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#403 : La guerre des nerfs

Tous les deux toujours très secoués par leur rupture, Eric et Donna se battent pour obtenir "la garde" de leurs amis. Et quand Red commence a passer beaucoup de temps avec le pasteur Dave, Kitty espère qu'il ne fera rien pour ruiner cette nouvelle amitié.


3.5 - 2 votes

Titre VO
Pinciotti VS Forman

Titre VF
La guerre des nerfs

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Plus de détails

Absence de Léo

Sous-sol des Forman

La bande est réunie. Donna arrive, belle et maquillée. Jackie lui dit d'ailleurs qu'elle est beaucoup mieux depuis qu'elle a rompu avec Éric. Donna est en fait venue lui rendre des vinyles. Alors que Hyde se moque de l'atmosphère tendue, Kelso allume la télévision car une émission commence. Donna s'assoit pour la regarder avec eux, ce qui semble ne pas plaire à Éric. Il lui fait vite comprendre qu'il ne souhaite pas qu'elle vienne. Elle s'en va. Jackie veut s'en aller car il n'accepte pas son amie. Éric en est ravi et l'invite à partir.

Salon des Pinciotti

Donna est en colère après son ex-petit ami. Jackie pense qu'elle doit faire mieux pour attirer les garçons chez elle.

Sous-sol des Forman

Les garçons font un cercle. Éric se plaint de l'attitude de Donna et fait croire qu'il l'a virée comme une malpropre. Ses amis écoutent sans grande conviction puis Hyde lui fait remarquer que ce n'est pas du tout ce qui s'est passé.

Salon des Forman

La sonnerie de la porte retentit. Kitty va répondre et se retrouve face au Pasteur Dave qui est venu voir Red. Au début, Kitty croit qu'il a fait une bêtise mais le pasteur lui dit qu'il veut juste passer du temps avec lui. Kitty est heureuse et court chercher son mari.

Cuisine des Forman

Kitty vient annoncer à Red que le pasteur est là pour lui. Red l'attendait, il l'a croisé plus tôt dans la journée chez le quincailler et a proposé de l'aider à repeindre la porte de son garage. Sa femme est contente qu'il ait un ami.

Allée des Forman

La bande arrive. Donna profite de l'absence d'Éric pour les aborder. Elle chuchote et leur annonce qu'elle a le câble chez elle, et que ça sous-entend qu'ils peuvent voir des femmes nues. Jackie trouve qu'elle a trouvé une idée géniale. Tous la suivent hormis Fez, qui a des remords.

Sous-sol des Forman

Fez regarde la télévision avec Éric, il dit ne pas savoir où sont les autres. Kelso entre, il vient chercher des glaces à l'eau car Donna n'en a pas. En entendant cela, Éric n'est pas très content mais Kelso dit qu'il n'a pas pu résisté aux femmes nues et qu'en plus, elle a des « corn dogs » ! Il s'en va. Fez fantasme sur les « corn dogs ». Son ami le laisse y aller.

Cuisine des Forman

Kitty rentre de l'épicerie. Red lui a laissé un mot pour la prévenir qu'il est avec le pasteur. Elle se met à imaginer son mari et le pasteur, complices, habillés de la même façon, en train de repeindre la porte du garage puis de construire un nichoir pour les oiseaux et enfin de tondre la pelouse.Pendant tout ce temps, Red confie ses émotions au pasteur. Kitty est ravie. Red rentre. Lorsqu'elle lui demande ce qu'ils ont fait, il lui apprend qu'ils ont regardé du sport en mangeant des chips. Sa femme pense que ce n'est pas comme ça qu'on se fait des amis et qu'ils doivent se parler.

Salon des Pinciotti

Tous sont devant la télévision et les garçons sont en extase devant les filles nues. Kelso se sent mal pour Éric, il considère que Donna n'a eu que ce qu'elle méritait après lui avoir brisé le cœur. Jackie n'est pas d'accord et le couple se dispute. Fez est aussi en colère après Kelso. Éric fait irruption pour soi-disant rapporter des chaussettes à Donna. Il rejoint ses potes sur le canapé. Donna lui demande de partir car il rend la situation inconfortable. Ses amis le pensent aussi. Le jeune homme n'a pas d'autre choix que de s'en aller. Hyde s'excuse et lui promet de lui parler des filles nues plus tard.

Cuisine des Forman

Kitty est au téléphone avec le pasteur Dave. Elle lui passe Red, qui n'est gère éloquent. Une fois qu'il a raccroché, Kitty lui reproche une fois de plus de ne pas assez parler avec Dave. Il ne doit pas le laisser filer car il n'a pas beaucoup d'amis. Éric les rejoint, énervé d'avoir été viré. Il veut se venger de Donna et a soudain une idée.

Allée des Forman

Éric parle à Bob et lui explique que la bande adore ses blagues. Il devrait plus souvent leur en faire profiter.

Salon des Pinciotti

Bob a suivi le conseil d'Éric et raconte ses blagues aux jeunes, médusés. Seul Fez rit et le suit dans ses délires.

Sous-sol des Forman

Toute la bande est revenue et mange des glaces à l'eau. Donna arrive, très en colère. Elle sait que Éric est derrière la présence soudaine de Bob. Ce dernier nie et annonce à ses amis qu'il les emmène au cinéma ce soir, Donna rétorque en leur promettant de les emmener au bowling le lendemain. Hyde décide de profiter de l'occasion et suggère qu'ils se mettent à leur faire des cadeaux qu'ils puissent ramener chez eux. Jackie voudrait que Donna puisse les voir le week-end mais Kelso intervient, il ne trouve pas cela juste. L'idée du planning est lancé.

Salon des Forman

En attendant l'arrivée du pasteur, Kitty veut savoir ce que son mari a prévu. Il compte regarder un match de boxe plutôt que parler. Le pasteur arrive. Kitty met les pied dans le plat et annonce que le pasteur est important pour Red et qu'il devrait lui confier ses sentiments. Embarrassé, et voyant le pasteur paniquer, ce dernier intervient et explique juste qu'ils passent de bons moments et s'entendent bien. Kitty s'en va. Le pasteur fait alors peur à Red en commençant à lui faire des confidences, puis il lui fait comprendre que ce n'était qu'une plaisanterie. Red le prévient de ne pas la refaire.

Allée des Forman

Éric revient avec ses amis. Hyde se plaint car il n'a pas eu assez, ce que son ami ne comprend pas. Donna râle car ils ont vingt minutes de retard mais ils ont du s'arrêter car Fez avait besoin d'aller aux toilettes. La jeune fille remarque alors que ce dernier a de la glace sur le visage, ce qui veut dire qu'il en a mangé et qu'il ne mangera certainement pas durant leur dîner. Fez s'excuse mais Donna le rassure, elle n'en veut qu'à Éric. Les deux ex-amoureux se chamaillent. Fez n'en peut plus, il se sent comme un enfant tiraillé au milieu de ses parents. Kelso intervient, il souhaite que cela s'arrange car leurs disputes entraînent des disputes dans son couple et donc plus de sexe. Jackie leur annonce qu'ils ne verront plus aucun d'eux tant qu'ils n'auront pas réglé leurs problèmes. Le couple s'en va, Hyde s'éclipse également avec Fez, dont il va prendre soin. Pour Éric, tout est de la faute de Donna car elle a débarqué chez lui comme si tout allait bien pour elle mais elle avoue qu'elle faisait semblant et est triste. Le jeune homme admet qu'il est également triste. Ils ont conscience qu'ils vont devoir maîtriser leur peine devant leurs amis. Éric souhaite cependant qu'elle ne vienne plus chez lui en étant si sexy, Donna reconnaît qu'elle l'avait fait exprès.

Sous-sol des Forman

Toute la bande est au complet et Éric a arrangé les places pour que tout le monde soit à l'aise. Bob les rejoint pour raconter ses blagues et les jeunes s'enfuient. Seul Fez reste.




The gang is together in the basement. Donna comes in

JACKIE: Wow! Donna, you look great. What could it be? Oh, I know. You lost 80 pounds of ugly fat. Burn, Eric, burn!

ERIC: Okay, first of all I weigh a  130...49 pounds.

FEZ: Yeah. You look good too, Eric. You lost your one true love, so... Looking good.

DONNA: Eric, I found these records of yours, and I thought you might want them back.

HYDE: Ah, the unpleasant exchange of possessions after the horrific breakup.
Awkward for them, entertaining for us.

KELSO: Whoa, whoa. Shut up. Don Kirshner's starting.

DONNA: Oh, right. Paul McCartney and Wings are on tonight (she sits down)

ERIC (pacing around): Okay, so... Okay, we're all here now. So... So, Donna, you're staying?

DONNA: Okay.

ERIC: What I meant to say was... Look, Donna, I don't think it's cool if you hang out here.

DONNA: So, what, you're like, kicking me out? (silence) Wow. Okay then. Bye.

JACKIE: Well, if you're kicking her out, then you're kicking me out.

ERIC: No, Jackie no. Oh, wait. I mean, BYE!



Jackie is sitting on the couch, Donna is pacing around

DONNA: So, it's just not fair. He doesn't, like, get my friends 'cause he has some stupid, crappy basement.

JACKIE: Right! You helped make that basement what it is today.

DONNA: Right. No one would even go over there before me. It smelled like feet.

JACKIE: Donna, you have to fight back. Okay, when a couple splits up the woman deserves her fair share of the life she helped build.

DONNA: How much is that?

JACKIE: All of it! Donna, it's the law.

DONNA: You know, normally, that statement would really offend me. But now that I'm single and pissed, you're making a lot of sense.


Eric is ranting about Donna, the rest is looking pretty bored

ERIC: And then shejust comes down in the basement like it's no big deal. After what happened? And she's just gonna act like everything's cool and everything's fine? You don't love me, you don't get my couch... or my friends. I'm a package deal, baby.! So, I just told her, ''Fire up those walking sticks, Big Red, because this ain't happening. I'm not having it.''

HYDE (sighs): Hey, Forman, we were all there and that ain't how it happened. You wanna talk about it some more?

ERIC: Mmm, no.


The doorbell rings, Kitty answers it

DAVE: Hello, Kitty.

KITTY: Oh, Pastor Dave! What a nice surprise. How's... God?

DAVE: Fine, thank you. So, I was wondering if, uh, Red was home.

KITTY: Oh, no. What did he do?

DAVE: No. No, no, nothing. I just thought he might like to, uh- I don't know- goof off?

KITTY: You want to spend time with Red?!

DAVE: Unless it's a bad time.

KITTY: Oh, no, no, no. This is a great time (she runs off to the kitchen, whispering) Oh, my God! Red has a visitor! (in the kitchen to Red) Red, Pastor Dave's here! For you! Hurry!

RED: Oh, yeah. I ran into him in the hardware store. You know, he was gonna try to paint his garage without priming (laughing) That crazy bastard (he leaves for the living room)

KITTY: Oh, my. Red has a friend.


Hyde pulls up, Fez jumps out the back. Kelso, Jackie and Hyde get out the front. Donna walks uo

DONNA: Psst! (whispering) What are you guys doing today?

FEZ (whispering): We're going to the basement.

DONNA: Hmm. Sounds fun. But you know what sounds like even more fun?

KELSO: Oh! Playing with a bunch of monkeys?

DONNA: Well, yeah. But we got cable TV at my house which we all know has the potential for flashes of brief nudity. Nudity!

The gang seem to think about the prospect

JACKIE: Cable? Oh, you are so gonna win this breakup!

FEZ: Now, wait just a minute. Eric is our friend, our brother. We cannot just abandon him for nude boobs.

HYDE: Good point, Fez. This nudity you speak of, are we talking full frontal?

DONNA: Does it matter?

HYDE: No. Let's go.


TV is on. Only Eric and Fez are there

ERIC: So, you have no idea where everyone is?

FEZ: Everyone who?

KELSO (coming in): Hey, you got any Popsicles? Donna's all out.

ERIC: Oh, so that's how it is? Everyone's over at Donna's?

KELSO (with a box of Popsicles in his hand): Eric, man, I'm sorry. And I know that we've been friends for, like, a really long time but, uh, we were watching Barbarella on cable. Man, and I not only saw boobs, but I saw boobs in space! Yeah, space boobs, Eric! There's no gravity!

ERIC: She got cable? That sneaky little wench.

KELSO: No, no. And corn dogs! (he leaves)

FEZ: Oh, dogs wrapped in corn. Oh, sweet meat on a stick.

ERIC: Just go.

FEZ: Thank you.


Kitty comes in carrying groceries. She sees a note that Red left for ger

KITTY: ''At Dave's. Back around : 5. Red.'' Oh!

She imagines Dave and Red painting a garage door together:

RED: I hadn't realized before, but the primer is like your emotions. It's what's underneath the surface.

DAVE: And the rust is like your anger.

RED: Boy... having a male companion to talk to is changing my life.

Later, Red and Dave are inside the garage building a bird house:

RED: I wish I could tell Kitty exactly how I feel about her but I just can't find the words.

DAVE: I'll help you. We'll find the words together.

Then Red and Dave are mowing the lawn together:

RED: Oh, sure sometimes I feel like crying, but I just can't.

DAVE: You can with me.

Back in the kitchen, Red comes in

RED: Hey.

KITTY: Oh, hello. So, how was your day? What did you and your new friend do?

RED: Well...

We see Red and Dave sitting on a couch, watching TV and eating crisps. Red
grunts and Dave responds "Yeah"

KITTY: So, that's all you did?

RED: Yep.

KITTY: Well, you didn't talk about anything?

RED: Nope.

KITTY: Do you hate him?

RED: Kitty, don't start.

KITTY: No, no, no. All I'm saying is, people with friends live longer. And you are not good at keeping friends. Bob's scared of you, and Earl isn't speaking to you. What about Frank?

RED: Frank's dead.

KITTY: Exactly. It is time to replace your dead friend Frank. I win.


The gang are watching TV at Donna's

KELSO: Oh, look, there's a boob!

FEZ: There's two. Oh, wait. Four. It's the mother lode.

HYDE: Oh, man. Guy butt. Look away.

KELSO: I feel kinda bad.

JACKIE: Hon, it's just guy butt. It won't hurt you.

KELSO: No! About Eric. I mean, he was totally in the right to kick Donna out.

JACKIE: Oh, he was not right. Now, you agree with me!

KELSO: No (she pinches him) Ow.

JACKIE: Agree with me.

KELSO: No! Donna broke his heart, and now she should have to pay.

DONNA (to Kelso): Chex Mix?

KELSO: Oh, thank you, Donna.

JACKIE: Oh, we are so not talking.

KELSO: All right, Jack...

JACKIE: I said, not talking!

FEZ: Well done.

KELSO: All right, Fez. The...

FEZ: I said, well done!

ERIC (coming in): Oh, there are all my friends. Hey, Donna, I found these socks of yours so I thought I'd just, you know, run 'em right over.

He sits down between Hyde and Fez

DONNA: Eric, you can't hang out here. It's really uncomfortable, so...

ERIC: Uncomfortable? Who's uncomfortable?

Hyde, Fez, Jackie and Kelso raise their hands

ERIC: Oh, fine.

HYDE: Look, man, I'd go with you, but, you know, it's cable.

ERIC: Whatever.

HYDE: Hey, want me to come by later and tell you about the boobs?

ERIC: No! Yeah (he walks off)


Kitty is on the phone

KITTY: It's Dave for you (she hands him the phone and makes a happy dance)

RED: Yeah? Fine. Right. Okay. Hm. (he hangs up)

KITTY: You do not grunt to a friend. Friends don't grunt.

RED: Hm.

ERIC (running in): Okay, so I was over at the Pinciottis' crouched behind the hedge next to the house, and I distinctly heard laughter. Laughter! Well, I will tell you what. I am not going down without a fight. No, sirree, Bob. (Kitty and Red watch him in amazement) Bob!


Eric is talking to Bob

BOB: The kids really like my jokes?

ERIC: Oh. Mr. Pinciotti, if you only knew the number of times Donna's shared one of your doozies with the gang. Lordy, how we laugh and laugh. And laugh.

BOB: Right. I'm goin'.

ERIC: Okay.


The gang are on the couch, listening to Bob's jokes

BOB: But the tennis pro says ''We don't serve those kind of balls". (only Fez likes the joke)

Bob is doing a magic trick but it backfires. Only Fez likes it. Then Bob is singing "What's new pussycat" and only Fez sings along


The gang are back

ERIC: Welcome home, friends. Who wants Popsicles?

JACKIE: Hey, I don't feel good about this.

KELSO: Well, would you rather be at Donna's singing backup to ''Cha Cha Di Amore''?

Donna comes in

ERIC: Oh. Well, will you look who's here.

DONA: That was a dirty trick, Forman.

ERIC: Well, I'd love to stay and talk about it, but we're on our way to the movies.

ALL: Yeah.

DONNA: Fine. Then I'm taking them bowling Saturday.

ALL: Yeah!

ERIC: Fine.

FEZ: Ooh, what a fun weekend.

HYDE: Hey, look, you guys can't buy our loyalty with these little field trips. You're gonna have to start buying us some stuff we can take home.

JACKIE: Well, look, I think it's stupid to have to go day by day. Why doesn't Donna just get us on the weekends?

KELSO: Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's not fair because then Eric gets all the weekday headaches and Donna gets all the fun time.

DONNA: Fine. Then we'll make a schedule. Eric?

ERIC: Fine. Have a seat.

FEZ: Make sure to schedule time with Bob. He takes me to Chuckle Town.


Red and Kitty are in the living room

KITTY: So, um, what are you and Dave gonna do today? Go out to the garage and talk friend to friend? That would be nice.

RED: No. We're gonna turn on the fight and watch two nice men beat the living hell out of each other. That's nice.


KITTY: Oh, come on in, Pastor Dave. Red and I are just so happy that you are here. Especially Red.

RED: Kitty...

KITTY: I want you to know that it is so nice for Red to finally have a boyfriend.

RED: For God sakes, Kitty!

KITTY: Oh, lighten up, silly. ''Man friend.'' Whatever. Someone to talk to, share their feelings with. Anyway, you are an important part of Red's life.

DAVE: Oh. Well uh...

RED: Wait. No. Don't listen to her. I don't really want to share my feelings with you. Hell, I don't even think I have feelings. Now, let's just watch these two guys beat the crap out of each other.

DAVE: Sold!

KITTY: Well, I don't care what you say. You're boyfriends and that's nice.

DAVE: You know, Red, I am so glad that I have someone to share with because I woke up this morning feeling upset. Ha-ha! I gotcha!

RED: Good one, Dave. Good one! Don't ever do that again.


The gang all get out of Eric's car

HYDE: I'm just saying, Forman you really didn't deliver on the afternoon like I was hoping.

ERIC: Dude, I took you everywhere. I bought everything. It was a great day.

HYDE: I don't know, man. I mean, I asked you for a six-pack. You brought me out a tall boy. I'm just saying.

ERIC: Fine. Whatever (to Donna) They're all yours.

DONNA: Twenty minutes late.

ERIC: Sorry. We had to stop so Fez could pee.

FEZ: Yes, it was my fault. Please do not fight.

DONNA: Eric, listen, travel time should come out of your time, not mine. What's on Fez's face?

FEZ: Nothing. Nothing.

DONNA: Is that ice cream? Now he won't want dinner!

FEZ: I am sorry I ate ice cream, Donna. Do not be mad.

DONNA: Oh. Fez, I'm mad at Eric, not at you. This is not about you.

ERIC: Listen, I'm not about to limit our good time to help with yours.

DONNA: Why would you do anything to help me?

ERIC: Oh, you listen, missy. I'm not gonna...

FEZ: Stop it! Stop it! You are tearing us apart!

HYDE: I hope you're happy. Now you've upset Fez.

KELSO: Yeah alright and your fighting is making me and Jackie fight and that interferes with us doing it. And that ain't good.

JACKIE: So, until you guys fix this, we're not hanging out with either one of you. Let's go.

FEZ: Hyde, I'm sticky.

HYDE: Come on. Let's get you cleaned up.

FEZ: And I'm sleepy.

HYDE: I know. You had a big day!

They leave, leaving Donna and Eric behind

DONNA: This is your fault. None of this would have happened if you hadn't been such a jerk and kicked me out of the basement.

ERIC: Well, you came in and you were just so ''Oh, we broke up, and I don't care, and, hey, let's just watch TV.'' Tra la la la la

DONNA: Eric, I was faking it. I'm miserable and uncomfortable and this whole thing sucks.

ERIC: You're miserable? Well, that's great! I mean, I'm miserable too. Okay, so, how about this? We just hang out together and pretend everything's fine for, you know... for the sake of our friends.

DONNA: I can do that.

ERIC: Okay. But, you know, you have to stop trying to look so hot when you come over.

DONNA: I have not been doing that.

ERIC: Red lipstick, no bra?

DONNA: Okay, yeah, I did that.



The gang are all in the basement

ERIC: And, Fez, you sit on the dryer. Okay. This new seating arrangement should really work.

BOB (coming in): There you kids are. I think I finally remembered the punch line to the Italian midget joke.

KELSO: My mom made fish.

HYDE: I gotta register for the draft.

JACKIE: Me too.

ERIC: I gotta go count my G.I.Joes.

DONNA: I'll be in the oven.

They all run off, exept for Fez

FEZ: Wow. Tough room.


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !