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#119 : Le bal de fin d'année

Jackie est bouleversée que Kelso, bien qu'elle ait rompu avec lui, emmène une autre fille au bal de fin d'année: Pam Macy, une fille réputée facile. Hyde, qui est désolé pour elle, lui propose d'y aller avec lui. Et Eric décide de louer une chambre dans un motel pour y retrouver Donna après la soirée.
Midge annonce à Bob qu'elle désire trouver un travail pour ne plus être constamment à la maison. Bob commence sérieusement à s'inquiéter des changements qui surviennent chez sa femme!

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4 - 2 votes

Titre VO
Prom Night

Titre VF
Le bal de fin d'année

Première diffusion

Plus de détails

Sous-sol des Forman:

Eric montre à ses copains sa tenue pour le bal. Fez lui dit qu'il ressemble à un macro. Hyde pense que c'est le bon moment pour sauter le pas avec Donna, il recommance à Éric de louer une chambre mais Eric croit que la première fois doit être spéciale. Il leur explique alors ce qu'il a imaginé comme un beau soleil couchant sur la plage ou encore un contrat signé en bonne et dûe forme entre les deux protagonistres. Hyde casse son rêve en lui montrant que s'il ne fait rien, même ses parents vont se moquer de lui. Puis il lui tend le téléphone.

Cuisine des Forman:

Midge confie à Kitty qu'elle est furieuse contre Bob qui pense qu'elle est bête. Kitty laisse échapper que Bob est mal placé pour juger la bêtise de Midge et son amie ne se rend compte de rien. Puis Kitty doit couper court à la conversation car elle doit aller travailler. Midge voudrait alors un travail mais quelque chose d'amusant et sans contrainte. Kitty se moque.

Sous-sol des Forman:

Kelso débarque au sous-sol tout fier de lui et annonce qu'il va emmener Pam Macy au bal de promo. Fez veut alors emmener Jackie mais Kelso le lui interdit. Comme d'habitude, Hyde fait le vieux roncohon et souligne combien ce genre d'événements est nul. Ses amis lui font remarquer qu'il n'y est jamais allé. Fez a changé d'avis et veut alors inviter sa professeure d'anglais. Les garçons esssaient de lui faire comprendre que ce n'est pas possible. Pourtant, Fez croit qu'elle lui adresse des messages dans ses copies.

Cuisine des Pinciotti:

Donna montre à Jackie ses vêtements et ses chaussures pour le bal mais son amie s'en fiche et ne pense qu'au fait que Kelso ne l'a pas invitée. Donna essaie alors d'axer la conversation sur quelque chose qui pourrait l'intéresser en lui révélant que ce pourrait bien être le grand soir pour Eric et elle. Mais Jackie ne pense qu'au fait que Kelso ne lui ait toujours pas demandé d'aller au bal avec lui. Excédée, Donna lui rappelle qu'elle a rompu avec le jeune homme.
Eric et Kelso font alors irruption dans la pièce. Kelso annonce qu'il va au bal avec Pam Macy, Donna et Eric préfèrent s'éclipser. Pour sauver la face, Jackie lui affirme alors qu'elle a aussi un cavalier, beaucoup mieux que lui.

Sous-sol des Forman:

Jackie et Hyde regardent la télévision. Jackie n'arrête pas de pousser des soupirs ce qui finit par agacer Hyde, qui lui demande ce qu'elle a. Elle lui raconte qu'elle n'a pas de cavalier alors qu'elle a dit le contraire à Kelso, Hyde se moque d'elle. Jackie demande à Hyde d'y aller avec elle mais le jeune homme refuse. Comme elle se met à pleurer, il finit par dire oui.

Bal de promo:

Donna et Eric arrivent et se sentent tout de suite mal à l'aise. Ils ont envie tous les deux de passer à la vitesse supérieure ce soir mais n'osent pas se le dire. Kelso et sa cavalière rompent le moment. Pam s'éclipse pour aller aux toilettes et Kelso se demande pourquoi Jackie n'est pas là. Fez arrive, suivi de la prof d'anglais, qu'il veut inviter à danser.

Perron des Hyde:

Jackie arrive et entend la mère de Steven se moquer de lui parce qu'il va au bal. Hyde sort de la maison, bien habillée et offre à Jackie une fleur. Elle lui fait un bisou pour le remercier, ce qui met mal à l'aise le jeune homme. Pour le détendre un peu, elle lui propose de conduire la voiture de son père.

Salon des Forman:

Midge annonce à son mari et ses amis qu'elle a l'intention d'ouvrir un magasin de diverses cartes de voeux. Kitty éclate de rire.

Bal de promo:

Eric et Donna dansent et essaient de s'avouer l'un l'autre ce qu'ils ont derrière la tête. Comme Donna mentionne le fait qu'ils n'auraient nulle part où aller pour le faire, Eric lâche alors qu'il a réserve une chambre d'hôtel. Les deux amoureux s'éclipsent.
Fez est déprimé et sa prof de musique, Mme Clark essaie de lui remonter le moral. Elle chante et danse avec Fez.
On voit ensuite les photos prises des couples et des amis pendant la fête.

Salon des Forman:

Bob veut dissuader sa femme d'ouvrir un magasin, surtout qu'elle compte bien le faire en investissant son argent. Même Kitty n'arrive pas à trouver d'argument pour la soutenir. Bob pense que sa femme cherche une distraction et lui propose d'avoir un autre bébé. Les femmes sont outrées et s'en vont dans la cuisine. Red pense que ça va lui coûter beaucoup d'argent mais Bob pense que ce sera toujours moins qu'un divorce. Red n'en est pas aussi certain que lui.


Tout un groupe a suivi Eric et Donna pour les encourager, mais ils sont plus embarrassants qu'autre chose. Ils rentrent dans la chambre et découvrent que le lit est sale. Eric va alors chercher une serviette dans les toilettes, infectée d'insectes, puis il l'étale sue le lit. Les deux jeunes gens s'assoient et essaient de se détendre mais les jeunes continuent à faire du bruit à l'extérieur. Les amoureux se rendent alors compte que ce n'est pas le contexte qu'ils veulent pour leur première fois.

Bal de promo:

Kelso regarde Hyde et Jackie danser pendant que cette dernière se morfond. Hyde essaie de la consoler comme il peut mais la jeune fille n'a plus le coeur à danser. Hyde propose d'aller chercher du punch et Kelso profite de ce moment pour intercepter Hyde et lui demander des explications. Mais Hyde lui rappelle que c'est son choix et qu'en plus, il fait souffrir Jackie qui veut être avec lui. Kelso se rend compte de son erreur, il laisse Pam à Hyde et va rejoindre Jackie. Pendant que Hyde s'éclipse avec Pam Macy, Kelso et Jackie se réconcilient et dansent doucement au milieu de la foule.

Plus tard, Eric et Donna sont revenus et dansent à nouveau avec les autres. La prof d'anglais a enfin accepté de danser avec Fez qui passe pour demander à Eric la clé de sa chambre d'hôtel. La prof fait comprendre à Fez qu'elle n'ira pas avec lui mais le jeune homme ne s'avoue pas vaincu.



ERIC puts on his tux jacket.
ERIC: “My first Prom tux, huh! Come on guys, dig the crushed velvet!”
HE adopts a disco dancing position.
FEZ: “Eric, you look like a pimp.”
ERIC and FEZ sit on the couch.
HYDE: “You know Forman, Prom night can be a very special night for you and Donna.”
ERIC: “Hyde, this could be the biggest night of our lives! I mean Donna and I could go…”
FEZ: “To the Prom.”
ERIC: “No Fez, all, all the way.”
FEZ: “All the way… to the Prom!”
HYDE: “You know what you should do? You should definitely rent a motel room.”
ERIC: “Oh yeah, that's spontaneous.”
HYDE: “What?”
ERIC: “Look, if this night is as big as I think I want it to be very, very special because this is gonna be the first time for both of us.”
FEZ: “Oh, you silly virgins!”
ERIC: “Anyway, this is how I picture it.”
DONNA and ERIC are on the beach, watching the sunset.
DONNA: “Well, here we are walking on the beach, and now we're gonna do it!”
ERIC: “Yes yes! Isn't it spontaneous?”
DONNA: “Exactly! That's what got me!”
THEY kiss.
FANTASY #1 stops.
ERIC: “Oh, that was nice. But if I plan it out, it won't be nice, it'll be…”
DONNA is in her kitchen reading a paper. ERIC comes in with a binder.
ERIC: “Good evening.”
DONNA: “Did you bring the forms?”
ERIC: “Yes I did. Here's the guarantee of foreplay signed, initialed, notarized.”
HE gives her a sheet and SHE checks it.
DONNA: “Very well. As you know I'm on the pill, so here is your copy of the prophylactic waver.”
SHE hands him a sheet.
ERIC: “Oh, looks like we have a deal here. I'm looking forward to consummation.”
THEY shake hands.
DONNA: “Excellent.”
ERIC: “Thank you.”
FANTASY #2 stops.
HYDE: “Forman, if you don't get a motel, it's gonna be more like this.”
RED is on his armchair and ERIC comes in.
RED: “You're home already? It's not even ten o'clock! You didn't have a plan, did you? KITTY, he's home already!”
KITTY comes in.
KITTY: “Already! Oh Eric, you are just such a loser!”
SHE and RED laugh.
RED: “He is, isn't he!”
THEY continue laughing.
FANTASY #3 fades.
HYDE is laughing. HE stops and gives ERIC the phone and ERIC takes it and dials.



MIDGE: “Kitty, I am so mad at Bob! I'm trying to improve myself and he won't let me! Plus, he says my ideas are stupid!”
KITTY: “Oh well now, that's the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it?”
MIDGE: “I'll say! What?”
KITTY: “Good coffee!”
MIDGE: “Umm.”
KITTY looks at her watch.
KITTY: “You know, I'm sorry Midge, but, um, I really have to get to work.”
SHE gets up.
MIDGE: “Gosh darn it! I want a job!”
KITTY: “Well, you know, Midge, having a job is not all it's cracked up to be. Working at the hospital is very hard work!”
MIDGE: “But I don't want one of those jobs, I want a fun job!”
KITTY: “Ok, well, even with a fun job, it's still, you have to deal with your boss!”
MIDGE: “You're right. I'll get a job as a boss!”
KITTY: “Well now, that is a sharp plan Midge! You just, you let me know how that goes!”


KELSO comes running in, all happy.
KELSO: “Okay guys, guess who's taking Pam Macy to the Prom?”
HYDE: “Anyone with a quarter?”
KELSO: “Me!”
FEZ: “Damn, and I had a quarter!”
ERIC: “Wait, Kelso, you're not taking Jackie?”
KELSO: “No way man, Jackie dumped me!”
FEZ: “Hey, I can take Jackie!”
KELSO: “Yeah, do it Fez and I'll kick your ass!”
FEZ: “Well, well, well, look who suddenly cares…”
KELSO punches him on the arm.
FEZ: “Why did you hit me, that was sarcasm!”
HYDE: “You know, you guys are making me sick with all your Prom talk. Proms are stupid.”
ERIC: “Hyde, what would you know? You've never even been to one.”
HYDE: “Well I haven't been at the dentist's either, but I don't need to go to know it's lame!”
FEZ: “Oh, I know who I can ask to the Prom!”
HYDE: “Oh boy! Who Fez?”
FEZ: “The lucky lady is…my English teacher!”
KELSO: “Fez, you can't take a teacher to the Prom!”
FEZ: “Why not? She's always writing sexy comments on my homework: Nice Job, Good Effort, See Me, I love you.”
THE GUYS stare at him.
FEZ: “Okay, I made the last one up, but the other ones were real…”


DONNA is showing JACKIE her shoes.
DONNA: “These are the shoes I'm wearing to the Prom! Aren't they cool?”
SHE hands them to JACKIE
JACKIE: “Oh my God, I was gonna get new shoes except Michael didn't ask me.”
DONNA: “You like my Prom dress, right?”
SHE shows it to JACKIE.
JACKIE: “Oh my God, I was gonna get a new Prom dress, except Michael didn't ask me.”
DONNA: “I'm so nervous about the Prom! I think it's gonna be the night that Eric and I … you know?”
JACKIE: “Oh my Gosh, that's when Michael and I were gonna do it the first time!”
DONNA: “Jackie, you and Kelso did it like two months ago, and like thirty times after that!”
JACKIE: “Yeah, but it would've been the first time at a Prom! Except Michael didn't ask me!”
JACKIE is on the verge of crying.
DONNA: “Jackie, you broke up with him!”
JACKIE: “I know! Isn't it sad?”
THEY sits down.
DONNA: “Look, just ask Kelso to go with you!”
JACKIE: “God no, this is the Prom! This is no time for your stupid feminist crap!”
The door opens and ERIC and KELSO come in.
JACKIE: “Hello Michael.”
KELSO: “Hello Jackie.”
JACKIE: “I'm just here helping Donna get ready for the Prom because Eric and Donna are going to the Prom.”
ERIC: “Yes, we are.”
KELSO: “I'm going to the Prom.”
JACKIE'S eyes widen.
KELSO: “I'm taking Pam Macy!”
DONNA looks at ERIC. SHE gets up and HE follows her in the living room .
ERIC: “Oh, the…thing…”
JACKIE: “Oh, I have a date too…”
KELSO: “Who is it? What's his name?”
JACKIE: “His name is… not important. What's important is he's better than you, in every conceivable way!”
KELSO: “Well. Damn Jackie! That can be anybody!”


JACKIE and HYDE are watching T.V. together. JACKIE sighs.
HYDE: “Jackie, if I ask you what's wrong, will you stop doing that?”
JACKIE: “It's the Prom. Stupid Michael is taking stupid Pam Macy and I don't have a date, but I told him I did and I'm a complete loser!”
HYDE laughs, then looks at her and stops.
HYDE: “No you're not…”
JACKIE: “It's just that, look, I thought he was going to ask me, and now everyone that's anyone is already going.”
HYDE: “Oh, that's so true.”
JACKIE: “How could you know, you're not even going! Oh, well you're not even going! Oh, Oh, and I bet you clean up real good!”
HYDE: “Well, I do, but I won't. See, that's a big part of who I am.”
JACKIE: “Look Hyde, I know we've had our differences but…”
HYDE: “Jackie, we've had nothing but differences! In fact, don't we kind of hate each other?”
JACKIE: “Yes, but this is the Prom!”
SHE leans on his folded arms and starts crying.
HYDE: “Jackie don't! Stop, stop crying… Stop it! Look, do you wanna go to the Prom?”
JACKIE: “Yes.”
SHE gets up and we see that she was faking it.


People are dancing everywhere. ERIC and DONNA walk in.
DONNA: “Wow, the gym looks like… well, the gym with streamers but it's, it's nice.”
ERIC: “Yeah, you know this is just gonna be an incredible night.”
DONNA: “Really incredible.”
ERIC: “Wait, what do you mean?”
DONNA: “What do you mean?”
ERIC: “Nothing.”
DONNA: “Okay then, me neither.”
KELSO comes over with PAM MACY.
KELSO: “Hey guys. Pam this is Eric and Donna.”
DONNA: “Hey, we have, um, biology class together.”
PAM: “Biology?”
DONNA: “Yeah.”
KELSO: “See, Pam doesn't like to talk about school.”
DONNA: “Um, are you guys having fun?”
PAM: “No. I have to go to the bathroom.”
SHE leaves.
DONNA hits KELSO on the arm.
DONNA: “My God Kelso, you'd rather bring her than Jackie?”
KELSO: “Hey I love her!”
ERIC: “No you don't!”
ERIC and DONNA sit down and KELSO joins them.
KELSO: “Ha ha, yeah I don't. See, but Jackie's gonna be really jealous!”
MS. KAMINSKI: “Good evening kids, so, is everyone having fun?”
ERIC: “Yes we are Ms. Cominski.”
FEZ comes from behind her.
FEZ: “There you are Diane, I've been looking all over for you. Shall we dance?”
MS. KAMINSKI: “I'm not going to dance with you Fez.”
SHE leaves.
FEZ: “Isn't she adorable?”
HE chases after her.


JACKIE knocks on the door.
EDNA, o.s. : “They're all gonna laugh at you!”
HYDE: “Shut up Ma! You're making the night too damn special!”
HE comes out.
HYDE: “Hey. Wow, you look beautiful.”
JACKIE: “Oh my God, so do you. Um, Do you want me to go inside and meet your…”
HYDE: “No, no, no. Trust me, she's lovely.”
HE takes her arm and leads her. THEY go down the stairs.
HYDE: “Let's just go, alright?”
SHE notices the small gold box he has tucked under his arm.
JACKIE: “Is that for me?”
HYDE: “Oh, yeah, here, I got this for you.”
HE give her the box which contains a pink carnation.
JACKIE: “Oh, God Steven, this is beautiful. You know, this whole experience has taught me that I don't need Michael to go to the Prom. I can go with anyone, even you. Thanks.”
SHE kisses him on the cheek.
HYDE: “Okay, let's not do that.”
JACKIE: “Sorry. Um, I have my dad's Lincoln. Will you drive?”
SHE shows him the keys. HE takes them.
HYDE: “Yeah! He's got insurance, right? Wait, I don't care, let's go.”
THEY leave.


MIDGE: “I've decided what kind of business I'm gonna open. What's the one thing people can't live without?”
RED: “Oxygen!”
MIDGE: “No.”
KITTY: “No, no, no. That's true.”
MIDGE: “But that's not what I'm selling. So keep guessing.”
BOB: “Lemonade?”
MIDGE: “Umm um. Give up?”
BOB: “I'm about to.”
MIDGE: “Greeting cards!”
KITTY laughs, looks at the others and stops. SHE looks at her glass.
KITTY: “Good wine!”
DONNA and ERIC are dancing to a slow song.
DONNA: “This is such a great night.”
ERIC: “Yeah.”
DONNA: “It's too bad our parents aren't out of town so we'd have someplace to go, for after.”
ERIC: “Yeah, like a motel room.”
DONNA: “Yeah, that would've been great.”
ERIC: “Really? ‘Cause I got one.”
DONNA: “Did you plan on telling me?”
ERIC: “No.”
DONNA: “Well, it's better that you didn't. ‘Cause then it wouldn't have been spontaneous.”
ERIC smiles.
ERIC: “Sponta… Oh, you are so the girl for me!”
DONNA: “Let's go.”
ERIC: “Okay.”
THEY leave.
FEZ is sitting on stage. MRS. CLARK comes over.
MRS. CLARK: “Why so glum Fez?”
FEZ: “Well Mrs. Clark, you may be good at teaching the music, but you cannot help me in the ways of love.”
MRS. CLARK: “Oh Fez, has someone got you down?”
FEZ: “So far down Mrs. Clark!”
MRS. CLARK: “Here's a little diddy I've been working on. Maybe it will help.”
She takes the microphone.
MRS. CLARK: “Hit it.”
SHE starts singing “I will Survive”. FEZ dances near her and with her.
SEVERAL PROM PICTURES ARE TAKEN: The first one is of ERIC and DONNA, the second one of JACKIE and HYDE, the third one of KELSO and PAM MACY and the fourth one is of FEZ and HYDE.
BOB: “Midge, you don't know the first thing about having a business!”
MIDGE: “But there's no risk Bob!”
BOB: “Why not?”
MIDGE: “Because it's your money!”
RED laughs. BOB puts his hands to his face.
MIDGE: “Kitty, don't you think I should have my own cards shop?”
BOB: “Midgie, hold on. I think I have a dynamite solution!”
MIDGE: “Really?”
BOB: “Oh yeah. ‘Cause I love ya. So I want you to have another baby and stop bugging me.”
KITTY: “Oh Bob no!”
MIDGE goes to the kitchen and KITTY follows her.
RED: “So, how much this whole set up is gonna cost you?”
BOB: “Plenty. But I figure it'll be cheaper than a divorce.”
RED: “We'll see.”


DONNA and ERIC walk up to the door.
ERIC: “And, uh, here we are.”
DONNA: “This is so romantic.”
THEY kiss.
A GROUP OF PEOPLE, led by TIMMY stand near the corner.
TIMMY : “Hey! It's Forman and Donna and they're gonna do it! Forman! Forman! Forman! YEAH!”
ERIC unlocks the room and they get in.
ERIC: “You know what? Those guys are just jerks.”
DONNA: “Hey, I forgot about them already.”
THEY start kissing again. THEY start to go down on the bed.
ERIC: “Hang on, Hang on! Big stain! Big stain…”
THEY get of the bed.
ERIC: “I'm just gonna go grab a towel!”
DONNA: “Okay.”
HE goes to the bathroom and screams.
ERIC: “Oh good God!”
HE slams the door shut behind him, holding the towel.
ERIC: “You know, they say you're more scared of you then of them, really so…”
DONNA: “Yeah.”
ERIC lays down the towel on the stain. THEY sit on the bed.
ERIC: “You know, Donna, I've thought about this moment like a thousand times.”
DONNA: “Me too.”
THEY start kissing.
TIMMY, o.s . : “One, two, three!”
THEY stop kissing. A big noise is heard.
TIMMY, o.s . : “Alright! Yeah!”
ERIC: “Hey, when you thought about this moment, was it like this?”
DONNA: “Not really…”
ERIC: “You know, I was having a pretty good time at prom.”
DONNA: “Me too. Let's get out of here.”
ERIC: “Okay, Um, Donna, what if this is our only chance?”
DONNA: “It won't be.”
ERIC: “Okay.”
THEY get up .


JACKIE and HYDE are dancing. KELSO and PAM are also dancing, but KELSO can't take his eyes off of JACKIE.
JACKIE: “It's just that I always pictured Michael and I together at the prom. That's how it was supposed to be, you know?”
HYDE: “Yeah, I know. Well, hey, Pam's butt looks really big in that dress.”
JACKIE: “No it doesn't.”
HYDE: “Yeah, no it doesn't.'”
JACKIE: “But thank you. Do you mind if we just sit down?”
HYDE: “Yeah okay, I'll go grab some punch.”
HYDE goes to the refreshments table and KELSO follows him.
KELSO: “Hyde, you brought Jackie to the Prom? You're supposed to be my friend and you dogged me!”
HYDE: “Hey, she cried man!”
KELSO: “Well, is she having a good time? ‘Cause she looks real pretty.”
HYDE: “Alright, look you big baby! She wants to be with you and you want to be with her, so go be with each other ‘cause the whole thing sickens me!”
KELSO: “Well, what am I gonna do with Pam?”
HYDE: “Don't worry about it, I'll take care of Pam.”
KELSO hugs HYDE. HYDE goes to PAM and sits next to her.
HYDE: “Excuse me Pam? Hi. Have you ever seen the backseat of a Lincoln Continental?”
PAM: “Lots of times.”
HYDE: “Would you like to see another one?”
PAM: “Sure.”
HYDE: “Great.”
THEY leave.
KELSO and JACKIE walk up to each other.
KELSO: “Jackie.”
JACKIE: “Michael.”
KELSO: “You look beautiful.”
JACKIE: “You look really handsome.”
KELSO: “I miss you.”
JACKIE: “I miss you too.”
THEY start dancing, more like hugging. The song gets more upbeat. People start dancing in a fast paced way. KELSO and JACKIE still barely move. People start going away and finally, the lime-light is on JACKIE and KELSO.


ERIC and DONNA are dancing to a slow song and FEZ comes over, dancing with his English teacher.
FEZ: “Eric, please may I have your motel room key please?”
MS. KAMINSKI: “Fez, I'm not going to a motel with you.”
FEZ: “Yes and you also said you would not dance with me.”
THEY continue dancing.


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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