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#415 : Le bal de la tornade

Une tornade menace Point Place. Red et Kitty sont coincés dans leur sous-sol en compagnie de Bob et Joanne alors que Donna et Eric sont bloqués à la station de radio. Les autres se trouvent au lycée pour le bal de promo et tentent de faire passer le temps tant bien que mal. Kelso est élu roi de l'hiver, et Jackie est déçue de n'être arrivée que deuxième.


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Titre VO
Tornado's Prom

Titre VF
Le bal de la tornade

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Allée des Forman

Kelso arrive en courant, vêtu d'un short. Il est content car il fait plutôt doux pour un mois de janvier. Jackei lui rappelle alors qu'ils doivent s'occuper de l'élection du bal de promo. En effet, depuis qu'elle ne peut plus se servir de l'argent de ses parents, Jackie tient plus que tout à garder sa popularité. Donna essaie de lui faire comprendre que la popularité ne fait pas tout mais Jackie ne semble pas comprendre le message, elle s'en va avec Kelso. Donna propose aux garçons d'aller tous ensemble au bal de promo. Éric sent surtout qu'elle a besoin de quelqu'un pour l'emmener. Elle le reconnaît alors il accepte. Donna s'en va à son tour. Éric est étonné que Hyde ait choisi d'aller au bal, il sent qu'il prépare quelque chose. Hyde voudrait en fait s'introduire dans le bureau du coach et faire une petit soirée. Fez pense qu'il va préparer une piñata mais il n'en est rien.


Le bal va bientôt commencer. Éric réfléchit et sent qu'il lui manque quelque chose. Hyde lui fait remarquer qu'il n'a pas de jolie rousse à son bras. Éric se rend alors compte qu'il a oublié d'aller la chercher. Il s'en va. Le coach Ferguson s'approche de Hyde et se doute tout de suite qu'il prépare quelque chose. Il le prévient qu'il va le surveiller, puis s'en va. Le principal rejoint Kelso et Jackie, il annonce au premier qu'il a été élu roi et à la seconde qu'elle a fini deuxième. Jackie est catastrophée et s'en prend au principal. C'est alors qu'un professeur lui murmure quelque chose à l'oreille, le principal annonce qu'une tornade arrive sur eux et qu'ils vont devoir rester confinés. En tant que roi de la promo, Kelso veut s'occuper de tout le monde mais il les emmène vers un placard où sont enfermés des ballons !

Vista Cruiser

Éric est sur la route et il se met une cassette, il ne remarque même pas la tornade qui est juste derrière lui.

Sous-sol des Forman

Bob et Joanne sont avec Red et Kitty car Bob n'a pas de cave. Red n'est pas très content de leur présence. Kitty s'en fait surtout pour son fils mais son mari lui rappelle qu'il ne risque rien au lycée, il espère juste qu'il ne lui fera pas honte en se mettant à pleurer. Kitty propose alors de discuter d'autre chose et Bob confie que Joanne lui a expliqué tous les secrets de l'orgasme féminin. Ils sont tous mal à l'aise, à part Bob. Kitty propose alors un jeu : des charades. Red refuse et Joanne le provoque : a-t-il peur de perdre ? Vexé, Red accepte de jouer.

Bureau du Coach

Hyde entre et s'installe sur la chaise. Il allume son briquet alors que le coach entre, ravi de le surprendre.

Escaliers du lycée

Kelso allume la lumière et tombe nez-à-nez avec plusieurs couples en train de s'embrasser, dont Fez et Rhonda. Kelso les prévient pour la tornade. Fez s'inquiète de mourir vierge et Rhonda lui annonce qu'elle compte bien faire quelque chose contre cela. Fez est ravi.


Éric arrive et s'excuse mais Donna le laisse à peine parler et est plutôt ravie devoir qu'il est venu la chercher malgré la tornade. En entendant ces mots, Éric prend peur et fait mine d'être au courant. Les plombs sautent.

Quelques secondes plus tad, Donna et Éric attendent patiemment et ont allumé des bougies. Éric essaie de persuader Donna de s'occuper d'une manière assez évidente mais la jeune fille est très clair : ils ne feront pas l'amour. Éric est déçu.

Sous-sol des Forman

Kitty tente de faire devenir un mime à son mari mais il échoue lamentablement. Joanne se moque de lui.

