder, elle est toujours aussi ravissante. Kelso annonce fièrement qu'il est marié à Pam mais Jackie n'est pas impressionnée, elle se fiche de lui et elle le trouve gros. Puis elle se jette sur lui et les deux s'embrassent fougueusement devant Pam. Éric croise Rhonda qui a maigri et est devenue sublime. Elle le remercie car lorsqu'il a rompu, elle a réalisé combien elle devait être moche. Elle a fait du sport et possède maintenant une salle de sport. Fez recommence à chanter alors Éric se tourne pour l'écouter. Donna arrive derrière lui. Éric la remarque, elle se souvient de lui. Ils en profitent pour discuter. Hyde fait constamment des séjours en prison et elle se retrouve seule avec les enfants. Éric dit que tout va bien. Donna lui avoue qu'elle avait le béguin pour lui, il fait de même. Il lui demande si elle écrit toujours mais elle n'a pas vraiment le temps avec ses trois enfants à élever. Éric lui conseille de s'y remettre mais elle trouve qu'il est trop tard pour cela, comme pour beaucoup de choses. Elle s'en va. L'ange espère avoir enfin convaincu Éric qu'il regretterait ne jamais avoir été avec elle. Le Éric du futur entend et s'adresse au Éric du présent. Il est furieux de n'avoir jamais pu été avec elle mais le Éric du présent trouve que c'est pire de sentir ce qu'il ressent en ce moment. Il s'en va. Le Éric du futur demande à l'ange s'il pourrait l'aider à changer sa vie mais c'est un non catégorique.

Chambre d'Éric

Éric remercie l'ange et lui dit au revoir. L'ange abandonne, il promet de lui enlever tous ses sentiments mais il veut devoir lui montrer ce à quoi il renonce. Éric revoit dans sa tête tous les moments avec Donna. Il change d'avis. L'ange est parti. Éric s'assoit sur son lit.

Salle de réception

Fez chante « Don't worry, be happy ». Éric est seul dans la salle et il l'écoute.



[Eric lying in bed, has flashback of break-up]
Donna: Are you breaking up with me?
Eric: Well, are you giving back that ring?
Donna: Yes.
Eric: Then . . . yes.
Donna: [Sobbing] [Places ring on hood of car] [Walks away]
[End of flashback]
Eric: [Thinking] That first kiss.
[After Todd Rundgren concert]

Donna: Okay, well, I'm gonna call it a day.
Donna: Good night. [Walks away]
Eric: Night.
Donna: [Walks back over to Eric] By the way, thanks for the ride. [Kisses Eric]
[End of flashback]
Eric: God, I wished we never kissed.


Angel: Geez, what a drama queen.
Eric: Who are you?
Angel: Let's go.
Eric: Go where?
Angel: Well, you said you wished that you'd never kissed her. I can show you what would've happened if you never did.
Eric: What are you, like, a genie?
Angel: Genies aren't real. [Scoffs] I'm an angel.
Eric: You're not an angel. You don't even float. Everyone knows angels float.
Angel: Fine. [Floats] Eric Forman . . . God's favorite cherub . . . come with me . . . and I will release you of your suffering. Don't be afraid . . . little one.
Eric: No offense, but are you coming on to me?
Angel: Are you ready?
Eric: Yeah, why not? [Gets out of bed]
[After Todd Rundgren concert]

Donna: Okay, well, I'm gonna call it a day.
Donna: Good night.
Eric #2: Night.
Angel: And there you go. You and Donna never kissed.
Eric #1: Well, thanks. This was nice. [Pats angel's shoulder] Good night. [Turns away]
Angel: No, no. We're gonna follow her home and see what happened next.
Eric #1: Are you an angel or a stalker?
Angel: Hey, let me do my job. I'm gonna prove to you that it is better to have loved and lost . . . than never to have loved at all, ya pansy. [Slaps Eric #1’s cheek]
[Theme Song]
Eric: Hyde was waiting for her that night? I didn't know that.
Angel: Shh. This is my favorite part.
Donna: [Walks into view] Hey. [Sits down next to Hyde]
Hyde: Hey. [Hands Donna beer]
Donna: Thanks.
Hyde: [Sniffs] So you with Forman now?
Donna: [Laughs] I guess not. I mean, he didn't make a move or anything. So -
Hyde: Huh.
Donna: Yeah.

[Hyde kisses Donna]

Eric: [Yelling] Hyde, what are you doing? Get the hell off her!
Angel: Eric, they can't hear you. Don't you watch movies? I mean, this is some pretty basic stuff here.


