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#503 : Petites tromperies entre amis

Alors que Kitty revient de chez le médecin avec des nouvelles renversantes, Éric et Donna tentent de faire comprendre à Hyde qu'il va devoir parler à Kelso de sa relation avec Jackie.


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What Is and What Should Never Be (1)

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Petites tromperies entre amis

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Cuisine des Forman

Hyde est au téléphone et la conversation semble l'ennuyer au plus haut point. Contre toute attente, il s'agit de Jackie. Après avoir raccroché, Éric se moque de lui et ils se chamaillent en s'asseyant autour de la table. Éric lui rappelle qu'il va falloir le dire à Kelso mais Hyde s'en fiche. Red leur demande d'arrêter leurs chamailleries alors que c'est l'heure du petit-déjeuner. Kitty arrive avec les œufs mais se sert en premier....en vidant tout le plat dans son assiette. Elle annonce alors qu'elle est enceinte. Red laisse échapper une exclamation plus que négative mais change de tête lorsque sa femme le regarde de travers. Il lui demande tout de même si elle est certaine de ce qu'elle avance, elle a peut-être grossi. Kitty prétend qu'elle le sent et précise qu'elle a du retard dans ses règles. Du coup, Hyde et Éric se lèvent pour la féliciter. Red affiche un sourire de façade et prétend être heureux. Kitty l'est aussi et court vomir. Red se demande comment cela a bien pu se produire alors Éric se moque de lui et lui explique comment on fait les bébés. Comme son père lui demande de se taire, il remarque que le bébé va adorer l'ambiance à la maison.

Allée des Forman

Les garçons jouent au basket pendant que Donna discute avec Éric. Elle a du mal à se remettre de la nouvelle mais Éric a surtout du mal à penser que ses parents sont toujours actifs sexuellement. Hyde en profite pour faire des commentaires et le mettre mal à l'aise. Kelso fait tomber le ballon et demande à Donna de ramasser....pour regarder sous sa jupe. Énervée, Donna lance le ballon loin dans le jardin et Kelso n'a d'autre choix que d'aller le chercher. Jackie arrive et remercie Hyde pour la soirée d'hier. Kelso revient et entend la fin de la conversation...il demande à Jackie où elle a passé la soirée. Jackie prétend être aller au cinéma avec Donna mais cette dernière dément et affirme qu'elle était avec Éric. Elle fait exprès de lui demander comment était son film. Jackie s'énerve et les filles se disputent...en parlant d'une pute aux cheveux roux. Fez croit qu'elles parlent de Sissy Spacek et s'en va, vexé. Kelso se lance à a suite. Jackie demande des explications à Donna qui lui rétorque qu'elle ne veut plus mentir pour un couple aussi bizarre. Éric trouve que Hyde devrait le dire à Kelso car c'est important mais le jeune homme s'en fiche. Énervés, Éric et Donna s'en vont. Jackie s'inquiète ; forment-ils un couple bizarre ? Hyde répond que oui, sinon il ne voudrait pas être avec elle.

Sous-sol des Forman

Kitty et Éric sont dans la chambre de Hyde et fouillent dans les cartons. Kitty retrouve des affaires de bébé d'Éric....qui sont roses. Le jeune homme s'inquiète de l'attitude de son père mais sa mère le rassure ; il était pareil lorsqu'elle lui a annoncé qu'elle l'attendait et il a changé après....pour râler de nouveau car il n'était pas sportif. Cependant, elle ne s'inquiète pas plus que cela, elle sait qu'il va se calmer. Elle s'en va et Éric trouve son vieux doudou qu'il s'empresse de lâcher lorsque Hyde arrive. Le jeune homme a pris la décision de tout dire à Kelso car sa relation avec Jackie va durer. Éric ne le comprend pas car Jackie est horrible mais pour Hyde, elle est très sexy. Il demande à son ami de l'imaginer en bikini en noix de coco mais tout ce qu'Éric entend, c'est Jackie en train de râler. Alors Hyde lui conseille de faire comme lui ; il la voit mais a coupé le son. Dans ce cas-là, Éric est d'accord, elle est sexy. Kelso les rejoint et demande à ce qu'on l'emmène à la préfecture pour se refaire un permis. Tout de suite, Éric propose que Hyde l'accompagne. Acculé, il accepte. Puis Éric demande à Kelso ce qui est arrivé à son permis. Ce dernier avance qu'un requin l'a mangé mais son histoire ne tient absolument pas....il l'a tout simplement perdu.