Bureau du coach

Le coach Ferguson menace Hyde, il va le punir mais le jeune homme s'en fiche. Kelso et Jackie arrivent, ils leur annoncent qu'une tornade arrive sur eux. Le coach panique, surtout parce qu'il y a plein de choses qu'il n'a pas encore faites. Hyde a une idée. Ils font dont un cercle. Le coach est plus détendu et pense au « Magicien d'Oz ». Hyde retrouve des objets que le coach lui a confisqués, Jackie rumine, Kelso retrouve soudain un nez-banane! Comme Jackie continue de se plaindre, Kelso lui rappelle qu'elle aurait du être gentille avant et pas seulement durant les deux semaines précédant l'élection. Le coach demande à Hyde s'ils seront toujours amis une fois que le « cercle » sera terminé. Hyde répond que non. Il se demande ce que sont en train de faire Éric et Donna.

Station de radio

Éric et Donna font la même chose que leurs amis...avec des posters en carton représentant Steven Tyler et Joe Perry du groupe Aerosmith. Éric essaie de les imiter et Donna se moque de lui. C'est alors que les posters se mettent à parler. Donna remarque que l'herbe de ce studio est plus forte que celle qu'ils utilisent d'habitude.

Bureau du Coach

Le cercle est terminé, Jackie s'est endormie. Hyde et Kelso s'apprêtent à s'en aller, Hyde dessine un troisième sourcil à la jeune fille et les deux garçons s'en vont. Gros plan sur Jackie, qui est en train de rêver: elle s'imagine au pays d'Oz en Dorothée avec une licorne en guise de Toto. Kelso la rejoint et est l'homme épouvantail, ce qui le vexe. Hyde est en homme de fer et Fez en lion peureux alors qu'il voudrait être un ours. Donna est la sorcière et Éric, un singe volant. Nul n'est content de son rôle et ils poursuivent Jackie. La jeune fille se retrouve alors auprès de Miss Oz qui lui rappelle qu'être belle est important, qu'avoir de la popularité est important et que les gens qui disent le contraire sont des jaloux. Jackie est ravie et compte bien gagner le prix l'an prochain.

Escaliers du lycée

Rhonda et Fez s'apprêtent à se déshabiller lorsque le principal les rejoint; la tornade est passé et ils ne risquent plus rien. Du coup, Rhonda ne veut plus passer à l'acte et rejoint les autres. Fez est très énervé et s'en prend à Dieu.

Sous-sol des Forman

Les adultes sont passés au Monopoly. Red et Kitty perdent, ce qui fait bien rire Joanne. Alors que Red commence à perdre patience, on annonce à la télévision que la tornade est passée. Red se jette sur le jeu et le ferme. Kitty leur dit bonsoir et ils regagnent l'étage.


Kelso est désolée pour Jackie qui est remontée à bloc, elle va tout faire pour gagner. Elle demande alors à ses amis comment sont ses cheveux. Ils la regardent, voient ses sourcils et lui disent qu'elle est parfaite.


Donna est contente d'avoir passé du temps avec Éric. Il l'embrasse. Elle le remercie encore pour les risques qu'il a pris et il lui avoue qu'il l'a oublié, qu'il ne savait rien pour la tornade ou il ne serait pas venu. Donna s'aperçoit qu'elle ne lui en veut même pas car ils ne sont plus un couple. Pour se faire pardonner, Éric propose de l'inviter à manger. Donna est surprise qu'il en ait profité pour l'embrasser, Éric s'en félicite.

Sous-sol des Forman

Hyde et Kelso sont affalés sur les fauteuils. Jackie les rejoint, ravie de l'effet qu'elle a eu sur les gens. En effet, ils ont tous ri à ce qu'elle a dit. Elle sent que quelque chose ne va pas et va se repoudrer le nez. Les garçons se préparent. On entend Jackie hurler, ils partent en courant.




The gang is hanging near the Vista Cruiser. Kelso comes running up

KELSO: Hey, guys. It is literally a million degrees out. I'm wearing shorts in January! Have you ever seen prettier legs on a fella?

JACKIE: Michael, we'll admire your legs later. Snow Prom is tomorrow. We need to keep up our campaign for Snow Queen and Snow King.

KELSO: Jackie, I did campaign. I wrote our names all over the place.

ERIC: Kelso, you peed in the snow.

KELSO: In cursive! It was awesome.

JACKIE: Okay look, you may not take this seriously, but I do. I used to be a rich, popular girl. But now that my dad has cut me off, I'm not rich so I have to be twice as popular.

DONNA: Okay, maybe you should spend less time worrying about being popular and more time being thoughtful, friendly, considerate.

JACKIE: Okay, can I get a translation because that was gibberish. Come on, Michael (they leave)

DONNA: Hey you know what? We should all go to Snow Prom together, in one car all of us hanging out, laughing, driving. Whoo-hoo! Good times.

ERIC: You need a ride, don't you?

DONNA: I so do. Pick me up at the radio station (she leaves)

HYDE: All right. We'll all go together.

ERIC: Whoa. Whoa. Hyde, you're going to a school dance? You're going to stink bomb the teachers' lounge, aren't you? I want in!

HYDE: No, man, kid stuff. See, during the dance, I'm going to throw a party in Coach Ferguson's office. I'm bringing my best stuff.

FEZ: A party with your best stuff? Are you saying what I think you're saying?

HYDE: You know it.

FEZ: Oh boy, you have a pinata?


Eric and Hyde are at the prom

ERIC: It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something. I've got my watch, my wallet, my who-am-I-kidding condom.

HYDE: Yeah sounds like you got everything, except for a tall redhead.

ERIC; Yeah. What man doesn't love a tall red... Oh, my God, Donna! I forgot Donna (he leaves)



Hyde is discovered by coach Ferguson

COACH: Mr. Hyde? In school after hours? What, are you trying to establish an alibi?

HYDE: Coach Ferguson, shouldn't you be on the football field teaching boys to play with balls?

COACH: Don't push my buttons, wiseacre. (he leaves)

HYDE: And there he goes. I think now is a good time to go fumigate his office.

(Hyde leaves)

PRINCIPAL: Oh. I have exciting news for you two. Michael, you have been elected Snow King.

KELSO: Yeah!

PRINCIPAL: And Jackie, you are the new Snow Queen runner-up!

JACKIE: Oh, my God! This is the happiest day of my life! Wait, runner-up? (pokes him) How could that be? (pokes him) There's been a mistake! It was fixed! (pokes him)

PRINCIPAL: You poke me one more time, I'm gonna paddle you.

KELSO: That'd be hot (Jackie pokes him)

A teacher whispers something in the principal's ear

PRINCIPAL: I-I have a serious announcement. A tornado warning has been issued. I'm told it's code red. I don't know the codes, but red sounds serious (he leaves)

JACKIE: Michael, this is my worst nightmare.

KELSO: A tornado is your worst nightmare? Mine's monsters.

JACKIE: How could I be runner-up? If I'm not a rich, popular girl, I'm nothing. I'm like Donna.

KELSO: No Jackie, you are the girlfriend to the Snow King. Now, as Snow King, I must lead my people to safety. All right, everyone! Everyone, follow me! (he opens a door, al LOT of balls fall out) Remain calm, people! These are just sports balls! Everyone grab a ball!


Eric is in the Vista Cruiser, listening to a cassette. He has no idea the tornado passes behind him. When he stops the music and looks behind him, the tornado has passed

ERIC: All right.

He turns the music on again and the tornado is now right behind his xcar


Red is in Hyde's chair. Bob and Joanne are on the couch. Kitty walks up with some snacks

ERIC: Now, I'm just so worried about Eric. A tornado in January?

RED: Yeah, life's full of surprises. Like these two showing up 'cause they don't have a basement. Surprise!

JOANNE: Gee Red, you seem grouchy. Surprise!

KITTY: Red, if Eric gets caught in a tornado, he'll get blown to Canada. He's very light.

RED: Kitty, the gym is the town's bomb shelter. He'll be fine. I just hope he's not crying. Everybody knows he's my kid.

KITTY: Okay, you're right. Eric's fine. Let's just talk about something else.

BOB: Ooh! You know, Joanne taught me a lot about lady orgasms. They've been around longer than I thought.

KITTY: Okay, so talking's bad. I know, charades!

RED: No, thanks.

JOANNE: What are you, chicken?

RED: Did you just call me chicken? That's it. Move the couch, Kitty. She's going down.


It's dark. Hyde comes in and sits in the coach's chair. He puts his feet up, and just when he wants to light up...

COACH (turning the light on): Busted, hophead.


Kelso puts on the light, we see a lot of students making out

KELSO: People of the make-out stairwell this is your Snow King speaking.

FEZ: Boo! Hit the lights, fool!

KELSO: No, th-there's a tornado. Everyone go to the gym. The Snow King has spoken! (they throw stuff at him) All right. That's gross. Who threw the retainer? (he leaves)

RHONDA: Oh my God, Fez! A tornado? This changes everything. This could be our last night here on earth.

FEZ: Oh, no. I'm going to die a virgin.

RHONDA: Not if I have anything to say about it.

FEZ: You can talk all you want, but there's a tornado coming.

RHONDA: Fez, I mean, let's do it.

FEZ: It? ''It'' it? All right! (he runs off, then comes back)  I'm going to need you.


Donna is waiting. Eric comes in

DONNA: Eric, you're here!

ERIC: Donna, look, I'm sorry I'm late. I really did want to pick you up before the dance. So it's no big deal, really.

DONNA: No big deal? It's a huge deal. I was in back filing records, and suddenly everyone was gone, and I was stuck here alone. And you risked the tornado for me (she hugs him)

ERIC: Tornado? What tornado... could stop me from helping you? So uh, tell me, um, is the tornado, like, um- like, out there?

DONNA: Yeah. They say it's a biggie.


DONNA: Eric, are you okay?

ERIC: Sure. Uh, it's just that now that I know you're okay I can finally start worrying about me. And see, the thing about me is... (the lights go off) I don't want to die!!


ERIC: So, what to do? Let's see, there's you, there's me, candlelight. You know, back in the old days we would have...

DONNA: We're not doing that.

ERIC: Uh-huh, yeah, yeah. So quick to dismiss the thing you once ached for.

DONNA: You mean, cheese sticks?

ERIC: If you want to call it that, sure.


Kitty is dancing

RED: Gyrating. Ehh, twisting. Uh... Hips! You make me feel like hips!

BOB: Uh, time! We win.

KITTY: I was dancing! ''You make me feel like hips''?

RED: It could have been a song.

JOANNE: Is it hard to lose, Red? 'Cause you make it look so easy.


Hyde and the coach are talking

COACH: You're in big trouble, bud.

HYDE: You should suspend me. I need a vacation.

KELSO (coming in): A tornado's coming. It's code red. You know what that means. I think it's serious.

COACH: A tornado? Deadly spirals of wind really freak me out.

HYDE: All right, Coach Girlie. Calm down.

COACH: I can't die yet! There's so much I haven't experienced.

HYDE: I bet I know one thing you haven't experienced...


COACH: Tornadoes get a bad rap, man. It's not like the Wizard of Oz. I mean, where are the midgets? I bet I could bench, like ten midgets.

HYDE: Hey, look at all the stuff you confiscated. Mine. Mine. Ooh, la, la. Mine now (he shows a nudie mag)

JACKIE: Why am I not Snow Queen? For the last two weeks, I was nice to everybody. Well, maybe not the A.V. Club, but I mean, come on.

KELSO: Jackie, you can't just be nice for two weeks. You have to be nice all the time. Or very handsome. Oh, my banana nose! (he puts it on) Oh. I thought this was gone forever. Ha. It's still funny!

JACKIE: Maybe Donna was right. Maybe being popular isn't as important as being nice to people. I mean, I know that sounds wrong, but anything's possible.

KELSO: Hey Jackie, whatever makes you feel better about being a loser (she squirt water on him) Hey, watch the banana nose!

COACH: Hey Hyde, when this is all over, you think we'll still be friends?

HYDE: Well, my head says no, but my heart... says no. So, no. I wonder what Donna and Forman are doing right now.



DONNA: This is the best tornado ever!

ERIC: I know! And who better to be stuck here with than America's most beloved rock band adies and gentlemen, Aerosmith!

CARDBOARD STEVE TYLER (with Eric's voice): Hey, as rock legends, we've had some pretty good times. But it doesn't get any better than this. Hello, Wisconsin!

CARDBOARD JOE PERRY (with Eric's voice): Yeah, I dig this joint too. Hello, Wisconsin.

DONNA: That was your Aerosmith? You're bad at that. Steven Tyler is way cooler, and Joe Perry is so dreamy. God, you're bad at that!

ERIC: What? That was dead-on! Right, guys?

CARDBOARD STEVE (his own voice); I bought it.

CARDBOARD PERRY (his own voice): You uh, really think I'm dreamy?

DONNA: Whoa. The station manager's stuff is way better than ours.


Jackie is asleep

HYDE: Well, I lived my dream. Let's go.

KELSO: Oh, wait. We can't just leave Jackie here like that.

HYDE: You're right (draws an uni-brow on her) Okay, we're good.


Jackie dreams like the Wizard of Oz. She is Dorothy

JACKIE: Oh, Toto. Losing Snow Queen has left me searching for guidance. Surely, the Wizard of Oz can help.... OH!

KELSO: Oh well Jackie, why'd you make me the Scarecrow? He needs a brain.

JACKIE: No. No, I made you the Scarecrow because you love chasing birds.

KELSO: I do love chasing birds.


HYDE: Is this some kind of joke, 'cause I'm not laughing. Kelso's the Scarecrow? (laughs) Yeah.

FEZ: Look, guys! I'm a bear.

JACKIE: Fez, you're the Cowardly Lion.

FEZ: But I want to be a bear.

KELSO: At least you got a brain.

HDYE: This sucks.

JACKIE: Oh, will everyone just shut up? When it's your dream, you can be whatever you want.

FEZ: I want to be a bear.

DONNA: Jackie, what the hell?

ERIC (laughing): She totally made you a witch. That's so awesome!

DONNA: She made you a flying monkey.

ERIC: What? Oh, crap!

DONNA: Let's kick her ass!

ERIC: Yeah.

Jackie screams and they chase after her

JACKIE: Miss Wizard, I'm confused. I lost Snow Queen. And now I'm wondering if titles and popularity aren't as important as being a good person.

GLINDA: Well, how do you kno when you're a good person? When everyone likes you, right? When you're popular. And how do you know when you're popular?

JACKIE: Oh, my God! When you win titles like Snow Queen! Winning titles and being a good person are the same thing.

GLINDA: So you go after that title, child.

JACKIE: Oh I will, Miss Wizard. I will.

GLINDA: And remember, if someone calls you shallow, they're just jealous.

ECHO: Justjealous.Jealous.Jealous.


Fez and Rhonda have found an abandoned stairwell

FEZ: Ah, our own private stairwell. This is exactly how I pictured losing my virginity except it was on a bed of flowers and there were two of you.

They start to undress

PRINCIPAL: Tornado passed through, is heading to Illinois. Kiss my ass, Chicago! (he leaves)

RHONDA: Oh my God! We're-We're safe. Sex just doesn't seem important anymore.

FEZ (without his shirt): I... I disagree. And... And here's why.

RHONDA: Let's go celebrate with everyone! (she leaves)

FEZ: Oh, you can make a tornado, but you can't let me do it? No, you are not a just God!


They're playing Monopoly

RED (rubbuing the dice): Okay. No six. No six. And... six!

JOANNE: : Look, Park Place.

BOB: Ah, Park Place. Pay up.

KITTY: I told you we shouldn't spend all our money on Marvin Gardens.

RED: Oh and Baltic Avenue was such a help.

KITTY: I bought that with my beauty-contest winnings.

JOANNE: Mmm. Poor Red, losing again. While we have this large housing development that I like to call Joanne Land. Where's Red Land? (mouths I can't see it)

RED: I'll tell you where it is. It's right up your...

KITTY: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Shh.

MAN ON TV: This just in. The National Weather Service has canceled the tornado warning. And updating our top story, a local teen is in critical condition...

Red picks up the Monopoly board

KITTY: Oh, game over. Call it a tie.

BOB: A tie? We had all the money.

RED: So? We had the get-out-of-jail-free card. And you can't put a price on freedom.

KITTY: Night, night! (they leave)


the prom is on again

KELSO: Look Jackie, I know you're upset and I don't know why you're not Snow Queen. But I do know this: I am Snow King. So that's pretty cool.

JACKIE: Michael, I'm not upset. I just had the best dream. And now I've got to campaign for next year. Guys, how's my hair?

KELSO: Yeah, it's fantastic.

FEZ: Wonderful. Wonderful.


Eric and Donna are getting ready to leave

DONNA: This was fun. We haven't just hung out in, like, forever. Plus you're, like, my hero. Most guys would not risk a tornado for an ex-girlfriend.

ERIC: Yeah (they kiss)


ERIC: Yeah well, I just wanted to kiss you before you found out that I went to the dance, forgot you and I didn't know about the tornado. Okay, this was swell.

DONNA: Wait, wait, wait. So, you forgot me?

ERIC: Okay, you're mad.

DONNA: Actually, no. I mean, if we were still dating I'd be super pissed. But we're not, so it's kind of funny.

ERIC: You know what? Let me buy you a burger.

DONNA: I can't believe you totally snaked a kiss under false pretenses.

ERIC: Yeah I'm a little proud of that, yeah.



Hyde is in his chair. Kelso is on the couch. Jackie comes in

JACKIE: Well, I'm a lock for next year. I introduced myself to everyone. And I know they liked me, 'cause they laughed at everything I said. I mean, I even shook hands with that nose-picking, chess-club guy. Ooh, I'd better wash up.

HYDE: You ready?

KELSO: Yeah.

Jackie screams and Hyde and Kelso run off


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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