[Jackie/Kelso and Donna/Hyde making out]

Angel: Well, Eric, it's three months later. Donna's with Hyde, Kelso's with Jackie, and you became - just watch.
Eric #2: Does anyone want to watch "Flipper"? Anyone?

[Red comes into basement]

Red: Eric, I thought I told you to tar the driveway.
Eric #2: Yeah, but I'm hanging out with my friends.
Red: Oh, oh! I'm so sorry! Now get your ass up there and get to work! You people, out of the basement!
Eric #2: Oh, geez, I'm sorry, Dad. Don't be mad.

[Everyone leaves]

Eric #1: This is made-up angel crap. I wouldn't cave to Red like that.
Angel: Ah, you've already forgotten what a wuss you were. See, it was Donna who gave you the confidence to stand up to Red. Oh, I'm gonna show you alot of neat stuff like this.
Eric #1: Well, I guess I have no choice.

[Opens door, tries to lock angel out]

Angel: [Reappears] Like everyone doesn't try that. [Scoffs]


[Eric #2 is playing chess]

Eric #1: This can't be that bad. I'm wearing a letter sweater.
Angel: Chess Club, loser.
Eric #2: Ah, checkmate!

[Four guys leave]

Fez: [Walks in] Hey, I made the marching band. Ooh, at last I will be accepted by the cool kids and not get beat up.

[Two guys grab Fez]

Fez: Ay, no. Not again, guys.

[Guys drag Fez outside]

[Donna walks in]

[Hyde walks out of bathroom]

Donna: Hey, I got you a birthday present.
Hyde: What is it?
Donna: A tattoo. [Donna shows Hyde tattoo]
Hyde: [Reads tattoo] "Question Authority." Cool. I love you, man.
Donna: Prove it.

[Hyde and Donna start making out]

Eric #1: My Donna would never get a tattoo.
Angel: No, but Hyde's Donna would.
Eric #2: Hi, guys.
Donna: Oh, hey, Eric. We didn't see you there.
Eric #2: Yeah, most people don't. Yeah.
Donna: Huh. So, do you still live next door?
Eric #2: Oh, yeah! You bet. Yeah. So - Hey, Hyde, how are you?
Hyde: Great. My mom split, so - droppin' out of school.
Eric #2: Oh, man, look, Hyde, you can stay at my house. Then you won't have to drop out.

[Hyde and Donna burst out laughing]


[Angel chuckles]

[Kitty takes pictures of Eric and Big Rhonda]

Eric #2: Okay, mom. Now get one of me giving her the corsage. [Hands Rhonda corsage]
Rhonda: [Takes corsage] Let's roll, Twiggy. My bra's about to snap.
Eric #1: I went to prom with Big Rhonda?
Angel: Sweet, huh?
Kitty: Real quick, real quick. Now, Rhoda -
Rhonda: It's Rhonda! Rhon-da! God!
Kitty: Rhon-da. I'm so sorry, dear. [Chuckles]
Red: I told you he'd fall for the first piece of tail that came along.
Kitty: Shh! Okay - okay. Now smile. Big night! Big everything! I'll make you a copy.
Rhonda: Yeah, I want to remember this night. Whoo!

[Car door opens]

Red: Here, son. [Sighs] You'll need this. [Hands Eric #2 money]

[Car door closes]

Red: Girls like her - they like to eat before the prom. Good luck, son. [Pats Eric #2 on back]


[Donna and Hyde dancing]

Angel: Hmm, another tattoo. [Looking at Donna's arm] "Property of Hyde." Classy!
Eric: What? What's Fez doing?

[Fez walks to stereo]

Hyde: Step away from that stereo!
Fez: But Hyde, I got the new Leo Sayer album.

[Guy punches Fez]

Rhonda: Hey, everybody! I just made Forman a man. [Laughs] Well, as much of a man as he'll ever be.
Eric: Kelso and Pam Macy? But Kelso and Jackie got back together on prom night.
Angel: Never happened.
Kelso: I wrote you a love poem, Pam. It goes like this: I love your rack. I'd love to shack . . up with you and do it too.
Pam: Oh, Michael. That is so deep.
Kelso: Yeah, I kicked that poem's ass!
Angel: It's all a domino effect, Eric. You see, Hyde wasn't there to take Jackie to prom, so she couldn't make up with Kelso. See?

[Jackie looking inside from window]

Eric: Oh, my God. That's so sad. It's like my relationship with Donna touched everyone's life. And I was just gonna throw that a - [Blows raspberry]
Angel: Okay, you're unpleasant.
Eric: Just give it up, I don't care. None of this is really that bad anyway.
Angel: Well, it gets a lot worse. Come on. We're going into the future. That's right - the '80s.

[New Wave music begins to play]

Eric: [When music ends] Hey, what the hell was that?
Angel: Oh, you'll find out.


Angel: Welcome to 1983 - Donna and Hyde's wedding.
Eric #1: Man, did you have to make her pregnant? Good God, I wish I could just wake up.
Angel: Oh-oh, you may never wake up. This could be a coma dream.
Kelso: [In announcer's voice] Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hyde . . . from Cedar Rapid's number one anchorman. [Hands Hyde gift]
Hyde: Kelso, man, glad you could make it.
Kelso: Hey, oh, man, can I kiss the bride?
Donna: Sure.

[Kelso kisses Donna]

Donna: [Shoves Kelso away] Damn it, Kelso! You don't French the bride!
Rhonda: Where's the food?
Eric #2: Please, honey, for the love of God -
Rhonda: Don't "honey" me. I'm hungry, stick man. [Sniffing] [Walks away]
Hyde: Hey, Forman, so when are you and Big Rhonda gonna tie the knot, huh?
Eric #2: Oh, I don't know. You know, I'm so busy at Price Mart, and, uh, she has her dog grooming . . . and her cheating on me, so -

[Jackie walks in]

Kelso: Jackie . . . Burkhart? Is that you?
Jackie: I'm sorry. Do I know you?
Kelso: It's Michael, Kelso?
Jackie: It rings a stupid, little bell. You know, I bet if I wasn't so happy as a globe-trotting stewardess . . . I might actually remember the tiny effect you had on me in high school.
Kelso: I'm on TV now.
Jackie: I've always loved you.

[Jackie and Kelso run into house]

[Little boy runs up to Eric and kicks him]

Eric #2: Ow!
Kitty: Oh, oh, Jake, honey, honey. Be nice to your big brother. He's not strong like you.
Eric #1: "Brother"? What the hell?
Angel: Your parents finally had the son they always wanted.
Red: Now, Son, what do we call Eric?
Jake: Dumb-ass!
Red: There's my boy!

[Red and Kitty laughing]

Kitty: Oh, what a wonderful wedding. It's so nice when children get married and - and move far away from their parents.
Eric #2: Or they don't get married and stay at home with their mother . . . who they just couldn't stand to be - [Singsong voice] away from. [Hugs Kitty]
Kitty: Oh, God. [Looks at wine glass]

[Kelso and Jackie walk out of house]

Hyde: Hey, Kelso, man. I just opened your wedding gift. It's primo. What do you say we go break it in?
Kelso: All right! [Chuckles] [Slaps Jackie's behind]
Jackie: You're leaving? I hate you! Call me.
Hyde: Fez. [Signals to follow]
Fez: Good night, Wisconsin! [Stands up, follows Hyde]


Eric: [Coughing] This is really - [Coughing] I've really missed - [Coughing]
Kelso: [In announcer's voice] We have breaking news. I'm toasted. [End announcer's voice] Man, they pay me gobs of money to talk like that.
Hyde: Fez, do something with your hair, man. It's making me paranoid.
Fez: Guys, I have discovered a band that will change music forever. [Plays electronic keyboard and sings along to "I Ran" by Flock Of Seagulls]
Eric: [When music ends] I love to cook, you know? I'm really good with sauces.

[Hands clap]

Kelso: Guys, sometimes when I do the news . . . I don't wear any pants!
Angel: [Inhales deeply] Whoo! [Snickers] You know, there are some things about Earth . . . I really miss! [Laughs]


Angel: Okay, welcome to your 10-year high school reunion.

[Fez dancing on stage]

Eric #1: All right! I finally grew a mustache!
Angel: Actually, it's chocolate cake.

[Pam Macy and Kelso walk in]

Eric #1: What happened to Kelso?
Angel: Oh, he got fired. Yeah, he felt the news would be funnier drunk. Now he works for you, selling water beds.
Eric #1: [Laughs] What a loser! Wait, I sell water beds?
Angel: That's right.
Eric #2: Kelso, what are you doing here? You're supposed to lock up the store tonight.
Kelso: No, it's our reunion, man. I'll lock it up tomorrow, I promise.
Jackie: [Walks in] Hello, Michael.
Kelso: Hello, Jackie. Oh, I just want to let you know that, uh, I married Pam Macy. She's one hell of a cook, a super lady, and I'm really, really happy.
Jackie: Good, 'cause I wouldn't be with you anyway. You're fat.

[Kelso starts making out with Jackie, both run out of view]

Pam: Okay, Michael. When you're done being a pig, I'll be in the Le Car. [Walks away]
[Eric #2 bumps into Rhonda]
Eric #2: Uh, I'm sorry, Rhonda. [Mutters]
Rhonda: Uh, yeah.
Eric #2: Rhonda? Oh, my God, Rhonda!
Rhonda: [Laughs] Hi, Eric. Uh, I was hoping you'd be here. I just wanted to thank you.
Eric #2: Thank me?
Rhonda: Yes. Um, after you broke up with me, I was so disgusted with my life. I mean, if someone like you didn't want to see me - [Inhales sharply] Whoo! So, thanks to you and Jane Fonda, I have this new, fabulous body . . . and a successful aerobics studio.
Eric #2: Well, hey, you know what? I'm glad I could help.
Rhonda: Yeah. [Walks away]

[Fez singing New Wave Rock]


Eric #2: [When music ends] Oh, hey! Hi! Hey, Donna. It's - It's Eric Forman . . . from, uh, Point Place High School.
Donna: Yeah, Eric, I know. It's our reunion.
Eric #2: Right. Good one.
[Both laugh]
Eric #2: So, how are you doing?
Donna: Um, I was pretty lousy . . . until I saw how fat Kelso got. [Laughs] It made the drive from Joliet worth it.
Eric #2: Oh, right. I heard you guys moved. How's Hyde?
Donna: Hyde's good. Kids are good. He's gone a lot. Prison. Whatever. So, Eric, uh, how - how are you?
Eric #2: I'm, uh, great. I'm the number three water-bed dealer in Wisconsin. So - Donna, you look great.
Donna: Oh, thanks. [Laughs] [Clears throat] You know, don't laugh, but - Actually, never mind.
Eric #2: No, no. What?
Donna: I had a crush on you in high school.
Eric #2: I had a crush on you too.
Donna: You know, I almost kissed you once.
Eric #2: What might've been, huh? Uh, so - [Clears throat] So are you still - are you still writing?
Donna: Oh, God. Well, I mean, permission slips. Three kids, you know.
Eric #2: Right. Well, you should start again, 'cause you know . . . you were really good at it.
Donna: Oh, well, it's too late for that. It's too late for a lot of - [Pauses] Hey, so I'll see you, Eric.
Eric #2: Yeah, I'll see ya, Donna.
Donna: Okay.
Eric #2: Okay.

[Donna walks away]

Angel: Huh? Huh? Start the waterworks.
Eric #1: Sorry.
Angel: Come on. You gotta feel something.
Eric #1: Yeah - envy. He never had to feel the pain of losing her.
Eric #2: Oh, wait a minute. You actually had a relationship with Donna?
Eric #1: Wait, I thought you said he couldn't hear me.
Angel: I'm loose with the rules. So sue me.
Eric #2: No, seriously. You had Donna?
Eric #1: Look - [Sighs] We broke up. You're much better off.
Eric #2: Says you! Look at me! I'm 28 years old. I've only had sex with Big Rhonda, and all three times, believe me . . . she did not look like that! [Points at Rhonda]
Eric #1: Idiot! You're sad you were never with Donna? Well, you got off light, man! I had her, and I lost her! And believe me, you don't want to know how bad that hurts! [Opens door, walks out]

[Angel groans]

Eric #2: So . . .

[Door closes]

Eric #2: You're an angel, right?
Angel: Why, yes. Yes I am.
Eric #2: Can you, like - Can you do anything to help me?
Angel: Listen closely: No.


Eric: [Sitting on bed] You know, Angel, thanks. But I've got to go to sleep, 'cause I have a big day of . . . misery ahead of me.
Angel: Okay, you win. It was better never to have loved at all.
Eric: Thank you!
Angel: And, hey, I'll tell you what. I'll make you a deal. I'm gonna take it all away. You won't feel a thing - good or bad.
Eric: Really? [Stands up] Yes. Yes, do it.
Angel: Okay. Well, let me just remind you what you're giving up. Hang on. [Puts hand on Eric's shoulder]

[Eric sees flashbacks of him and Donna]

Eric: [Opens eyes] Wait. No. I want to keep it. Please, just . . . let me keep it.

[Angel dissapears]

[Eric looks around, sits on bed]


[Eric sitting down watching Fez sing and play electronic keyboard]


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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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