Cuisine des Forman

Red revient et tout de suite, Kitty lui saute dessus afin de savoir comment il va. Red assure que tout va bien mais sa femme affirme qu'il sent l'alcool. Elle veut savoir ce qui le chagrine. Red s'énerve et dit qu'il ne vendra pas sa Corvette. Il sait que c'est la première chose qui devra partir car ils vont avoir des problèmes d'argent et il en marre, ils ont fait des sacrifices toute leur vie. Ils sont trop vieux pour cela. Agacée, Kitty lui affirme qu'ils vont pourtant bien avoir un autre bébé et Red lui rétorque qu'il gardera sa voiture. Ils se fixent et Fez entre dans la pièce. Le jeune homme croit qu'ils jouent et veut prendre le gagnant. Kitty s'en va dans le salon et Fez se met face à Red, qui s'en va dehors. Fez est content car il a gagné.

Cercle des femmes. Kitty mange une glace et se plaint du comportement de son mari. Elle n'était pas seule à faire ce bébé alors il doit assumer. Jackie pense qu'elle doit réfléchir à toutes les options et peut-être dire à Red qu'ils ne sont qu'amis. Donna trouve cette remarque aberrante et n'approuve pas le comportement de Red. Elle n'arrive pas à comprendre pourquoi les hommes se comportent ainsi et demande des justifications à Éric. Le pauvre ne sait pas quoi répondre, il n'est là que pour la glace. Kitty râle de nouveau et tente d'expliquer l'accouchement. Elle se rend compte qu'elle va avoir besoin de son mari à ses côtés. Éric, qui a enfin eu sa glace, est d'accord. Il trouve que les hommes sont des salauds.


Kelso, Hyde et Fez font la queue. Le dernier n'en peut plus d'attendre. Kelso lui rétorque que c'est pire à la clinique gratuite. Hyde se moque de lui mais perd son sourire lorsque Kelso rétorque qu'il y a aperçu sa mère. Hyde le frappe. Fez perd patience et préfère s'éloigner un moment. Hyde profite de ce moment pour annoncer à Kelso qu'il veut lui parler de Jackie et de cet été. Kelso comprend tout de suite que c'est à propos d'un homme et ça le dérange. Comme Hyde ne comprend pas pourquoi, Kelso lui dit que Jackie a compté dans sa vie et qu'il ne voudrait pas la savoir avec n'importe quel gars. Hyde lui tend alors la perche : et si c'était un ami ? Ce serait pire pour Kelso, aucun ami ne devrait faire une telle chose. Puis il pense que Hyde plaisante alors il se détend. Il dit que Hyde l'a bien eu....comme il a eu sa mère. Kelso se prend un autre coup de poing. Fez revient avec un dossier à la main. Il adore cet endroit et veut travailler ici car on peut maltraiter tout le monde. On n'a pas besoin d'être populaire.

Allée des Forman

Red bichonne sa voiture quand son fils approche. Il veut savoir pourquoi il se comporte ainsi. Red lui rétorque qu'il l'a rendu chauve alors qu'aucun homme dans sa famille ne l'est. Éric lui répond de porter un chapeau et de se comporter comme un homme car sa mère a peur et elle a besoin de lui ! Il l'accuse alors de l'avoir fait maigrelet et s'en va.

Sous-sol des Forman

Donna et Éric se détendent. Hyde arrive. Il n'a rien dit à Kelso car il y avait trop de monde autour d'eux. Ses amis comprennent qu'il se sentait mal pour son ami et le taquine. Hyde s'en va. Donna et Éric sont ravis car ils ont peut-être enfin réussi à faire réfléchir Hyde mais ils savent cependant qu'il ne parlera pas à Kelso.

Garage des Forman

Red s'affaire avec un pot de peinture. Sa femme le rejoint et l'informe qu'il a reçu un appel pour une Corvette. Elle lui demande s'il compte en acheter une seconde. Red a en fait pris la décision de la vendre. Il prend son pot de peinture et s'approche d'un vieux berceau. Kitty reconnaît celui de son fils que Red a l'intention de rafraîchir pour le nouveau bébé. Ils se réconcilient et Red espère que leur enfant sera cette fois un sportif.

Allée des Forman

Hyde fait quelques paniers lorsque Jackie arrive. Elle veut tout de suite savoir s'il a parlé à Kelso. Hyde répond par la négative, ce n'était pas le bon moment. Jackie comprend très bien et compare la situation à ses cheveux. Elle se demande alors si Hyde l'écoute et contre toute attente....oui, il l'écoute. Elle trouve cela charmant et l'embrasse.

Cuisine des Forman

Kelso est plongé dans un livre et a enfin compris un mot. Il est suivi par Donna et Éric, qui aperçoit le couple dehors. Il tente de détourner l'attention de son ami et Donna fait de même lorsqu'elle réalise qu'ils sont là. Mais Kelso les aperçoit et se demande ce qu'il se passe. Il dit que Hyde est un homme mort et s'élance dehors.

Sous-sol des Forman

Fez remplit son formulaire d'embauche et répond en faisant des jeux de mots qui le font beaucoup rire.



(Forman kitchen; Red is seated at the table, Eric at the refrigerator, and Kitty by the sink. Hyde is on the phone.)

HYDE: Whatever. Whatever. Yeah, like I care. All right, I'll talk to you later, Jackie.

(Hyde hangs up the phone and walks to the kitchen table. Eric grabs a soda and follows him.)

ERIC: Eww! Do you mind not getting all gooey and romantic when I'm about to eat my breakfast?

HYDE: What crawled up your butt?

ERIC: You and Jackie. Then you started making out in there.

RED: Hey! No more butt talk at breakfast.

ERIC: Look, if you're not gonna break up with Jackie, then you have to tell Kelso, ok? It's, like, the ethical thing to do.

HYDE: Thank you, Johnny Cub Scout. What are you going to do? Take away my friendship merit badge?

ERIC: No, because Cub Scouts are awarded achievement beads. (Chuckles while Red and Hyde look at him unamused) Badges.

KITTY: (walking over to table with a bowl of food) So, anybody hungry?

HYDE & RED: Yeah.

ERIC: Smells good.

(They all reach for the bowl and Kitty slaps Eric's hand.)

KITTY: Ladies first. (She begins to shovel nearly the whole contents of the bowl onto her plate.)

ERIC: Or ladies only.

KITTY: Oh, well, um…well, it's not all for me. (She puts the bowl in the middle of the table.) I'm eating for 2 now. I'm pregnant!

HYDE: What?

ERIC: What?

RED: Oh, God, no! (He looks at Kitty who looks upset.) I mean…great!



(Forman kitchen, right where we last left off. Red stands up from table.)

RED: Kitty…are you sure you're-you're pregnant? Maybe you're just putting on your winter weight.

KITTY: Red, a woman knows. Not to mention, I'm late. And not for work. For my menstrual cycle. Hooray!

(Red sits down and Hyde stands up.)

HYDE: That is great news, Mrs. Forman. (He hugs and kisses Kitty.) Now, stay away from those smokes. If you smoke when you're pregnant, they come out all spindly. (He subtly gestures to Eric.)

ERIC: Shut up. (Stands up and hugs Kitty.) Mom, congratulations. This is awesome. Please love me the most.

(They all look at Red.)

KITTY: Well, you're sure being quiet over there, Red.

RED: I'm…soaking in the moment.

KITTY: Ok, I know this is unexpected, but I just think it's gonna bring us so much happiness, don't you?

RED: (with fake smile.) Sure. You know how much I love babies.

KITTY: (claps her hands.) Oh, what a day! I'm so happy! I'm just-I'm just gonna go throw up.

(Eric and Hyde sit down.)

RED: I just don't understand how this could have happened.

ERIC: Hmm. Maybe it's about time we had "the talk." (Sighs) You see, when a boy loves a girl-

HYDE: He doesn't have to love her.

ERIC: That's true. Anywhoo, the boy's sexual organ-

RED: (Unamused) Hey! Shut it, dumbass!

ERIC: Oh, that kid's gonna love it here.


{Forman driveway. Hyde, Fez, and Hyde are playing basketball and Donna and Eric are watching them.)

DONNA: I can't believe they're having a baby.

ERIC: I can't believe they're still having sex. (The guys stop playing ball and walks over to them.) I mean, my dad's back goes out if you look at him wrong.

HYDE: That's why she was probably on top.

ERIC: Thanks. Thanks, Hyde. You just killed a part of me.

KELSO: Yeah, that's why you gotta put on your raincoat every damn time. Well, except for the first time. Free pass!

FEZ: Oh, Kelso, that's just a myth. You're only safe if you do it underwater. Right, Hyde?

HYDE: (Winding watch.) That's right, buddy.

(Donna looks at him in disbelief.)

KELSO: Oops. (Purposely drops the ball.) Little help, Donna?

DONNA: Sure. (She bends down and picks up the ball as the guys check out her ass while cheering.) Catch this, tool! (She lobs the ball at his head, but he ducks.)

KELSO: What was that for?

DONNA: You keep dropping the ball!

KELSO: So I'm a butterfingers! Isn't that punishment enough? Now look. The balls all the way over there in the back yard. A little help, Donna? (She punches his arm.) Ahh! Fine! I'll get it! God! (He storms off to get the ball.)

JACKIE: (walking up to them all.) Hey, Steven. I had a fun last night.

KELSO: (Bounding back to them with the basketball in his hands.) You had fun doing what?

JACKIE: Huh? Hey! Michael! I went to the movies. Right Donna?

DONNA: Oh, um, I don't know. I was with Eric all night. But I'm really interested in this movie. Why don't you tell us all about it?

JACKIE: Donna! Fine. You know, it's that new movie starring that big red whore.

DONNA: Oh, you mean the one where the big red whore is sick of people keeping secrets?

JACKIE: No, no, no. The one where the big red whore keeps sticking her big red nose in places where it doesn't belong?

ERIC: Hey, watch what you say about the big red whore.

FEZ: Thank you, Eric. What did Sissy Spacek ever do to any of you? (Fez looks at everyone angrily then storms off.)

KELSO: Way to go, guys. You know how he feels about Sissy! (He throws down the ball then storms after the little foreign kid.) Fez, wait!

JACKIE: Donna, what is with you?

DONNA: Look, I'm sick of covering for your creepy, unnatural relationship, and I shouldn't have to. I mean, Hyde, you and Kelso have been friends forever, and you owe it to him to tell him.

ERIC: Yeah, this is way worse than when you stole his headgear and used it to clean out your sink.

HYDE: It's tough love, man.

DONNA: You know what? Forget it. You obviously don't care about Kelso or any of the rest of us.

ERIC: Yeah, 'cause when this blows up, guess what, we're all screwed.

(Eric and Donna leave and Jackie turns to Hyde.)

JACKIE: Steven…do you really think we're a creepy, unnatural couple?

HYDE: Come on. It's a crazy question. I mean, if this relationship wasn't just a little bit creepy and unnatural I wouldn't be in it. (He smiles at Jackie and she smiles in return.)


(Forman basement, Hyde's room. Kitty and Eric are going through his old baby stuff.)

KITTY: Oh, Eric, look. Your little pink baby sweater. Oh, oh! And the matching pink bonnet!

ERIC: Um, had they explained to you yet that I was a boy?

KITTY: Oh, I am just so excited about this baby.

ERIC: Well, yeah, you should be. And dad should be, too. What's with him anyway?

KITTY: Oh, no, that's just his way. He'll be fine. When I first told him about you he said, "Oh, crap," and stormed out. But then he came back happy as a clam. And then, of course, when you got older, he got mad again. (Chuckles) On account of you not being so very good at sports. Don't worry about your father. He'll come around. He always does. (Grabs a few more piles of clothes and leaves the room.)

ERIC: (walks across the room and gasps as he picks up a blanket.) My banky boo!

HYDE: (entering the room.) Hey, Forman. So, I decided I'm going to tell Kelso about me and Jackie.

ERIC: Well, well, I'm glad you finally decided to listen to your conscience.

HYDE: It's not my conscience, man, 'cause I don't have a conscience. You know that. It's just 'cause, you know, I figured Jackie and I might be together for a little while, so…

ERIC: But, man, she's the devil!

HYDE: What can I do? She's hot.

ERIC: No, you only think she's hot because she's made of hellfire.

HYDE: All right, what if you were stranded on a desert island with her?

ERIC: Murder-suicide.

HYDE: Ok. Picture Jackie in a little bikini made out of coconuts.

(FANTASY: Deserted Island, Jackie is in a bikini made of coconuts and a grass skirt.)

JACKIE: Where's our signal fire? And don't give me any "oh, boo hoo, my hands are bleeding." Suck it up! Aw, damn, I got a splinter. You couldn't grab the tweezers as the ship was going down? Uhh! Moron!

ERIC: (coming out of fantasy.) Well, that was unpleasant.

HYDE: Ok, try it again, but this time, do what I do.

(Same fantasy scene with ukulele music drowning out Jackie's words.)

ERIC: Good God, she is hot!

(Kelso comes in.)

KELSO: Hey, guys. Whatcha talking about?

ERIC & HYDE: Indy 500. (They glance at each other with smiles.)

HYDE: All right.

ERIC: Nice.

KELSO: Hey, can one of you guys give me a ride to the DMV tomorrow? I lost my license in California.

ERIC: Sure, Hyde'll take you.

HYDE: What?

ERIC: Yeah. It'll give you two a chance to catch up. He can tell you how he spent his summer break.

HYDE: Yeah. All right. So what happened to your license?

KELSO: A shark ate is.

ERIC: Really? How?

KELSO: (pauses.) Fine. I lost it. You happy now? (Storms out of the room. Hyde and Eric follow.)


(Forman kitchen. Kitty is cooking and Red walks in the room.)

KITTY: Oh, there you are. How you feeling? Better? I bet you're feeling better.

RED: I'm fine.

KITTY: Is that liquor on your breath. What is the matter with you, Red?

RED: Well, you know-I mean-It's just-I'm not selling the Corvette!

KITTY: What?

RED: Kids are expensive. That's gonna be the first thing to go. I waited 25 years to have that car because we had kids, and believe me, I love them…but this is supposed to be our time. Kitty, people our age don't have kids. They have grandkids.

KITTY: Well, we're having a kid, so deal with it!

RED: Well, I'm having a Corvette, so deal with that!

(They glare at each other. Fez walks in.)

FEZ: Ooh, staring contest. I got winner.

(Kitty shakes her head and leaves. Fez stands in front of Red, waiting for the contest to begin.)

FEZ: Ok, Mr. Red. It looks like it's just you and me. (Red leaves.) Still the king.



(Forman kitchen. Kitty's eating ice cream in a makeshift Circle.)

KITTY: And here I am ecstatic, and Red comes home babbling about his precious Corvette. Well, I'll tell you something. I may be the one who's pregnant, but I did not get that way by myself. He's the one who wouldn't go to sleep.

JACKIE: You know, Mrs. Forman, there are other ways of dealing with that. Have you tried telling him you just like him as a friend?

DONNA: You're carrying Red's baby. He should be kissing your ass! God. Why are men such jerks? (She looks to the left, at Eric.) Huh? Tell me.

ERIC: Well, I just came in here for the ice cream. So, I'm just gonna make mine to go.

KITTY: Men plant their seed then think their work is done, but women have a being growing inside of us the size of a wine jug. It's gotta come out somehow. Oh, oh, oh. It's like that nature show, you know, where the snake eats an antelope in one bite, and you're thinking impossible, and then it-it unhinges it's jaw, and in it goes. Well, giving birth is just like that, only the other direction. And I need your father there holding my hand and telling me it's ok, because I can't swallow an antelope alone.

ERIC: No, you can't. And no woman should have to! (Takes a bite of ice cream.) That bastard.


(DMV Office, there's a long line and Fez, Kelso, and Hyde are standing in it.)

FEZ: We've been here for, like, an hour, and we've only moved, like, two feet.

KELSO: You think the lines at the DMV are long, you should see the free clinic. Now, there's a wait.

HYDE: Man, you've been to the free clinic?

KELSO: No. Oh, but I did see your mom there. Burn! (Hyde punches Kelso in the arm.) Aah! (Chuckles) Oh, that's gonna leave a mark. Just like your mom did. (Hyde punches him again.) Oh-aah!

FEZ: (yells) Come on, move it! Damn! (Turns back to his friends) Gentlemen, I'm sorry you had to see my dark side. Please excuse me. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. Ta-ta. (He leaves and walks around all the lines.)

HYDE: (Clears his throat.) Look, man, I gotta talk to you…about some things that happened while you were gone this summer.

KELSO: Hyde, if this is about free ice cream, naked volleyball, or a dog wearing a hat and sunglasses, I'd rather not even know.

HYDE: No, it's about Jackie.

KELSO: What about Jackie? She was with someone. I knew it Damn it!

HYDE: Well, you know, you guys are broken up, so who cares, right?

KELSO: Well, I-I don't care. It's just…I mean, she was a big part of my life, and I just hate the thought of her being off with some random guy.

HYDE: Well, what if I told you it was with a friend? Would that make it better?

KELSO: No. That would make it worse, Stupid. Oh! You're messing with me. Ok, 'cause a friend would never do that. Oh, man, Hyde, you got me again. Just like I got your mom. (Hyde punches Kelso, again in the same spot on his arm.) Aah! Uhh! What is with the hitting?

FEZ: (Comes back with a sheet of paper.) Guys…I love this place. I want to work here.

HYDE: You just said you hated it.

FEZ: Yeah, but I went up to the counter, and the guy treated me like crap, but he was treating everybody like crap. Poor, rich, black, white-we're all crap. And look at him. Think he was popular in high school? No way. But now he's the belle of the ball. Well, my friends, it's my turn to get a taste of those balls.


(Forman driveway. Red is waxing the Corvette. Eric comes out of the kitchen.)

ERIC: Hey, I was just inside with mom, and she's really upset, so…I just want to know, what's your problem?

RED: You made me bald.

ERIC: What?

RED: Five generations, not one bald head in my family. Then you came along and-well, look at it. (Bends over and points at his head.) Children make me bald.

ERIC: You know what? Wear a hat. 'Cause mom is really scared, and she could really use a little damn support right now. And I don't usually tell you what to do 'case you usually do the right thing, but this time, you didn't. You know how you're always telling me to be a man? Well, be a man! (Turns and walks away then turns back.) I made you bald? You made me skinny!


(Forman basement. Eric and Donna are sitting on the couch watching TV. Hyde walks in, rubbing his head.)

ERIC: Oh, hey, how'd it go at the DMV? Did you tell Kelso?

HYDE: Nah, I blew it off.

DONNA: What? Why?

HYDE: I don't know. It was just really hot in there.

ERIC: Really? 'Cause I think you chickened out.

HYDE: No, I didn't chicken out, man. I just didn't want to drop the news in front of all those people, you know? I mean, haven't I done enough to the guy?

DONNA: So you felt bad. (Smiles.) Oh, my God. You felt bad!

HYDE: No, I don't feel bad. I don't feel anything.

ERIC: I don't know. I think someone went to Oz and got himself a heart.

HYDE: Shut up, Forman.

DONNA: Yeah, Eric. Maybe we should lay off. He's had a rough day.

(Hyde glares at them then stands up and walks to his room.)

ERIC: I really wanna lay off, but it's just so hot in here.

HYDE: Get bent!

DONNA: He felt bad! I think we really got through to him.

ERIC: Yeah.

DONNA: He's not gonna tell Kelso.



(Forman garage. Red is stirring a can of paint. Kitty walks in.)

KITTY: Oh, so you're hiding out here. You got a call from some man about a Corvette. What, are you gonna buy another one so you can ride them around like a couple of water ski's?

RED: I'm selling the Corvette.

KITTY: What?

RED: Look, can we finish this later? I'm kind of in the middle of something. (He kneels down and continues repainting a baby cradle in blue.)

KITTY: Is that Eric's old cradle?

RED: Yeah, well, uh…the paint was all chipped off and…I kinda remember that, uh…that they liked sleeping in this thing. When they weren't peeing and pooping all over the place.

KITTY: Oh, Red…that is so sweet.

RED: (puts the paint can down and stands up.) Yeah, well…it might be fun. (He hugs Kitty.) Hell, this time, we might even get an athlete. (Kitty smacks his stomach.) Oh!


(Forman driveway, later. Hyde is shooting hoops. Jackie walks up.)


HYDE: Hey.

JACKIE: So, did you tell Michael yet?

HYDE: Oh. Yeah, well, I was gonna, but, you know, the timing just didn't seem right.

JACKIE: Oh, I understand. I mean, it's kind of like-it's kind of like setting your hair. If you don't wait long enough, it's totally flat and blah like Donna's. But if you wait just the right amount of time then it's perfect, like mine. Steven, are you even listening to me?

HYDE: God help me, I am.

JACKIE: Oh, Steven. (They kiss.)


(Forman Kitchen, Hyde enters reading a dictionary followed by Eric and Donna.)

KELSO: So that's what an adulteress is. I always thought that it was a tiny adult.

ERIC: (Spots Hyde and Jackie kissing and turns around, hoping that Kelso won't notice.) Hey, uh…hey, buddy, what do you say we take this party back in the living room, huh?

DONNA: (Donna spots them too, and joins Eric in decoying Kelso.) Um, yeah. That's a good idea. (She tugs on Kelso's arm, trying to drag him in the living room.)

KELSO: But I want a peanut butter and banana- (He sees Jackie and Hyde kissing and starts to chuckle) Why is Hyde kissing Jackie? (Eric and Donna stay silent with sympathetic looks on their faces and realization dawns on him.) What the hell? He's dead.

To be continued...

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Animation Doctor Who : Un personnage de la série dans le Tardis ???
Le 14ème Docteur vient de reprendre les commandes du Tardis, mais ce dernier est lassé de n'avoir...

Un spin-off de la série en préparation

Un spin-off de la série en préparation
Alors que That 70's Show est terminée depuis près de quinze ans, Kurtwood Smith et Debra Jo Rupp qui...

ABC renouvelle Home Economics avec Topher Grace pour une seconde saison !

ABC renouvelle Home Economics avec Topher Grace pour une seconde saison !
Bonne nouvelle pour les fans de Topher Grace : la série d'ABC, Home Economics, dans laquelle il...

Diffusion ABC | Home Economics avec Topher Grace - Episode 1x06

Diffusion ABC | Home Economics avec Topher Grace - Episode 1x06
Ce mercredi 12 mai, la chaîne ABC poursuit la diffusion de la série Home Economics avec Topher...

Diffusion ABC | Home Economics avec Topher Grace - Episode 1x05

Diffusion ABC | Home Economics avec Topher Grace - Episode 1x05
Ce mercredi 5 mai, la chaîne ABC poursuit la diffusion de la série Home Economics avec Topher...


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !