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#422 : Éric part en virée

Comme Red et Kitty ne sont pas là, Éric décide de ne pas prendre compte des ordres de son père et emprunte la Corvette de ce dernier pour impressionner une fille. jackie et Donna veulent espionner en douce la chambre de Casey en son absence.


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Absence de Léo et Bob.

Allée des Forman

Kelso arrive en courant. Il informe les garçons que Jackie arrive avec une de ses copines pom-pom girls, Leslie. Cette dernière a toujours plus à Éric mais elle l'a appelé « Blah » pendant deux ans car c'est la seule chose qu'il a été capable de répondre lorsqu'elle a lui demandé son prénom.

Red et Kitty sortent de la cuisine, les bras chargés de valise. Ils vont à une réunion d'anciens élèves pour Kitty, ce qui n'enchante pas son mari. Après avoir rempli le coffre de la Corvette, ils se rendent compte qu'il ne ferme pas. Red propose alors de prendre deux voitures mais c'est hors de question pour Kitty. Du coup, elle veut même prendre une robe supplémentaire.

Leslie et Jackie arrivent. La première remarque tout de suite la voiture et demande à qui elle est. Éric s'apprête à lui dire la vérité lorsque Kelso le tape et il comprend le message ; il dit que c'est la sienne. Tout de suite, elle est intéressée et demande à ce qu'il l'emmène faire un tour. Éric accepte et ils se donnent rendez-vous le soir-même. Éric se rend compte de la bêtise qu'il vient de commettre mais Hyde tente de lui faire voir le bon côté des choses.

Plus tard, Red confie les clés à son fils en lui faisant promettre de la déplacer qu'en cas d'incendie. Pour lui mettre un peu la pression, il informe Éric qu'il a pris les mesures de la position de la voiture et qu'il a mis des pièges.

Chambre de Casey

Donna et Jackie arrivent, elles surprennent Kelso en train de cracher dans les chaussettes de son frère. Il se venge car il l'a frappé pour rien, puis sort. Donna est déçue qu'il ne lui ait pas dit qu'il partait et se rend compte qu'il ne lui dit jamais rien. Jackie se met alors à fouiller dans ses affaires, ce que Donna ne trouve pas très polie. Pourtant, Jackie insiste et lit les tests des magazines, faisant envie à Donna qui finit par faire de même.

Allée des Forman

Fez et Hyde observent Éric prendre des mesures avant de prendre la voiture. Il a réussi à déjouer tous les pièges de son père. Fez critique surtout sa tenue.


Éric et Leslie se sont arrêtés et écoutent de la musique dans la voiture. Le jeune homme tente maladroitement une approche et ils s'embrassent. Leslie lui demande si elle peut conduire la voiture, Éric hésite alors elle l'embrasse de nouveau. Du coup, il accepte.

Réunion d'anciens

Avant d'entrer dans la salle de réception, Kitty prévient son mari qu'il ne doit pas faire de commentaire. Elle ouvre enfin la porte et découvre que c'est une soirée pour des clowns. Red regarde l'invitation et constate qu'elle s'est trompée, la soirée avait lieu une semaine plus tôt. Il suggère à sa femme de porter des lunettes, ou elle finira très vite dans un trou.

Allée des Forman

Les filles sont déçues car elles n'ont rien appris. Jackie voudrait aller au centre commercial voler du rouge à lèvres mais Donna souhaite rentrer chez elle afin de finir son devoir de chimie. Catastrophée, elle réalise qu'elle a oublié son livre sur le bureau de Casey. Jackie ne voit pas le problème, elles vont y retourner. Mais Donna ne veut pas car Kelso va se poser des questions. Jackie lui propose d'y retourner en douce dans la soirée. En plus, elle veut lui voler son radio-réveil.

Réunion d'anciens

Kitty téléphone à la maison contre l'avis de son mari. En effet, ce dernier aurait préféré surprendre son fils car il sent bien qu'il fait des bêtises.

Cuisine des Forman

Fez a pris la veste et le chapeau de Red et boit des bières. Il imite le patriarche pendant que Hyde a mis le tablier de Kitty et cuisine des muffins. Le téléphone sonne et Hyde répond. C'est Kitty, En apprenant cela, Fez panique, enlève le chapeau et cache les bières. Kitty informe les garçons qu'ils rentrent plus tôt et qu'ils doivent prévenir Éric puis raccroche. Fez s'inquiète car il faut prévenir Éric au plus vite mais Hyde n'a pas l'intention de le prévenir et préfère qu'ils en profitent pour boire toutes les bières et faire accuser Éric.


Leslie est au volant et conduit très vite, ce qui panique Éric. Elle ralentit enfin et le jeune homme se détend, jusqu'à ce qu'elle sorte de la route.

Éric sort et observe les dégâts, il n'y a rien de bien méchant. Leslie s'en fiche un peu. Elle lui dit qu'elle l'aime bien finalement, surtout s'il la laisse conduire de nouveau. Éric lui rétorque qu'il n'en est pas certain, sauf si elle l'embrasse à nouveau. Elle s'exécute.

Chambre de Casey

Les filles entrent par la fenêtre. Donna retrouve son livre et Jackie pique le radio-réveil. C'est alors que Kelso, qui dormait dans le lit de son frère, se réveille. Il demande s'il rêve et les filles acquiescent. Alors il demande s'ils vont le faire et les filles acquiescent de nouveau. Il veut que Donna passe d'abord. Jackie veut le taper mais son amie la retient et elles s'en vont. Kelso se rendort.

Chambre d'Éric

Éric raconte sa soirée à Hyde et Fez, il narre surtout en détails le baiser échangé avec Leslie. Il est soulagé que la voiture n'ait rien de bien grave et prévoit de la polir et la nettoyer demain matin avant que ses parents rentrent. Hyde et Fez lui souhaitent une bonne nuit puis le premier se retourne et lui annonce que ses parents arrivent dans quarante minutes. Éric est choqué mais Hyde dit qu'il plaisantait, ils arrivent dans vingt minutes !

Allée des Forman

En version accélérée, Éric et Fez nettoient la voiture pendant que Hyde regarde. Après coup, Éric vérifie tout à l'aide de photos, remet le cheveu sur le démarreur et se rend compte qu'il n'y a plus le petit sapin diffuseur d'odeur. Hyde l'avait caché dans sa poche pour le faire tomber et il lui rend, la mort dans l'âme. Éric a juste le temps de le mettre en place et se jette par terre avant que son père n'ouvre la porte du garage et constate avec bonheur que tout va bien. Agacée, sa femme court aux toilettes.

Sous-sol des Forman

Fez est avec les filles. Il s'apprête à partir pour aller acheter des bonbons. Il ouvre la porte du sous-sol et se trouve face à Kelso qui lui explique tout excité qu'il a dormi dans la chambre de son frère et qu'il a rêvé qu'il couchait avec quelqu'un. Il s'arrête avant de révéler le nom lorsqu'il constate la présence des filles et trouve une échappatoire en disant qu'il portait un chapeau. Fez trouve cela très sexy et s'en va. Donna veut savoir pourquoi Kelso dort dans le lit de son frère. Kelso révèle qu'il ne se lave pas pendant plusieurs jours et dort nu dans le lit de Casey pour l'embêter. Mais Jackie veut en savoir plus à propos de ce rêve. Kelso lui assure qu'il ne peut rêver de personne d'autre qu'elle, puis il regarde Donna avec insistance.

Cuisine des Forman

Éric prend son petit déjeuner lorsque Hyde débarque dans la pièce et lui annonce que son père veut lui parler, mais ce n'est pas à propos de la voiture. Puis au dernier moment, il lui révèle que c'est bien à propos de la voiture.

