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#423 : Les 18 ans de Hyde

C'est l'anniversaire de Hyde. Il a aujourd'hui 18 ans et insiste pour ne pas avoir de fête d'anniversaire, mais cela n'arrête pas Kitty. Pendant ce temps, Eric , Donna et Kelso essaient de voler une insigne de rue ayant presque le même nom que Hyde. Et Donna recrute Jackie et Fez pour l'aider.


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Hyde's Birthday

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Les 18 ans de Hyde

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Cuisine des Forman

Kitty ramène le courrier et il y a une lettre adressée à Hyde du département des véhicules. Red pense tout de suite que c'est une contravention. Les garçons entrent à ce moment-là et Red râle. Hyde pense que c'est pour Éric mais il n'en est rien. Éric fait tout de suite une gaffe en mentionnant un accident qu'il a eu avec une vache et essaie de s'en sortir tant bien que mal. Du coup, il préfère s'éclipser. Red est furieux et commence à râler après Hyde, qui ouvre l'enveloppe et annonce que c'est juste un renouvellement de permis de conduire pour ses 18 ans. Gêné, Red lui souhaite un joyeux anniversaire.

Sous-sol des Forman

Kitty rejoint la bande et fait des câlins à Hyde pour son anniversaire. Kelso se moque de lui. Embarrassé, Hyde prévient qu'il ne veut pas de fête et s'en va. A peine le jeune homme parti, Kitty annonce qu'elle prépare une fête et qu'elle a besoin de l'aide de deux personnes à la touche féminine pour la décoration : Fez et Jackie. Donna est un peu vexée. Avant qu'elle s'en aille avec Madame Forman, Kelso rappelle à Jackie qu'elle ne doit pas embrasser d'autre garçon pendant qu'elle aide à la décoration. Ses amis constatent qu'il en veut toujours à sa petite amie. Éric réalise qu'ils vont devoir trouver un cadeau très spécial pour Hyde et qu'ils doivent se mettre dans sa tête pour trouver une solution.

Du coup, Donna, Kelso et lui font un cercle. Éric propose quelque chose de volé et Donna quelque chose de sale. Kelso pense d'abord à un cochon puis à panneau de rue.

Salon des Pinciotti

Bob demande à Kitty s'il peut venir à la soirée et elle lui répond qu'il peut évidemment y assister, vu qu'en plus c'est chez lui. Elle demande à Fez et Jackie de se débrouiller tant que la décoration fait oublier à Hyde que ses parents l'ont abandonné. Les adultes s'en vont. Jackie veut tout de suite imposer ses idées et propose un décor « Mille et Une Nuits » mais Fez lui fait comprendre que ce n'est pas pour elle, sous-entendu une traînée.


Kelso, Éric et Donna arrivent au coin de « High Street » et ils comptent bien piquer le panneau. Éric commence à faire la courte échelle à Donna mais elle retombe et écrase ses doigts. Kelso veut faire la même chose à Éric mais le garçons refuse. Donna suggère alors de monter sur le toit du van . C'est hors de question pour Kelso qui a plutôt l'idée d'attacher la pare-choc arrière de sa voiture au panneau et de démarrer. Hélas pour lui, le panneau ne bouge pas d'un pouce et le pare-choc est arraché.

Cuisine des Forman

Kitty cuisine et ne voit pas Hyde arriver. Il remarque qu'il y a beaucoup de cupcackes et demande une explication. Kitty essaie de mentir tant bien que mal mais l'adolescent sent bien que quelque chose n'est pas normal. Il lui rappelle qu'il ne veut pas de fête. Kitty arrive à l'embrouiller et lui promet qu'elle ne ment pas. Une fois le jeune homme parti, Red glisse à sa femme qu'elle a bien menti mais Kitty assure que non, elle a joué sur les mots.


Kelso a trouvé une autre idée, il veut mettre des pétards au pied du panneau pour le faire tomber. Éric se moque de lui car il doute que cela fonctionne mais Kelso s'en fiche. Il allume la mèche et ils s'éloignent. Rien ne se passe. Les garçons se disputent pour savoir qui va aller chercher le pétard. Agacée, Donna finit par y aller et rend le pétard à Kelso qui le met dans sa poche. Les garçons trouvent cela extrêmement sexy. Donna les ignore et leur propose de prendre les outils de Red pour scier le poteau. Casey lui a montré comment faire. Éric n'apprécie pas trop. Kelso offre d'aller les voler et Éric lui rappelle qu'il va devoir être extrêmement discret. Kelso soutient qu'il est aussi silencieux qu'un chat. C'est alors que le pétard explose dans sa poche.

Garage des Forman

Red surprend Kelso fouillant dans son établi. Il lui demande des explications. Kelso explique alors qu'il a besoin de lui emprunter une scie pour couper un arbre où est piégé un lapin. Il veut le libérer pour qu'il retrouve son statut de bête sauvage et...qu'il puisse pondre ses œufs. Red est estomaqué et veut savoir ce que peut bien faire un lapin en haut d'un arbre. Pendant ce temps, Éric et Donna entrent et prennent la scie. Kelso continue son histoire et invente que c'est Éric qui a lancé le lapin car il est sadique. Il a d'ailleurs renversé une vache.

« Fotohut »

Hyde est morose et Léo essaie de lui remonter le moral en faisant des grimaces. Hyde lui propose de lui travailler le lendemain mais Léo lui rappelle que c'est on anniversaire. Hyde est agacé car avoir dix-huit ans représente beaucoup de choses qu'il n'aime pas. Jackie et Fez arrivent et la jeune fille laisse échapper qu'ils préparent une fête et qu'ils ont besoin de savoir quel thème il souhaiterait. Hyde leur dit qu'il n'ira pas de toute façon et s'en va. Du coup, Jackie veut laisser tomber mais Fez l'en défend et l'insulte. Jackie essaie de le gifler et il parvient à l'arrêter.


Kelso, Donna et Éric arrivent et ont la mauvaise surprise de constater qu'un jeune garçon a réussi à piquer le panneau. Kelso et Éric tentent de l'amadouer mais rien n'y fait alors Donna lui propose de lui montrer sa bretelle de soutien-gorge. Le jeune garçon accepte et leur rend la plaque. Éric est très émoustillé par les actions de Donna et Kelso le charrie car il ne peut plus l'avoir. Éric fait alors remarquer à Kelso que Jackie l'a trompé. Ils décident d'une trêve mais Kelso relance la guerre alors Éric lui assène une nouvelle critique.

Salon des Pinciotti

Jackie et Fez arrivent et constatent que la décoration est magnifique. Kitty les complimente mais Donna rétablit la situation, c'est elle qui a tout fait toute seule, preuve qu'elle peut être féminine. Du coup, Kitty lui répond que la prochaine qu'elle aura besoin d'une touche féminine, elle demandera son aide ainsi que celle de Fez. Jackie est outrée. Red critique Bob, car il a déjà mangé tous les cupcakes. Éric arrive et annonce que Hyde ne viendra pas, il s'est enfermé au sous-sol. Kitty est catastrophée et demande à son mari de faire quelque chose. Red veut que Éric aille le rejoindre mais devant l'insistance de sa femme, il y va. En ouvrant la porte, il croise Léo qui arrive.

Sous-sol des Forman

Red retrouve Hyde assis sur une chaise. Le jeune homme est décidé à ne pas y aller mais Red lui rappelle que quand on a 18 ans on devient un homme et on doit donc faire des choses qu'on ne veut pas faire et que tant qu'il vit sous son toit, il fera ce qui lui dit de faire. Mais Hyde lui fait remarquer qu'il va pouvoir partir, comme l'on fait tous les hommes de sa famille. Red lui fait comprendre qu'il ne souhaite pas le mettre dehors car il ne veut pas qu'il finisse comme les hommes de sa famille. Hyde finit par accepter d'y aller mais Red le prévient de ne pas parler de cette discussion à Éric car il compte bien le virer dès qu'il aura dix-huit ans.

Salon des Pinciotti

Éric discute avec Donna et la regarde avec insistance. Elle comprend ce qu'il veut et lui montre sa bretelle de soutien-gorge. Red arrive avec Hyde. Jackie embrasse son ami pour lui souhaiter un bon anniversaire, ce qui gêne Kelso. Puis vient le temps des cadeaux : les trois compères offrent le panneau à Hyde qui leur fait remarquer qu'un truc de ce genre vaut deux dollasr au marché aux puces. Ils sont dégoûtés. Kitty lui offre aussi un pull bleu-ciel avec son prénom marqué dessus. Il n'a pas l'air d'apprécier. Red le force à l'enfiler et lui souhaite la bienvenue dans l'âge adulte.

Plus tard, Kitty a installé une piñata et Hyde s'apprête à essayer de la détruire. Comme Kelso le taquine, il enlève son bandeau et lui court après pour le frapper.




Red's sitting at the table, Kitty enters flipping


RED: Any good mail?

KITTY: Well, we got the new Yarn Barn catalog (INCREDULOUS) and the model is showing cleavage? If I want that in my house, I'll watch "McMillan and Wife."

She tosses the catalog on the counter.

KITTY: Oh, Steven got a letter from the Department of Motor Vehicles.

RED: What? Another damn ticket?

Eric and Hyde enter. Red holds up the letter.

RED: Hey, screwhead, why is the DMV sending you letters?

HYDE: (Laughs) Screwhead. (To Eric) Hey, screwhead.

ERIC: No, no, you're screwhead. I'm just called "boy."

HYDE: I got a letter from the DMV?

Red hands Hyde his letter.

ERIC: Oh God, it's about the cow! Did I say cow, I meant cow-ntdown. To better driving.

HYDE (Beat); I think what Eric means is that he hit a cow.

ERIC: I had the right of way!

RED: Well, go ahead, open it, hot rod. You know, you have to be the most irresponsible, careless, no-account --

HYDE (Off letter): It's a license renewal for my eighteenth birthday.

Everyone turns to Red. He looks at them uncomfortably, then turns to Hyde.

RED : Oh. (Then) Happy birthday!




Kelso laughs as Hyde shoves him off and axits.
KITTY: Oh, Steven likes birthdays. He just doesn't know it. Which is why we're going to throw him a surprise party. Okay, I'll need two helpers with, keen, feminine sensibilities to decorate. (Then) Jackie...and Fez.

FEZ: Yay!

Kitty and Fez exits. Jackie gets up to follow.

DONNA: What the hell?! I'm feminine. I ought to kick her ass for that!

KELSO: Hey, Jackie, while you're up there (Angry) try not to kiss any more guys!

Jackie exits.

ERIC: You're still fighting about that?

KELSO: Hey, you gotta come down hard on stuff like this. If she'd come down harder on me when I was cheating, I would've...well I would've been way sneakier about it.

ERIC: Y'know what? Eighteen is a big deal. We need to get Hyde, like, the perfect Hyde gift, so let's try to put ourselves in a total Hyde state of mind.

A moments later.

ERIC: Yeah...now, what would Hyde want? Something... stolen.

DONNA: Stolen's good, but y'know what's better? Stolen and dirty. So what's a good gift for Hyde that's stolen and dirty?

KELSO: Someone else's pig? (Then) No wait. I got it! A street sign. We'll steal it, so it'll be stolen, and it's dirty, so it'll be dirty.

ERIC; Oh my God, Kelso just solved his first word problem.

KELSO: Yeah, I learned those in Mrs.Carter's class 'cause I knew if I got one right, she'd give me a hug. No bra and they were always pointy. Now that's good teachin'!


Kitty, Jackie and Fez are there with Bob.

BOB: No problem, you can have Hyde's party here. There's only one thing I ask... can I come?

KITTY: The party's at your house, Bob, of course you're invited.

BOB: Oh boy, I'm in! I'll get my Anne Murray albums!

Bob exits.

KITTY: Okay you two, I want this party to look nice. Streamers, balloons, whatever makes Steven forget he has no parents. You might want to think about a face painter.

Kitty exits.

JACKIE: Okay, Fez, how do you want to decorate this place?

FEZ: What I'm thinking--

JACKIE: No, no, no. I want to do Arabian Nights! Veils! Persian rugs!

Fez is irked Jackie cut hil off.

FEZ: Uh-huh. One question: is this a party for Hyde, or a bunch of whores in a whorehouse?

Jackie gasps.

FEZ: I say we go with a navy theme. Ahoy, matey!

JACKIE: Wow. That would be great. If Hyde was in the Village People!

FEZ: What are you saying about my favorite band?

JACKIE: I'm just saying people are talking.

FEZ: Well, let them! Find a song more butch than "Macho Man." Oh please, I dare you!


Eric, Donna and Kelso exit the van and walk to the street sign. It says "Hight Street" and is atop a large, metal pole anchored firmly to the ground. Kelso wears a down west.

KELSO: Check it out! "High Street." Hyde's gonna love it.

ERIC: Here, Donna, I'll give you a boost.

He interlocks his hands for her to step on. His fingers goto the ground, he pulls away.

ERIC: Fingers!

KELSO: Fine, Forman, I'll give you a boost.

ERIC: No way.

KELSO: Why not?

ERIC: You'll throw me.

KELSO: No I won't! (Then chuckles) Yeah, I will.

DONNA: How about we just stand on top of the van to reach it?

KELSO: I think not! We'll dent the roof. I don't want anything happening to the love bus. I got a better idea.

A few minutes later

The sign is chained to the van's bumper. Kelso sits in the driver 's seat.

KELSO: Okay, make sure it's tight.

ERIC (Off chain): Yup. You're good.

Kelso drives. The chain goes taut. They can drive off leaving the bumper behind. The sign doesn't move.


DONNA: Well, at least the roof's okay.


Kitty bakes. Frosted cupcakes cover the entire kitchen table. Red read his paper. Hyde enters. He spots the cupcakes and hold pne up.

KITTY (startled) Steven! I thought you were at work.

HYDE: Not 'til later. (SUSPICIOUS) Why are you baking so many cupcakes?

KITTY: I had four dozen eggs, they were gonna go bad.

HYDE: Mrs. Forman, I really don't want a party. And I'm not saying that because I'm fishing for a party, I mean I really don't want one.

KITTY: Uh-huh

HYDE: 'Cuz I know how this family works. You guys say you don't want stuff you actually want. Like on Mother's Day, whey you said you didn't want a fuss, but you did want a fuss? So we made a fuss, and you were happy? That can drive a guy nuts.

RED (lowers paper) It really can.

KITTY: I didn't want a fuss.

HYDE/RED : Yes you did!

HYDE: So now I don't know exactly what to do, or say, or not say, 'cuz I don't want a party.

KITTY : Well I don't want to do anything you don't want.

HYDE (frustrated): See, I don't know what that means!

KITTY: It means there's no party.

Hyde eyes her doubtfully

KITTY: Oh please! Would I lie about making you a party? I'm hurt.

HYDE: Fine. Okay. Sorry.

Hyde exits to the driveway.

RED: You lied.

KITTY: No, no. I said, "Would I lie?" It was very tricky. I was like Houdini, but with words.


Eric, Donna and Kelso crouch around the base of the sign.

KELSO: Okay, see, the base of the sign is all cracked. So all we have to do is shove a firecracker in there and blammo! The sign comes down.

ERIC: Wow, that could work. If the base were made of pudding!

KELSO: (scornful) If the base were made of pudding, Eric, we could just pull it right out.

Kelso takes firecrackers and matches out of his pocket. He shoves the firecrackers into the concrete and lights a match.

KELSO: Okay, get ready to run.

He lights the fuse. They run and take cover behind the va,. The fuse burns down, but nothing happens.

KELSO: Huh. Maybe it's a dud. (to Eric) Go find out.

ERIC:  Why me?

KELSO: 'Cause you're super skinny. If it explodes, you have the best chance of stuff not hitting you.

ERIC: True, but on the other hand, no one would be surprised if you blew yourself up.

KELSO: Good point. So it's a standoff.

DONNA: Oh just move.

Donna goes to the firecracker and picks it up.
DONNA: Here, you big babies.

She hands it to Kelso. He puts it in his jacket pocket.

ERIC: Okay, um, what you just did was so hot.

KELSO (to Donna): I'd follow your sweet ass into combat any day.

DONNA: Y'know, if we got Red's tools I could cut down the pole. Casey showed me how to saw through rebar. (girly) Our second date.

ERIC: I love those stories.

KELSO (to Eric): Hey, I'll sneak into your garage, grab the tools. Red'll never know.

ERIC: Fine. But you have to be quiet.

KELSO: C'mon, this is me you're talking about. I'm like a cat.

The firecracker explodes in his pocket. He screams. Feathers go everywhere.


Kelso's in the garage rummaging trough red's tools. Red enters. Clears his throat. Kelso whips around.
KELSO: Red! Hey! You're wondering why I'm going through your stuff. Am I right? Or am I right? Or am I right? (off Red's glare) O-kay.

As Kelso talks, he moves to the driveway and situates himself so he's facing the garage. Red's back is to it.

KELSO: See, I need your saw because... I have to chop down a tree. (off Red's glare) Because... there's something stuck in it. An animal. (OFF GLARE) A rabbit. There's a rabbit stuck in a tree. And I want to return that rabbit to the wild so it can lay its eggs.

RED: Kelso, rabbits don't... How the hell did a rabbit get in a tree?

KELSO: Um...

Eric sneaks into the garage through the back door to snag Red's tools. Donna follows.

KELSO: Eric threw it up there!

Eric whips around to Kelso a shoots him a "what the hell?" look.
RED: Eric threw a rabbit up a tree?

KELSO: Yeah, he's a sadistic bastard. You know he hit a cow.

Eric starts angrily toward Kelso. Donna yanks him back. They escape out the back door with tools.

RED: Tell Eric I want to see him.

KELSO: Done and done. He could use a talking to.

RED: Get out of my garage!

Kelso gives Red a thumbs up as he strolls out.


Hyde's here, arms crossed, sullen. Leo stands in front of him.
LEO: You know, you've been in a bad mood all night. I'm gonna cheer you up. Check it out.

Leo makes baby "Goo-Goo, Ga-Ga" noises to Hyde. Tickles him a little. Hyde doesn't crack a smile. Leo makes several funny faces. Hyde's stone-faced. Leo walks like a chicken. Nothing.

LEO: Aw, you don't know what's funny.

HYDE: Listen, I'll work tomorrow night if you want me to.

LEO: You're not working tomorrow, it's your birthday.

HYDE: Yeah, my eighteenth birthday. Otherwise known as the beginning of the end. The black hole. The death march.

LEO: On the upside, you'll get cake. That'll be tasty.

HYDE: Eighteen sucks, man, no more free rides. I mean, if there's a war, I could get drafted.

LEO: If there's a war, I'll see you in Canada.

HYDE: That's not the point, Leo. There's other stuff, too!

LEO: Don't get snippy with me, I'm just planning ahead.

Jackie and Fez enter.

JACKIE: Hyde, we need you to settle an argument. I'm sure you know by now that we're throwing you a party.

HYDE: What? What party?

Jackie and Fez look at each other. A beat.    

FEZ: Okay, I'm sure you know by now that we're throwing you a party. So, what kind of party theme would you like?

HYDE: Throw whatever party you want. I'm not gonna be there.

He exits in a huff.

JACKIE: Well, if that's his attitude, I'm not gonna do anything. I quit.

FEZ: You can't quit on me, I quit on you. Bossy little midget!

Jackie goes to slap Fez across the face, but just before she makes contact, he grabs her wirst and stops her, Karate-kid style.

FEZ: Don't even.


Eric, Donna and Kelso arrive with Red's tools, but a geeky, bespectabled kid as the "High Street" sign.
ERIC: Hey, what the hell?

KELSO: No, no. Excuse me, little boy with glasses? That's our sign.

GEEKY KID: Um, excuse me, big dork with Farrah hair? No it isn't.

KELSO: Farrah hair? If I look like any of Charlie's Angels, it is Jaclyn Smith!

DONNA: Wow, that's true.

ERIC: Okay, little fella, I got twenty bucks for a special someone if he'll give us the sign.


KELSO: A month's supply of candy?


DONNA: What if I show you my bra strap?



Eric and Kelso move to the kid so they can enjoy the snow. Donna flashes her bra strap. The kid is awestruck. He tries to speak but nothing comes out.

He gives donna the sign, grabs his bike, and rides off.
DONNA (pleased with herself): I bet if I showed him the whole bra, he would've given me his bike. These things are awesome.

She heads back to the van.

ERIC: That was hot. Man, why is she so hot today?

KELSO: Probably because you can't have her, because you lost her, because you're stupid.

ERIC: Jackie cheated on you. Why the tiny little cheese guy.

KELSO: Hey! (then) Okay, truce.

ERIC: I think that's best.

Kelso and Eric head toward the van. Kelso can't help himself.
KELSO (laughs): If you hadn't blown it with Donna, you'd probably be doing it with her right now.

ERIC: You know who's probably doing it right now? Jackie and the cheese guy.

KELSO: We had a truce!


The room is decorated in traditional party style, with streamers and balloons. There is food, punch, etc. Bob, Red and Kitty stand near a table with cupcakes on it. Donna prepares a pinanta. Jackie and Fez enter.

KITTY: Jackie, Fex, the decorations are beautiful.

FEZ: We didn't do this.

JACKIE: He's not from here. What he means is, we did do this. And thank you.

DONNA: No, no, no. They haven't been here all day. I did this because I'm feminine, too. I'm a lady. Why can't anyone freakin' see that?!

KITTY: Well, it's perfect. Next time I need a couple of girls I'll use you and Fez.

Red points to the table.

RED: Where are all the cupcakes?

BOB: Oh. The strangest thing happened. I ate 'em.

RED: Bob, there were over a dozen cupcakes here.

BOB: I'm sorry, Red. They're like vitamins to me.

Eric rushes in.

ERIC: Okay. Bad news. Hyde says he won't comes to the party. He'd rather stay in a moldy basement with a hot furnace. Man, that guy hates parties.

KITTY: But it's his birthday. He can't be alone on his birthday. Red?

RED: I agree. Eric, go home and sit with Steven. (off Kitty) Fine, I'll get him.

Red heads to the door and opens it. Leo is there.

LEO: Surprise!

Red jumps.

LEO: We got him, dudes!


Hyde's in his chair. Red enters from the side door.
RED: Alright, get your butt up those stairs and over to your party.

HYDE: I'm not going.

RED: Steven you're eighteen now. It's time to start being a man. And the first rule of being a man is you spend your life doing crap you don't want to do. Like I don't want to be here talking to you right now. But I am. And you don't want to go to a party. But you will.

HYDE: Actually, I won't.

RED: What's the matter, you don't like parties? Me neither. I hate people as much as you do.

HYDE: More, actually.

RED: But as long as you're living under my roof, you'll do what I tell you to do.

HYDE: Well lucky for me, I'm not going to be under your roof anymore, anyway.

RED: What the hell are you talking about?

HYDE: I'm eighteen, I should be getting out of here, right? I mean, that's what my dad did, my uncle did, and my cousins did. They were all on their own when they were my age.

RED: And what are they doing now?

HYDE: Uh, pumping gas, prison, prison, dead, prison.

RED: And the reason you live here is so you don't end up like them. But if you want to leave, I can't stop you. So what's it going to be Steven? Prison, death or a birthday party?

HYDE: I guess I'll go to the party.

They get up to go.H

HYDE: And thanks.

RED: You're welcome. Now don't tell Eric we had this conversation, because when he's eighteen he's out.

They exit.


The donkey pinata now hangs from the ceiling. Everyone but Red and Hyde is here, snackinh and drinking punch.


ERIC: So, punch.

DONNA: Yeah.

Eric looks at her for a beat.

DONNA: Oh, fine.

She shows him her bra strap.

ERIC: Oh my God, it's red! When did you start that?

DONNA: About a week after we broke up.

ERIC: Figures.

KITTY: Okay, they're coming! Shhh!

Everyone quiets down. Red and Hyde enter.
ALL: Surprise!

LEO: Okay, you got me.

Hyde stands there. Red elbows him. Hyde rolls his eyes and plasters on a smile.

HYDE: Wow! Thanks!

JACKIE: Happy Birthday!

She kisses Hyde on the cheek. Kelso spots her from across the room.

KELSO: Damn, Jackie! Stop kissing other guys!

Later, Eric, Donna and Kelso present Hyde with the street sign.

HYDE: Oh man, this is great. Did you get this at the flea market?

ERIC: The flea market?

HYDE: Yeah, they sell them for like two bucks.

ERIC: No, we stole it. It took forever!

DONNA: I had to show my bra!

HYDE: No, this is cool because this one plus my other two makes a set of three

KELSO (to Hyde): You owe me a bumper!

Everyone at the pinata. Kitty finishes blind folding Hyde.
HYDE: Mrs. Forman, I'm really not a piñata guy.

KITTY: (handing him a stick) Come on Steven, everyone plays piñata.

KELSO (taunting): Yeah Steven, hit the jackass.

Hyde lifts his blindfold and rushes Kelso.

They take off running out the door. Hyde stands with Red. Kitty approaches with a knit sweater that says "Steven!" on the front.

KITTY: I made this for you. See, it says "Steven" on the front because I heard that having your name on your clothes is cool. Plus, if anyone finds it, they can return it to you!

HYDE: So, I won't be able to lose it. Great.

Kitty kisses him and heads off. Hyde tucks the sweater under his arm.

RED: Put it on.

HYDE: Do I have to?

RED: You bet your ass.

Hyde puts the sweater on.

RED: Welcome to manhood. (laughs) Steven!



Bob sings "For he's a jolly good fellow" in italian. Everyone else sits. Tortured, staring into space.

Bob appears to be done. Everyone starts to get up, but Bob starts singins again. Everyone sits back down and starts into space.



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Animation Doctor Who : Un personnage de la série dans le Tardis ???
Le 14ème Docteur vient de reprendre les commandes du Tardis, mais ce dernier est lassé de n'avoir...

Un spin-off de la série en préparation

Un spin-off de la série en préparation
Alors que That 70's Show est terminée depuis près de quinze ans, Kurtwood Smith et Debra Jo Rupp qui...

ABC renouvelle Home Economics avec Topher Grace pour une seconde saison !

ABC renouvelle Home Economics avec Topher Grace pour une seconde saison !
Bonne nouvelle pour les fans de Topher Grace : la série d'ABC, Home Economics, dans laquelle il...

Diffusion ABC | Home Economics avec Topher Grace - Episode 1x06

Diffusion ABC | Home Economics avec Topher Grace - Episode 1x06
Ce mercredi 12 mai, la chaîne ABC poursuit la diffusion de la série Home Economics avec Topher...

Diffusion ABC | Home Economics avec Topher Grace - Episode 1x05

Diffusion ABC | Home Economics avec Topher Grace - Episode 1x05
Ce mercredi 5 mai, la chaîne ABC poursuit la diffusion de la série Home Economics avec Topher...


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !