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#410 : Red et Stacey

Red fait la connaissance de Stacey, une jeune employée au magasin Pricemart où il travaille, et pense qu'elle serait la belle-fille idéale. Alors il incite Eric à sortir avec elle. De l'autre coté, il en parle à Stacey, qui lui avoue implicitement (une main sur la cuisse) qu'elle est attirée par lui. Pendant ce temps, Jackie et Donna préparent Rhonda, le nouvel objet des désirs de Fez, avant leur premier rendez-vous.


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Red & Stacey

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Red et Stacey

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Absences de Bob et Léo.

Cuisine des Forman

Les Forman dînent avec les quatre garçons. Fez se lève le premier de table, il va chercher Rhonda qui rentre du Mississipi. Hyde se lève également, il va emmener une fille « regarder les oiseaux ». Kelso décide de faire la même chose avec Jackie, pensant que les adultes n'ont rien compris. Érric est désormais seul avec ses parents, qui lui font bien comprendre qu'ils ont prévu des choses coquines pour la soirée. Éric s'en va après avoir demandé à ses parents si ça valait le coup de faire des enfants si c'est pour ne pas passer de temps avec eux. Kitty pense qu'il a besoin d'une nouvelle petite amie et décide d'aller lui parler, au grand désespoir de Red.


Rhonda est ravie de voir que Fez est venue la chercher. Il lui demande si elle veut l'accompagner au cinéma le samedi qui vient. Rhonda accepte et le serre dans ses bras, de sa force herculéenne. Fez traîne tant bien que mal la valise de Rhonda dans le coffre pendant que cette dernière s'engouffre dans la voiture. Ce rendez-vous la stresse et elle se demande ce qu'elle va mettre. Kelso la rassure, elle pourra mettre n'importe quoi et plaire à Fez quand même. Donna et Jackie proposent de s'occuper d'elle, et elles savent qu'il y a du boulot.

Price Mart

Red surprend Stacey, la nouvelle caissière, refuser à un client son bon de réduction périmé. Red régle le litige mais la jeune fille reste énervée par le client, qui a été très grossier. Elle le traite de « dumb ass », insulte favorite de Red qui la voit comme un ange. Il lui dit qu'il l'aime bien.


Sur le chemin du retour, Red parle de Stacey à son fils, il trouve qu'il devrait lui demander de sortir avec lui. Éric refuse, ne voulant pas sortir avec quelqu'un du boulot. Red sait surtout que son fils n'ose pas le faire alors il se propose d'y aller mais Éric refuse tout net. Il assure qu'il va le faire du coup, mais son père sait qu'il n'osera pas. Il finit même pas lui demander s'il aime toujours les filles. Éric se moque alors de son père à son tour.

Price Mart

Le lendemain, Éric a traîné ses copains pour leur montrer à quoi ressemble Stacey et le moins qu'on puisse dire, c'est qu'elle leur plaît, même si Kelso semble plus intéressé par le réveil Kiss. Red passe par là et enjoint de nouveau son fils à y aller, Éric se lance puis hésite. Red finit par y aller.

Sous-sol des Forman

Donna regarde Rhonda sous toutes les coutures et se rend compte du travail à faire pour la changer. Jackie les rejoint, avec sa trousse énorme à maquillage. Elle demande à Rhonda de retirer ses épaulettes, mais elle n'en porte même pas !

Vestiaires du Price Mart

Red explique à Stacey que son fils serait un bon parti mais la jeune fille lui explique qu'elle a des vues sur quelqu'un d'autre. Pour appuyer ses propos, elle pose sa main sur la cuisse de Red. Ce dernier, horrifié, recule et quitte la pièce.

Salon des Forman

Red lit son journal et Kitty fait de la couture lorsqu' Éric arrive. Tout de suite, il veut savoir si Stacey est intéressé. Embarrasé, Red lui dit que non et qu'elle trouve que c'est un monstre. Éric doute de ses propos mais son père tente de les justifier tant bien que mal. Peiné, Éric décide d'aller prendre un bain. Kitty veut savoir qui est cette fille et appeler sa mère. Red panique et reprend ses explications. Kitty remarque alors qu'il rougit et devine que la fameuse Stacey en pince pour lui. Elle se moque de lui alors il préfère s'en aller.

Price Mart

Éric décide d'aller parler à Stacey. Il s'excuse pour la conduite de son père, surtout qu'à cause de cela, elle a du le trouver bizarre. Il l'invite à dîner. Elle lui demande tout de suite si c'est chez lui et si son père sera là. Éric comprend alors qu'elle est intéressée par son père. Il en est très choqué. Stacey a même le culot de lui demander s'il fréquente quelqu'un. Éric s'en va.

Sous-sol des Forman

Donna pose des rouleaux dans les cheveux de Rhonda. Jackie ordonne à cette dernière de se tenir bien droite mais la pauvre Rhonda pense surtout aux bonbons devant elle. Donna trouve que son amie est beaucoup trop dure avec Rhonda mais Jackie n'en a cure, elle ne veut pas qu'elle se retrouver à aller à son rencard en ressemblant au « Big Foot ».

Plus tard, Éric retrouve Hyde, Donna et Kelso dans le sous-sol. Il leur annonce que Stacey n'est pas intéressée et ses amis ne semblent pas surpris. Il leur dit alors qu'elle est intéressée par Red et ses amis éclatent de rire. Kelso lui conseille même de quitter la ville car il va le dire à tout le monde. Éric ne comprend le refus de Stacey, il est plutôt séduisant. D'ailleurs, il a eu Donna. Cette dernière lui rétorque que c'est elle qui l'a eu et il a tout gâché. Elle lui dit par contre qu'il est drôle. Hyde lui explique que les jeunes filles lui préfèrent Red car il a du caractère alors qu'Éric est trop doux. Il le compare même au pianiste gay Liberace. Éric est perdu : comment quelqu'un comme Red, qui ressemble à un ours, puisse avoir un gentil petit canard, comme lui. Hyde et Donna lui rétorquent que c'est Red qui l'a rendu comme ça.

Salon des Forman

Red regarde « The Living Dead » à la télévision et s'endort. Il se voit arriver à Price Mart et parler à Stacey. Elle se retourne, en zombie folle de lui. Kitty les observe, elle est déçue et s'en va. Stacey saute sur Red qui essaie de lui échapper en hurlant. Il se réveille en sursaut alors que sa femme arrive. Il tient à lui parler et lui affirme qu'il n'a pas envie de la tromper. Kitty en est bien consciente et elle ne s'inquiète pas du tout. Elle est même flattée qu'une jeune fille s'intéresse à son mari, qui est d'ailleurs très séduisant. Red lui propos alors d'aller « s'amuser » quarante-cinq minutes. Ils partent en courant dans leur chambre.

« The Hub »

Donna étudie. Jackie arrive avec Rhonda, complètement transformée. La pauvre a bien du mal à s'accommoder de sa nouvelle tenue et chercher Fez. Donna lui apprend que, nerveux,il s'est enfermé dans les toilettes. Il en sort enfin et est très surpris de retrouver Rhonda dans cette tenue. Il lui propose de commencer leur rencard avec un concours de hot-dogs mais Rhonda lui dit que ce n'est pas digne d'une fille...selon Donna et Jackie. Furieux, Fez leur demande ce qui leur a pris de changer Rhonda car il l'aime bien telle qu'elle est. D'ailleurs, il a eu le coup de foudre pour elle dès qu'il l'a vue, même si elle a vomi deux fois ce soir-là. Jackie rejette la faute sur Donna mais ça importe peu pour Fez, qui leur demande de s'en aller. Rhonda prend sauvagement le jeune homme dans ses bras et le soulève de terre.

Cuisine des Forman

Éric mange des céréales et rumine. Son père arrive et il tient à s'expliquer avec lui. Il lui dit que c'est de sa faute s'il est trop doux car il est beaucoup trop sévère avec lui. Red s'énerve et lui rétorque que son propre père était bien pire. En plus, il est très irrité par la situation dans laquelle il se trouve au travail. Après avoir hurlé sur son fils, il s'en va. Éric est satisfait de cette explication.

Sous-sol des Forman

Donna et Éric sont avec eux Kelso, qui range la trousse à maquillage de Jackie et Hyde, qui dort. Soudain, ce dernier s'éveille et révèle un visage maquillé. Les autres ne disent rien. Et lorsque Hyde propose de sortir, ils acceptent bien volontiers.




Red, Fez, Kelso, Kitty, Eric and Hyde are having dinner in the kitchen

KITTY: So, what are you boys doing tonight?

FEZ: Well, this evening, Miss Big Rhonda returns from the dirt farms of Mississippi. I am off to the bus station and she will melt into my loving arms.

RED: Well, you better wear a raincoat, ‘cause she ain't small. Hehehehe!

FEZ: She is big, isn't she? (he leaves)

HYDE:  Well, I'm taking this chick up to the lake for some you know, bird watching.

KELSO: Ooh, bird-watching. I think me and Jackie are going to go ''bird-watching'' too. It's cool, 'cause they don't know what we're talking about.

Red and Kitty look at him

HYDE: Think they cracked it, Kelso.

Kelso and Hyde leave

ERIC: Well, I guess it's just us Three Musketeers tonight, huh?  ''All for one and one for all,'' right?

KITTY: Well, um, actually your father and I were gonna do some reading...upstairs...together.

RED: What your mom's trying to say is: ''Go away for 20 minutes.''

KITTY: Forty-five minutes, Red.

RED: Thirty.

KITTY: Thirty-five.

RED: Fine. Get lost for 35 minutes.

ERIC: Fine. But you know what? I got a little question for you. Why even have kids if you ain't gonna spend time with them? I suggest you use your 35 minutes to think about that (he leaves)

KITTY: He needs a new girlfriend.

RED: Come on, Kitty. You're on the clock.

KITTY: Oh, you know what? Just turn off your clock. I'm gonna go talk to him.

RED: You can't turn off the clock! Oh, she doesn't understand the clock.



Rhonda is waiting. Fez gets out of the car

RHONDA: Cocoa Puff!

FEZ: Mashed potato!

RHONDA: What are you doing here?

FEZ: Well, I wanted to see you because I wanted to ask you something. Would you go out with me this Saturday?

RHONDA: Oh, my God. Course I will!

She lifts him up and squeezes him

FEZ: Can't... breathe. It hurts.

RHONDA: Ah, suck it up.

She hands him his suitcase, which Fez immidiately drops because it's too heavy for him

FEZ: Wow, strong girl.

RHONDA (sitting in the car): Crap-alula. Fez just asked me out. I'm so nervous, and I left my asthma puffer in Mississippi. I've never been on a real date. I'm...what am I gonna wear?

KELSO: Who cares? You could be naked with a welding hat and Fez'd still be all over you.

RHONDA: Well, that sounds like fun. But I want it to be special.

DONNA: You know what? We'll help you get ready.

RHONDA: Oh, that'll be great. I wanna look pretty.

JACKIE: Pretty? Oh, sweetie, maybe you can learn some jokes or something.


A customer is complaining at the register

CUSTOMER: Look, dropout, this coupon says 20 cents off the athlete's-foot cream. So pay up!

RED: Is there, uh, a problem here?

STACY (on P.A.): This sad little man has fungussy feet but won't spend the…

RED: Stacy.

STACY: Mr. Forman, his coupon expired.

RED: Oh, that's all right (opening the register) Here's your 20 cents. Now, you come again, huh?

STACY: Mushroom foot.

RED: Stacy!

STACY: I'm sorry, Mr. Forman. It's just that he's such a dumb-ass.

Red turns around to look at Stacy. Organ music plays and a golden light shines on her

RED: I like you.


Red is driving, Eric is sitting next to him

RED: Hey, you know who I like?

ERIC: Nixon?

RED: Stacy, that cute, new cashier at work. You should ask her out.

ERIC: Sorry Dad. I don't like to dip my pen in the company ink.

RED: Well, I don't like you being home three Fridays in a row. Look, if you don't have the guts to talk to her, I'll pave the way.

ERIC: Hey. Listen, if anyone's gonna talk to her I'll talk to her.

RED: Well, then we know no one's gonna talk to her.

ERIC: Hey, I might.

RED: You… You still like girls, don't you son?

ERIC: No, Dad, they're yucky.


Fez, Kelso, Hyde and Eric are standing behind a shelf, spying on Stacy

KELSO: Oh, my God.

ERIC: I know. She is seriously hot.

KELSO: No, not her. This KISS alarm clock. Check it out!

He turns it on, the song Rock and Roll All Night plays, interupted by "Wake up!"

KELSO: Yeah, this I like.

HYDE: Forman, you have a responsibility to all of us to find out what's underneath that smock.

KELSO: I bet it's boobs.

RED: So, spying on her, huh? Well, that's mature. Why don't you just pull her hair and run?

FEZ: Yes, let's do that.

ERIC: All right. All right, all right. All right. All right. I'm gonna go do this. Yeah, all right. I can't do this.

RED: Oh, geez. I'll go talk to her.

ERIC: No! (Red stops walking) What? Now you're gonna start listening to me? Go!
Grease the wheels, pal.


Donna is sitting on the couch. Rhonda is pacing

RHONDA: Thanks for doing this. I know you guys'll make me pretty and stuff.

DONNA: Rhonda, it's no problem. We'll just help you pick some nice clothes… clean clothes… and... maybe do your hair… clean hair.

JACKIE (coming in) : Okay, the beauty ambulance has arrived! So, first things first. Let's get rid of those shoulder pads.

RHONDA: What shoulder pads?

JACKIE: O...kay...


Red is sitting on his desk, Stacy is sitting in a chair

RED: So, Stacy, my son Eric is about your age. And he's a real nice guy, skinny but nice. And I was thinking the two of you should go out. What do you say?

STACY: Well, I kinda like someone else... (she puts her hand on Red's knee)

RED (getting up): Oh! Oh. Oh...no (he leaves)


Red is reading his paper, Kitty is reading a magazine

ERIC (coming in): Hey. So, did she like me?

RED: Who?

ERIC: Stacy.

KITTY: Who's Stacy?

RED: Ahem.. She's not interested.

ERIC: She's not interested?

KITTY: How can she not be interested? Who is she?

ERIC: See? I knew I shouldn't have let you talk to her. Great. Now she thinks I'm a freak.

KITTY: Oh, she doesn't think you're a freak (to Red) Does she?

RED: Yes. Yes, she does. You better stay away from her.

KITTY: Well, your father's right. If anyone's a freak, she is.

ERIC: Did Stacy actually use the word ''freak''?

RED: Why don't you just let it go? Maybe the reason girls don't like you is because you just don't let things go! Stacy was saying just that thing today.

ERIC: I'm gonna go take a bath (he leaves)

KITTY: Well, now, who is this Stacy who doesn't like my son? I have half a mind to call her mother.

RED: I tried to set Eric up with this pretty girl at wor… Well… not pretty. Decent. Less ugly than most. Good enough for a young boy, but no man would be interested.

KITTY: Red, what are you talking about?

RED: Why can't anyone in this family just let things go?

KITTY: Red, you're blushing. OH! Don't tell me she has a crush on you.

RED: Kitty, I don't wanna talk about it.

KITTY: Okay. So, do you like her back?

Red gets up, angry, and leaves. Kitty makes kissing sounds after him and starts to laugh


Stacy is working at the register. Eric walks up to her

ERIC: Hi. Stacy. Hi. I'm Eric Forman. Look, I, uh, feel a little silly about my dad asking you out for me. You probably thought I was, like ugly or... slow or something. So, I just wanted to say hi... you know, give you a chance to you know, take a gander at the goods, so to speak.... and, uh, see if maybe, uh, tomorrow night you wanted to have dinner?

STACY: At your house? Will your dad be there? 'Cause I'll go if he's there.

ERIC: What, do you, like- do you, like, like my dad? (Stacy smiles and fidgets with her hair) Oh, my God! You like my dad?

STACY: Do you know if he's seeing anyone?

ERIC: Yeah. My mom. And they bought furniture together, so yeah, I think it's pretty serious.


Rhonda is in Hyde's chair. Donna is doing her hair. Jacky is on the couch

JACKIE: Ladies sit up straight.

Rhonda (reaching for the table): Candy! Ca-

DONNA (handing Rhonda the candy dish): Jackie, she doesn't have to sit like that.

JACKIE (taking the dish from Rhonda): Yes, she does.

Donna takes the dish and gives it to Rhonda. Jackie takes it away

DONNA: Stop doing that!

JACKIE: You stop doing that!

RHONDA: Hey! If I don't get a freakin' M&M, I'm gonna start swingin'!

JACKIE: You stay out of this! (she puts the hairdryer on Rhonda)

DONNA: Jackie, try to be more sensitive.

JACKIE: Donna, I am not gonna send her on her date looking like Sasquatch.

RHONDA (under the dryer and chewing M&M's): Huh?

DONNA: She said you're very pretty... ''atch.''

Later, Rhonda and Jackie are gone. Hyde is in his chair, Donna and Kelso are playing a game. Eric walks in.

ERIC: Hey, guys. I got news. Turns out Stacy doesn't even like me.

KELSO: Yeah, we kind of expected that.


HYDE: I thought you said you had news.

ERIC: Well, yeah. Here it comes. She likes Red.


DONNA: Oh, my God!

KELSO: Ohh. You're gonna have to leave town!

ERIC: Why?

KELSO: Oh, 'cause we're gonna tell everyone! Hahahahahaha!

ERIC:  How'd the 50-year-old guy get the girl? Look at me. I'm an attractive man (they look at him) Well, I got you.

DONNA: Technically, I got you. And then you blew it.

HYDE: Which means you didn't lose it, because you never had it. See, there's your silver lining.

DONNA: Eric, you have a lot of good qualities. I mean, you're funny. Like… Well, what just happened to you is funny.

HYDE: Look, that chick likes Red because he's a tough guy, a hard-ass. You? You're soft.

KELSO & DONNA: How soft is he, Hyde?

HYDE: Softer than Liberace at the Playboy Mansion (laughing really hard) Yeah!

KELSO: 'Cause he plays piano. Wait (Donna whispers the explanation in his ear) Ohh! Burn!

ERIC: You guys kill me. Look. How come Red is such a hard-ass, and I am so.... I mean.. Okay, when a bear has a baby... it's a little bear, right? My dad's a bear, but I'm like... a duck.

DONNA: Eric, you were a bear when you were born... but Red pounded you into the duck that we know and love.

ERIC: So, what are you saying? It's- It's Red's fault?

KELSO: Yeah. But the good news is, as a duck you can move more easily through the water.


The TV is on, Red is alseep on the couch. On the TV we hear: "And now, back to the Night of the Living Dead..." Then we are at Pricemart, in black&white. Stacy is standing at the register, with her back turned to Red

RED: Is everything okay over there, Stacy?

STACY: Come here, Mr. Forman. I wanna show you something.

She turns around, her face painted white, her lips and eyes black

RED: Holy crap! You're a zombie!

STACY (zombie-voice): I... want... Red.

RED: HAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (he backs away and bumps into...)

KITTY: Red! How could you?

STACY: She's a sexy zombie! She overpowered me!

KITTY: I knew I couldn't trust you, you cheater! (she leaves)


RED (waking up): What the hell was that? (Kitty comes down the stairs) Oh, Kitty. Oh, I need to talk to you. I just wanna say with regard to this Stacy thing… I'm bound to attract a certain amount of attention. I can't help that. But I would never…

KITTY: Oh, Red. You wouldn't stray. You've got too much character. And who could blame her for being interested? You're certainly interesting to me.

RED: Really? Do you, uh... have some spare time?

KITTY: Why? Am I on the clock?

RED: I'm thinking 45 minutes.

KITTY: Ohh. The scenic route!

They run up the stairs together


Donna is sitting at a table. Jackie comes in

JACKIE: I give you... the new Rhonda!

RHONDA: First time in heels. So, where's Fez?

DONNA: Oh, he's nervous, so he's in the ''whoo-hoo.'' Have you been working on her all night?

RHONDA: She wouldn't even let me pee. I'd squash her like a bug if I could catch her. But I do look pretty.

FEZ: Rhonda, is that you? Boy, you look like a different girl.

RHONDA: Do you like it? (Snorting Laugh) Oh!

FEZ: Well, I thought we would begin our evening with a hot dog eating contest. Now, I realize you're county champion but I think I could make it interesting.

RHONDA: Sorry, Fez. I don't eat hot dogs for glory or money anymore. It's not ladylike.

FEZ: Says who?

RHONDA: Says them.

FEZ: Them? (to Donna and Jackie) What have you meddling whores done to my Rhonda?

DONNA: It was Jackie.

JACKIE: It was Donna.

DONNA: Fez, she wouldn't let her pee or eat.

JACKIE: Donna called her Sasquatch.

DONNA: That was you too!

FEZ: Shut up! Shut up. I just want her back like she was the first night I met her… on her knees, chugging beer straight from the keg.

RHONDA: But, Fez, I threw up twice that night.

FEZ: Yes... all over my heart. You big, lovable, clumsy galoot. And now, it is time that you two left. Good day.

JACKIE: But, Fez…

RHONDA: He said, ''Good day''!

Donna and Jackie leave. Rhonda hugs Fez


Eric is eating breakfast

ERIC: So, I'm a duck, huh? Yeah, we'll see who's a duck (Red walks in) Oh. Hey, there you are. Yeah, we need to talk, man. I've been thinking out this whole Stacy thing… It's your fault. Yeah. You were too tough on me, so now I'm soft.

RED: Oh, boo-hoo. You don't know the first thing about tough. My old man was tough. When I was your age, he shipped me off to the navy. He sure as hell wasn't settin' me up with cute cashiers. Which I'm sorry I did. Because now I've got this creepy little girl giving me google eyes all day stickin' heart-shaped notes in my locker. And on top of it all I had to have a talk with your mother about infidelity. THAT WAS UNPLEASANT! So you just be grateful that your dad... doesn't yell at you 24 hours a day! AND DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK, BECAUSE THIS ISN'T YELLING! WHEN I YELL, YOU'LL KNOW IT! (he leaves)

ERIC: Well, thanks. Good talk.



Kelso is going through Jackie's beautycase

KELSO: Man, look at all this stuff. I just realized how happy I am not to be a girl.

ERIC: Well, that should have happened at a much younger age.

Hyde wakes up, his face all painted

HYDE: How long was I out?

DONNA: Long enough.

HYDE: You guys wanna get a burger?

ERIC: Out in public? Okay, I'll drive.

KELSO: I'll buy.



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