Allée des Forman

Éric rejoint son père qui lui demande tout de suite s'il a pris sa voiture. Éric lui répond par la négative et son père lui répond qu'il le croit car il avait placé un cheveu sur le démarreur et qu'il n'a pas bougé. Pour le récompenser, il lui propose de faire un petit tour avec lui. Éric se met au volant et démarre....et la musique aussi ! Red comprend que son fils a menti et le punit pendant un mois. Il demande à Éric pourquoi il a désobéi et son fils avoue que c'était pour impressionner une fille. Son père est fier et descend la punition à deux semaines puis veut savoir si son fils va la revoir. Éric lui répond que cela dépendra s'il lui prête la voiture. Red comprend quelle genre de fille elle est et déconseille à son fils de la revoir. Hyde sort alors de la cuisine et appelle Éric. Sa mère veut lui parler car il a bu toutes les bières de son père. Long moment de silence et Éric propose de remettre sa punition à un mois.

Chambre de Casey

Jackie revient par la fenêtre et Kelso se réveille de nouveau. Il pose les mêmes questions et demande où est Donna. Jackie se jette sur lui pour le frapper.



Eric, Fez and Hyde are sitting on the porch. Kelso comes running up to them

KELSO: Hey, guess who's dropping Jackie off here after cheerleading practice? Leslie Cannon.

FEZ: Ah, Leslie Cannon. Nickname: The Cannon. Why? Because she always shoots Eric down.

HYDE: Man, you were so in love with her. Remember in the seventh grade when she asked you your name and you got all panicky and said, "Uh-bluh"?

KELSO: Yeah, and then she called you "Uh-bluh" for like, the next two years. That was awesome.

Red and Kitty walk out carrying suitcases

RED: I still don't see why we have to spend the night. It only took me 30 minutes to get caught up with everyone at my high school reunion.

KITTY: Oh well, standing in the corner muttering "dumb-ass" at everyone doesn't count as getting caught up. I can't wait to see some dear, old girlfriends. Like the Miller twins. God, I hope they're fat.

RED: Oh crap. There's no way that all these bags are gonna fit in here. Oh, geez, I was really looking forward to taking this baby out on the highway. Well, we'll just have to take two cars.

KITTY: No, we'll take the Toyota. OHH, I can bring another dress. Shows a little more leg so Stuart McDaniel can see what he missed out on.

ERIC: Oh hey, you guys. Here comes Leslie. Hey, how's my hair?

HYDE (rubbing Eric's head): It's a little messy.

LELSIE: Hey, it's Uh-bluh!

ERIC: Yeah um, I'm going by Eric now.

JACKIE: She doesn't care what your name is, Eric. She's a cheerleader.

LESLIE: Wow, this car is so hot!

HYDE: Yeah, that's kind of like what I was thinking.

KELSO: Really? 'Cause I was thinking she was hot.

HYDE: Yeah.

FEZ: Hey, mama.

LELSIE: So uh, whose car is this?

ERIC: Oh, uh, it's my dad's... (Kelso kicks him) tough luck that it's mine.

LELSIE: So, what kind of engine is in this thing?

ERIC: Oh well, it's, uh... it's a multi-piston...200. That's, uh, twice as powerful as the... the 100 .

LELSIE: You know what? I think you should take me for a drive tonight.

ERIC: ... Oh what? Are you talking to me? Yeah... No... Sure. Yeah... No... Shut up. Yes, it's my car. Sure.

LESLIE: Pick me up at seven. (she leaves)

ERIC: Okay. Oh, my God. What have I done?

HYDE: Well, you're using your dad's dream car to get with a totally hot chick who would otherwise never date you.

ERIC: When you put it like that, it just sounds right.



Red and Eric are standing in front of the Corvette

RED: Here's the keys to the Corvette. But the only reason I'm giving them to you is so you can move it in case there's a fire.

ERIC: And because you trust me.

RED: Heh Riiiight (!) Now, you know that I'll know if the Corvette's been moved. I've noted its exact position in the garage the angle of the wheels and I just might have set a few booby traps.

ERIC: I am so lucky to have a daddy who cares enough to set booby traps. Fine. Okay, I get it. The only way I get to drive the Corvette is if there's a fire.

RED: But to the end of the driveway. No further. A fire is no excuse for a joyride.


Kelso is standing in Casey's room and is spitting in his socks. Jackie and Donna
come in

JACKIE: Michael, what are you doing in Casey's room?

KELSO: Spittin' in his socks. What are you doing?

DONNA: We came by to say hi to Casey. Watching you spit is just a super bonus.

KELSO: Yeah? Well, your lover's out of town. And I asked your lover where he was going and your lover said, "Neptune," and that he'd be back tomorrow. And then your lover punched me in the head and laughed. But we'll see who's laughing when he puts on his socks and gets his feet all spitty. Ha!

DONNA: Casey's out of town? He never tells me anything. It's like the only thing I know about him is that he's Kelso's brother.

JACKIE (picking up a magazine): Well, you know he subscribes to Van Aficionado.

DONNA: Stop snooping, Jackie.

JACKIE: But Donna, you know, say this pile of stuff was to get accidentally knocked over.. (she swoops it to the floor) Oh, no! And while picking it up, you just happen to look through it.

DONNA: Jackie, I'm not gonna snoop.

JACKIE: Oh, look! He took a quiz. "Your Ideal Chick: Van Fan or Biker Liker?" But you know what? You wouldn't care what kind of girl he likes. I mean, you're only dating him.

DONNA (swooping some stuff from his desk): Oh, no!


Eric is measuring where the Corvette is standing

HYDE: Forman, I can't believe you're actually gonna take out Red's Corvette.

FEZ: Yeah, and I can't believe you're wearing brown shoes with a black belt. That's just tacky.

ERIC: Guys, the odometer's busted. The odometer's busted! That's a sign from God. God loves me. He wants me to steal the car. Besides, I think I've learned most of Red's tricks now like this one: The old "strand of hair across the ignition" trap.

HYDE: Yeah, you're a regular Green Beret, Forman.

FEZ: Oh, please. With that outfit, a green beret is the last thing he needs.


Eric and Leslie are in the Corvette. She turns the radio on. Eric yaws, stretches and puts his arm around her

ERIC: Well, here we are in my Corvette enjoying the open road and the delightful, pine-fresh scent of your hair.

LESLIE: That's your cheapo air freshener. Yuck (she throws it away)

ERIC: No, no, no, no. No, no (she turns to him) Hello.

They kiss

LESLIE: Can I drive?

LELSIE: Uh, I don't know (she kisses him some more. He nods yes) Uh-bluh.


Red and Kitty are about to enter the reunion

KITTY: Okay now, if the Miller twins are fat, be nice. But if they're still thin, I don't want to hear any "hubba-hubbas" or remarks about doubling your pleasure. Remember, it's my reunion. I am the prettiest one here.

They go in and see people dressed up as clowns. A sign says: "Welcome Mid-Western area Rodeo Clowns"

RED: Well, you are the prettiest one here.

KITTY: I don't understand. The invitation says the 29th.

RED: Kitty, that says the 23rd. I have been telling you for months that you need glasses. You know, one of these days, you're gonna wander off and fall into a hole.

KITTY: What hole? Where are these holes?

RED: They're everywhere. You just can't see 'em, 'cause you need glasses.


Donna and Jackie are heading home

DONNA: Well, we spent three hours in Casey's room and all we found out is that he collects mud flaps.

JACKIE: Yeah, but all that snooping gave me such a rush. Hey, let's go to the mall and shoplift some lip gloss.

DONNA: No thanks, little felon. I feel guilty enough. Besides, I have to finish my chemistry homework. Oh, no! I left my chemistry book on Casey's desk, and he comes back tomorrow!

JACKIE: So we'll just go back and get it.

DONNA: Jackie, I already went over there all "Where's Casey?" Now if I go back all, "Where's my book"...

JACKIE: But you are all, "Where's my book?"

DONNA: But Kelso won't believe that, and then he'll think I'm a goob and then he'll tell Casey that I'm a goob!

JACKIE: Okay. Okay, look. We'll wait till later tonight, then sneak back in and get it. Besides, Casey's got this really great clock radio I really want.


Kitty is using the phone

RED: Oh, Kitty, don't tell Eric that we're coming home. If he's doing something wrong... and we both know he is it's important that I catch him.


RED: Because it gives me pleasure (pointing to the dial) There's the three.

KITTY: Shut it!


Hyde is making muffins. Fez is standing next to him, a beer in his hand and Red's fishing cap on his head. Rock is blaring

FEZ: I'm Red, dumb-ass. Where are my muffins, dumb-ass?

The phone rings. Hyde picks it up

HYDE: Forman residence. Dr. Hook speaking.

FEZ: Who is it, dumb-ass?

KITTY: Steven, honey, it's Mrs. Forman.

HYDE: Oh, hey, Mrs. Forman.

FEZ: Mrs. Forman?? (he hides the beers and takes of the hat)

KITTY: Um, there's been some sort of sort of little mistake.

FEZ (shouting): I finished my homework. Now let's move on to Bible study!

KITTY: It seems like my reunion was last week.

HYDE: Oh, that's too bad. You were really looking forward to seeing them fat twins, right?

KITTY: So we're coming home tonight. Tell Eric, okay? It's important.

HYDE: Yeah, of course.

KITTY: Okay. Bye, sweetie.

HYDE: They're coming home early. You know what this means?

FEZ: Yeah, we have to hurry up and find Eric.

HYDE: No. We have to hurry up and finish the rest of Red's beer. Hopefully, Forman'll get blamed for that too.


Leslie is racing

ERIC: Boy, this is fun, but I think race time is over now! Good, we're slowing down. That's good. A little motion sickness going on. But uh, the car's all in one piece, so I'm on top of the world.

A crashing sound and the cars turns over

LESLIE: What was that?

ERIC: That was me... falling off the top of the world.


Leslie is standing near the car. Eric comes out behind it

ERIC: Well, the good news is, I found the hubcap in a huge field of mud. And the other good news is, in about a hundred years some archaeologist is gonna be thrilled to find my shoes.

LELSIE (giggles): Sorry.

ERIC; Yeah, well, you know Look, there aren't any scratches or dents. So, just dirt. I-I think I'm in the clear.

LELSIE: Eric, I'm starting to think I might like you.

ERIC: Really?

LELSIE: I'm not sure though. I think I have to drive the car some more.

ERIC: Oh. Well, I'm starting to think I might let you drive the car.

LELSIE: Really?

ERIC: I'm not sure though. I think we might have to make out some more.


It's dark. Jackie and Donna are sneaking in

DONNA (taking her book): Okay, I got it.

JACKIE: Okay, let's go.

The hump on the bed moves

KELSO (sitting up): Jackie? Donna? Am I dreaming?

DONNA: Uh, yes. Yes, you are.

KELSO: Are we gonna do it?

JACKIE: Yes. Yes, Michael, we are.

KELSO: Cool. Donna first.

Jackie wants to attack him but Donna hold her back


Fez, Hyde and Eric are in Eric's bedroom for an update

FEZ: So you smooched the Cannon. How was her tongue? Was it nimble?

ERIC: Like a belly dancer. And at one point I was touching a spot not four inches from boob.

HYDE: Not bad, Forman. Not only did you get within shouting distance of second base you successfully snaked Red's Corvette.

ERIC: Yeah, well, I gotta wash it, wax it and put on a hubcap, but that should only take about an hour. I'm gonna do it in the morning.

HYDE: Perfect. Sleep tight.

ERIC: All right (he gets into bed)

HYDE (turning around): Oh, by the way, um, your parents called a couple hours ago. They'll be home in 40 minutes.

ERIC: What?

HYDE: Relax, man. We're just messing with you. They'll be home in 20 minutes.


We see Eric and Fez clean the car in speeded up black-and-white film. Hyde is sitting in a chair reading

ERIC: Okay, tire location, check. Seat placement, check. Picture of Fez's butt, check.

FEZ (taking the picture): That one's going on my desk.

ERIC: Okay, you guys, there's just one more thing: The strand of hair over the ignition.

HYDE: Well, you're gonna get away with it. What a bunch of crap.

ERIC: Okay, you guys, they're here. Damn it! The air freshener!

HYDE (he takes it out of his pocket and throws it to Eric): Damn it, you remembered.

Eric throws it in the car and then jumps out of sight. Red rolls up the garage door

RED: Well, there's the Corvette, safe and sound. I'm just saying that for your benefit, in case you can't see it.

KITTY: Well, I am so glad you raced all the way home without stopping for this. Cripes, I gotta pee like a banshee.


Fez, Donna and Jackie are hanging at the basement

FEZ: Well, I'm off to the candy shop. My Everlasting Gobstopper just crapped out on me.

KELSO (coming in): Fez, I was sleeping in Casey's room and I think somehow I had one of his dreams, 'cause I did it with...(Donna and Jackie step up) Hey, guys.

JACKIE: No, no, Michael. Finish your sentence. You did it with...

KELSO: A hat on? A-And you. You, me and a hat. It was hot.

FEZ: Of course it was. Everything's better with a hat. Come on, fellas. Put a hat on. The lady deserves it.

DONNA: What were you doing in Casey's bed anyway?

KELSO: Oh, when he's out of town, I like to skank it up by skipping a couple showers and sleeping in it naked.

JACKIE: Michael, tell me more about this dream. Was anyone else there?

KELSO: Jackie, why would I have a sexy dream with anyone besides you? Hey, Donna.


Eric is eating cereal. Hyde walks in

HYDE: Hey, your old man wants to talk to you outside.

ERIC: Why? Am I busted?

HYDE: Don't worry, man. It's not about the car.

ERIC: Oh (he gets up)

HYDE: Oh, Forman, I almost forgot. It's about the car.

ERIC: You gotta stop doing that, man!


Eric walks up to Red

ERIC: Um, you wanted to see me?

RED: D'you take my car out last night?


RED: I know you didn't. Guess how I know! I stuck a hair across the ignition.

ERIC: A hair acro... You know, someday I'm gonna use that on my son.

RED: Anyway, since I know I can trust you, I'm gonna let you drive it.

ERIC: I finally get to drive it? Wow! Okay, uh, where does the key go?

RED: Start her up.

ERIC: Okay (he starts the car. The radio blares loud rock. He turns the car off) And I'm grounded.

RED: For a month! Why did you do it?

ERIC: To impress this cheerleader.

RED: No kidding? Well, then make it two weeks. So uh, you gonna see her again?

ERIC: Well, can I have the car again?

RED: Ohh, she's that girl. I know that girl. Stay away from that girl.

HYDE (calling out from the kitchen): Hey, Forman, your mom wants to talk to you.
She wants to know why you drank all of Red's beer.

ERIC: You know what? Let's just call it a month.



It's dark. Kelso is in Casey's bed. Jackie sneaks in

JACKIE: Michael.

KELSO: Jackie? Am I dreaming?

JACKIE: Yes, you are.

KELSO: Are we gonna do it?

JACKIE: Yes, we are.

KELSO: Oh, cool. Where's Donna?

JACKIE: What?!

She jumps on the bed and attacks him



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Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

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Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

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