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#509 : Jackie déprime

Le père de Jackie a été arrêté pour corruption et Kelso est persuadé qu'ils vont ressortir ensemble. Mais, l'affaire se complique, lorsque Kelso et Hyde se querellent à propos de Jackie, et que le premier blesse accidentellement le second. Pendant ce temps, Fez réalise qu'il est amoureux de sa patronne...


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Black Dog

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Jackie déprime

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Absence de Bob

Cuisine des Forman

Jackie voudrait que Hyde rase sa barbe, elle tente de le convaincre en le comparant à Ken mais cela ne fonctionne pas vraiment. Kelso jubile car cela sonne le glas prochain de leur relation étant donné que Jackie lui donne maintenant des ordres. Éric lui rappelle que cela a duré six ans pour lui. Jackie ne lâche rien et agacé, Hyde sort dans l'allée. Les parents Forman entrent dans la pièce. Kitty informe Jackie que quelqu'un a appelé pour elle et qu'elle doit rentrer, Red va la raccompagner. Elle assure qu'elle ne sait rien de plus et Jackie va chercher ses affaires. Une fois la jeune fille partie, Kitty révèle que son père a été arrêté pour corruption. Red n'est pas étonné car il est très malhonnête. Éric fait la bêtise de le comparer à Richard Nixon et se rétracte car son père n'est pas content.

Sous-sol des Forman

Kelso s'amuse avec une carabine qu'il a retrouvé en creusant dans son jardin. Donna lui demande pourquoi il creusait et Kelso lui répond comme si c'était évident qu'il cherchait des dinosaures. Fez parle du père de Jackie et raconte que son père a lui aussi eu des ennuis avec la justesse. Éric lui fait remarquer que tout ce qu'il raconte vient d'une série. Kelso est certain que Jackie va lui revenir car elle va mal, cela se passe toujours comme ça. Hyde le frappe. Éric est nerveux à cause de l'arme de Kelso et son ami affirme que rien ne peut arriver, même un coup accidentel. Donna révèle que c'est ce qu'il s'est passé avec Snowball, le hamster de Éric. Ce dernier est choqué d'apprendre la nouvelle. Jackie arrive et esquive Kelso pour se jeter dans les bras de Hyde, qui ne sait pas vraiment quoi dire pour la réconforter alors la jeune fille, déçue, se réfugie dans ceux de Donna.


Fez a emmené Kelso, qui n'a cessé de parler de Jackie. Fez lui montre sa responsable, Nina. Il aimerait que son ami l'aide à la conquérir mais Kelso, toujours obnubilé par Jackie, n'arrive pas à s'arrêter. Fez finit par s'énerver alors que Nina s'approche. Elle parle froidement à Fez et lui fait remarquer qu'il est en retard, puis s'éclipse. Fez ne semble pas impressionné.

Allée des Forman

Éric finit de balayer la neige de l'allée lorsque Donna arrive, avec un bretzel dans les mains. Il remarque qu'elle a sa bague de fiançailles au doigt et lui rappelle que cela doit rester secret. Elle lui confie alors qu'elle l'a dit au vendeur et qu'elle a eu un bretzel gratuit, du coup.

Cuisine des Forman

Hyde est avec Kitty. Elle sent que quelque chose ne va pas et il finit par lui confier qu'il n'arrive pas à remonter le moral de Jackie. Pour elle, c'est normal car personne ne l'a jamais fait pour lui. Elle trouve même qu'il n'a pas à se sentir coupable et n'est pas obligé de le faire. Encore victime des sautes d'humeur de la ménopause, elle s'excuse pour aller dans sa chambre et pleurer. Donna et Éric retrouvent leur ami et ont décidé de le conseiller vu qu'ils sont le couple parfait. Mais ils ne semble pas d'accord sur ce qu'il faut faire : Donna pense qu'il faut la soutenir et Éric trouve qu'il faut lui laisser du temps. Du coup, ils se chamaillent.


Nina montre à Fez comment prendre des empreintes en le prenant pour exemple. Elle lui fait un compliment sur ses mains, qu'elles trouvent très fortes. Soudain, elle l'embrasse puis le repousse brusquement. Elle dit qu'elle ne peut pas et que personne ne doit savoir. Elle sort et on peut voir que Fez a laissé l'empreinte de ses mains sur ses fesses.

Cuisine des Forman

Jackie est au téléphone pour convaincre sa mère de rentrer d'Acapulco mais cette dernière s'en fiche un peu. Kitty veut que Red fasse quelque chose pour la jeune fille car cela fait une heure qu'elle est chez eux à se morfondre. Red lui conseille d'appeler la police mais Kitty veut plutôt qu'il lui parle. Elle l'oblige à le faire. Red tente de réconforter Jackie en lui expliquant que son père a de l'argent et que cela l'aidera finalement à s'en sortir. Jackie est rassurée et lui fait un bisou sur la jour pour le remercier.

Sous-sol des Forman

Donna et Éric continuent de se chamailler sur les conseils à donner à Hyde. Kelso est là avec sa carabine. Il se plaint que Jackie l'a laissé tomber. Hyde en a marre et lui rappelle que Jackie est désormais sa copine et qu'il va devoir s'y faire. Kelso fait alors un geste brusque avec la carabine, le coup part et blesse Hyde, qui tombe. Donna s'exclame que c'est exactement ce qu'il s'est passé avec Snowball.

Les trois s'approchent et Kelso n'arrête pas de s'excuser. Hyde se révèle et est blessé à l'oeil, il ne voit pas bien mais court après Kelso, qui s'enfuit à l'étage. Hyde enlève alors la main de son œil, il n'est pas blessé. Il veut faire cela pour punir Kelso et lui donner une leçon.

Plus tard, Fez explique ce qu'il s'est passé avec Nina à Éric et Donna. Il semble triste et est en fait excité alors il s'en va. Les deux amoureux se disputent à nouveau. Kelso arrive pour voir Hyde, qui sort de sa chambre avec un bandeau sur l'oeil. Kelso lui a apporté de la nourriture et Hyde en rajoute pour que l'on s'apitoie sur son sort. Il prend la nourriture et s'en va. Éric demande à Kelso s'il a fait exprès de tirer sur son ami. Kelso affirme que non mais reconnaît qu'il voulait peut-être inconsciemment le faire.

Chambre de Hyde

Hyde mange son hamburger et Jackie est avec lui. Elle est contente qu'il ne soit pas blessé mais dit qu'il mérite tout cela car il n'a pas sur la consoler. Hyde tente de lui expliquer qu'il ne sera jamais ce genre d'homme. Jackie veut juste qu'il fasse un geste. Hyde tente alors une plaisanterie mais cela tombe à plat. Jackie s'en va.

Cuisine des Forman

Kitty et Red déjeunent lorsque Donna et Éric viennent leur parler de leur dilemme et de les aider. Ils répondent également différemment. Red essaie d'appuyer son avis en disant que sa femme était tellement folle à cause de la ménopause qu'il a mieux fait de la laisser seule. Du coup, Kitty s'énerve et s'en va. Red en veut aux deux adolescents, ils ont gâché un déjeuner tranquille.

Sous-sol des Forman

Kelso s'excuse auprès de Hyde et reconnaît qu'il voulait peut-être lui faire du mal. Il lui propose alors de lui tirer dessus, lui donne la carabine, se retourne et lui présente ses fesses. Hyde retire son bandeau pour tirer et Kelso le voit, avant de prendre un coup dans les fesses. Il court après son ami.

Plus tard, Jackie discute avec Donna et Éric. Sa mère va rentrer. Hyde arrive, sans barbe. Jackie est ravie de son geste. Donna et Éric le taquinent et les deux s'éclipsent. Donna et Éric s'expliquent sur leur désaccord. Ils sont parfaits ensemble en fait. Fez arrive, paniqué. Il a le sexe noir et ne sait pas pourquoi. Il prie et on voit l'état de ses mains, on comprend alors la raison de son problème. Donna et Éric rigolent.

Quelques temps plus tard, Fez s'est lavé mais tout n'est pas parti. Ses amis lui donnent des conseils plus stupides les uns que les autres.



The gang, Minus Fez, is here.

JACKIE: Steven, I am telling you, beards are out. Look at Malibu Barbie. She could date anyone she wants, but she’s with Malibu Ken. Why? Because Malibu Ken doesn’t have a beard.

HYDE: Yes he does: Malibu Barbie’s his beard. No straight man would wear shorts that tight.

JACKIE: I don’t care, shave your beard. It’s like making out with a bathmat.

KELSO: So here it is. The beginning of the end for you two. I remember the part of our relationship when all Jackie did was boss me around.

ERIC: Yeah, that part lasted what, what, like six years?

JACKIE: And he’s a better man for it. (with spirit) So come one, Steven, let’s shave that beard!

DONNA: Jackie, you just gave an order in the form of a cheer.

Hyde heads for sliding door

JACKIE: Hey, where are you going?

HYDE: Wherever the beard take me.

He exists. Red and Kitty enter from the living room.

KITTY: Oh, Jackie, sweetie, we just got a phone call. You’re needed at home. Grab your coat and Mister Forman will give you a ride.

JACKIE: Do you know what’s going on?

KITTY: No, I don’t know anything.

Jackie exists to the basement, as soon as she's gone:

KITTY: I know everything. You know how Jackie’s father is a city councilman? Well, not anymore. He just got arrested for bribery. He could go to prison.

RED: Well, I’m glad. That guy makes Republicans look like a bunch of crooks and greedy businessmen.

ERIC: Yeah, thank God for the honest ones like Richard Nixon.

KITTY/DONNA/KELSO: Oh God!/Oh no./ Eeesh.

RED: What did you say?

ERIC: I said…Nixon was framed and Kennedy was a commie.

RED: That’s right!


Donna, Kelso and Fez hand. Kelso cleans a BB gun. Eric and Hyde enter from Hyde's room.

ERIC: What’s with the gun, trigger?

KELSO: Relax, Eric. It’s not a gun. It’s a BB gun. I lost it when I was like ten and I found it this morning buried in my backyard.

DONNA: Why were you digging in your backyard?

KELSO: (Condescending) Uh, dinosaurs? Watch the news, Donna. (starts cleaning gun)

ERIC: I can’t believe Mr. Burkhart might actually go to prison.

FEZ: It’s a tragedy. My father was sent to prison, and it led to a life of drugs and prostitution.

DONNA: What?

FEZ: Yes. Then his pimp killed him but the medical examiner found a tiny hair, solved the crime and sent the pimp bastard to THE CHAIR!

ERIC: Fez, that was last night’s episode of "Quincy."

FEZ: (caught) Oh. I didn’t know you watched that show.

KELSO: Yeah, this is rough stuff Jackie’s going through. And she’ll come running to me. Old faithful.

HYDE: Kelso, Jackie’s with me now.

KELSO: Maybe, nut we have history, so when Jackie needs a shoulder to cry on, she gonna rest her head on these broad babies. (to Fez) Feel ‘em.

FEZ: Rock hard, amigo

HYDE: Man, you don’t want Jackie leaning on your shoulder. It’s all bruised.

KELSO: Where?

Hyde punches Kelso in the shoulder

KELSO (cont’d): Ah! I should really see those coming by now.

As Kelso wriggles in pain, the BB gun muzzle swings toward Eric

ERIC: Hey, Cool Hand Luke, watch it.

KELOS: (stands up) Relax. Guns don’t just go off by accident.

DONNA: Oh really? What about Eric’s fourth-grade hamster, Snowball?

ERIC: What? No, Snowball didn’t get shot. He went upstate to live with a nice farm family. (off stares) You shot snowball?!!

KELSO: The gun went off by accident!

Jackie anters, weepy, Kelso holds out his arms. Jackie walks toward him...

KELSO (Cont’d): Aw, sweet pea, I’m here for you.

…And blows right past him. She hugs Hyde, who remains seated and ill-at-ease.

JACKIE: Steven, my dad’s in prison, what am I going to do?

HYDE: Uh, I don’t know, bake him a cake with a file in it? (OFF HURT LOOK) What, it worked for Tom and Jerry. What do you want me to say?

JACKIE: Nothing. I just... never mind.

She turns away from Hyde, throws her arms around Donna who hugs her.

FEZ: Now we’re talking. Donna, give her a kiss.


Kelso and Fez enter

KELSO: Man, Jackie blew right by me to get to Hyde!

FEZ: Yes, I know because you told me twenty times!

Fez spots Nina tending to a line of costumers.

FEZ (cont’d): Oh, there’s my boss Nina, queen of the DMV. She haunts my dreams.

KELSO: I thought Mr. Roper from "Three’s Company" haunted your dreams.

FeEZ: He’s there, too. (HAUNTED) Bug-eyed bastard! (THEN, RE: NINA) Look how beautiful she is. You have to help me win her heart.

KELSO: What happened to Jackie’s heart? I thought she and Hyde were just killing time—

FEZ: --But Nina—

KELSO: Now, I think they’re actually getting serious—

FEZ: --But Nina—

KELSO: Man, Jackie and Hyde—

FEZ: (snaps) Enough! It’s over for you, pin-brian! Now to summarize: Jackie, gone. Nina, still in play. Help me do this thing!

Nina spots Fez.

NINA: Fez!

Nina holds out DMV forms.

FEZ: Nina my queena.

NINA: I told you I don’t like that. Now, you’re late for your fingerprints tutorial, so
move it.

She heads off.

KELSO: Wow, tough cookie.

FEZ: Yes, Fez likes the hard-headed mamas.

KELSO: Really? I’m starting to get into the Asian ladies.

FEZ: I know what you mean, mystery of the Orient, very sexy.


Eric finishes shoveling snow, as Donna enters eating a pretzel. She wears her engagement ring.

ERIC: Donna, what are you doing wearing your engagement ring? It’s supposed to be a secret. You haven’t told anyone, have you?

DONNA: (sarcastic) Yeah, Eric. I have no self control so I told the pretzel guy at the park.

They laugh

DONNA (cont’d): Seriously, I have no self control so I told the pretzel guy at the park.

ERIC: Donna!

DONNA: I’m sorry! I am excited. I had to tell someone. Plus (HOLD UP PRETZEL) free pretzel!


Kitty put a sandwich in front of Hyde, sees that he lookse bummed.

KITTY: Okay, Steven, what’s wrong? Problems with Jackie?

HYDE: I said the wrong thing—

KITTY: (snaps) Well, I have menopause! Do you have menopause?!

HYDE: Uh, no.

KITTY: Lucky bastard! (brightly) I’m sorry, just tell me what happened.

HYDE: Well, it’s just she wanted me to say something to make her feel better and I couldn’t think of anything.

KITTY: Oh, Steven, you don’t know how to comfort someone because you’ve never been comforted yourself.

HYDE: That’s not true. One time my dad felt so bad about missing my little league game he made up for it by disappearing for nine years.

Eric and Donna enter

KITTY: Well, after what you’ve been through, you shouldn’t have to say anything nice to anybody. Jackie should just leave you alone. Now, I am going upstairs to cry a little.

She exits. Eric and Donna cross over to Hyde.

ERIC: So, you’re having a little problem with Jackie. I’d like to remind you (puts his arms around Donna), Donna and I are basically the perfect couple.

DONNA: We really are.

ERIC: So, we might just have a little something to teach you about relationships.

DONNA: We really do.

ERIC: All you need to do is…

ERIC/DONNA: Back off/ Go to her.

DONNA: What?

ERIC: What?

DONNA: No, he needs to be with her.

ERIC: No, he needs to give her space. When your mom left, I gave you space.

DONNA: I know. But I didn’t want space. I wanted you with me.

ERIC: You didn’t tell me that.

DONNA: I couldn’t find you!

HYDE: And they lived happily ever after.


Fez and Nina are ine back room, by a table. Nina wears white pants and teaches Fez to fingerprint.

NINA: Fingerprinting is one of the most important jobs at the DMV, Fez. It helps our customers feel like common criminals.

She takes Fez's hand, he whimpers slightly. She fingerprints Fez in a vaguely seductive fashion.

NINA (cont’d): See? Firm but gentle. Repeat that: firm but gentle.

FEZ (in love) Fur ba jaja

She gently but firmly rubs his hands

NINA: Your hands are strong. But your right hand is much stronger than your left. Why’s that?

FEZ: (Caught) Oh, uh, I am a swordfighter.

NINA: You fence?

FEZ: Who doesn’t?

NINA: Most people.

FEZ: Touché

Nina scoots closer to Fez and rubs his wrist.

NiINA: Look, I’m sorry if sometimes I’m a little short tempered with you. It’s just,
when I see you, I…well…

Their eyes meet, they lean in and kiss, Fez pulls her close. Nina pulls away.

NINA: No, I can’t.

FEZ: But I’m all atwitter!

NINA: I’m sorry. I just can’t. And no one can know about this.

She turns to leave, as she walks out, we see black and prints all over her butt.


Jackie's on the phone. Kitty pours a cup of coffe at the counter. Red sits at the table.

JACKIE: But Mom, Dad’s in trouble. So I really think you need to come back from
Acapulco now. (BEAT) Uh-huh, wow, that is a lot of tequila.

Angle on Red and Kitty

KITTY: Red, Jackie’s been moping in our kitchen for an hour.

RED: So call the cops.

KITTY: I don’t want her arrested. I want to help her. She needs a father figure, go talk to her.



RED: No.

KITTY: (dangerous) Red.

RED: Fine. (Muttering) Every damn argument. You’d think I’d win one by chance.

Kitty exits; Red heads to Jackie

JACKIE: Oh. Mister Foreman.

He puts his arms around her

RED: Look, Jackie. I know things seem grim, but your father’s rich, right?

JACKIE: Uh-huh.

RED: Well then I’m sure whatever trouble he’s in, he’ll buy his way out and wriggle free.

JACKIE: You’re right. This is America. The rich are treated differently here.

RED: Yep, I’m so glad I took some shrapnel to make that happen.

JACKIE: Me, too. [note: the part from here was eventually edited out of the episode - Heather] So, do you have any advice on how to handle my heartless boyfriend?

RED: Well…see, boy problems aren’t up my alley. Now, if you’d like to talk more
about how your father brought shame to our God-fearing town, I’m your guy.

JACKIE: No, I’m good.  [note: the kiss on the cheek was still there - Heather]

She gives him a kiss on the cheek and skips off.


Eric, Donna, Kelso and Hyde hang. Kelso, again, futzes with a BB gun.

DONNA: So, Hyde, have you talked to Jackie yet?

ERIC: ‘Cause don’t. You gotta give her room to breathe.

DONNA: Yeah and if she ever falls out of a plane, just let her fall.

ERIC: He’s supposed to jump out after her?

DONNA: At least they’ll be together!

KELSO: Man, I don’t get Jackie. We were together for years and the second I turn
my back, she frenches Hyde.

HYDE: And by "turn your back" you mean ditching her for two months to have sex with random beach trash?

KELSO: Whatever, man! It’s always about "words" with you!

HYDE: Kelso, you know what? Jackie’s my girlfriend. We’re together. Get over it.

Angle on Kelso, upset.

KELSO: Fine!


Hyde yelds in pain and writes on the ground. Face down.

ERIC: Dude, you shot him!

DONNA: (Pointing) That is exactly what happened to Snowball!


Eric, Donna and Kelso stand over Hyde, who's on the ground curled in a ball. Kelso holds the BB gun. Eric and Donna ad-lib concern.

KELSO: Omygod I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry! Did I shoot your eye?

HYDE: Yes!

Hyde sits up holding his eye..

HYDE (Cont’d): Now I can’t see, moron! You’re a dead man!

Hyde, hand still over his eye, makes a move for kelso.

ERIC: (to Kelso) I’d start running now.

Kelso runs to the stairs

KELSO: Chasing me is futile! I’ll hide in your blind spot!

He runs up the stairs and exits

ERIC: (to Hyde) Are you okay, man?

Hyde takes his hand off his eye, he is fine.

HYDE: I’m fine. The BB just winged my shoulder. But that kid needs to be taught a lesson.

DONNA: Hyde, it was an accident.

HYDE: No, it wasn’t. He’s been bitching about me and Jackie since he found out, and he’s so out of control he shot me. I don’t like getting’ shot. So I’m gonna
punish him the way my parents punished me.

ERIC: You’re gonna leave him at the mall?

HYDE: No, I’m going to milk this eye thing until he feels as bad as he should. And they didn’t leave me at the mall, they forgot me. They were drunk.


Eric, Donna et Fez hang

FEZ: I am in pain.

DONNA: Yeah, we’re sorry about Nina. Rejection hurts.

FEZ: No, Nina and I were kissing and she made me stop and now I am in pain!

DONNA: Ewwwwww.

FEZ: I have to do something.

Fez runs out.

DONNA: I think we’re all getting a little too comfortable with each other.

ERIC: Maybe we wouldn’t be so comfortable if we gave each other space.

DONNA: Would you let it go?

ERIC: You mean give the argument some space?

DONNA: Don’t make me hit you.

ERIC: Good luck reaching me through all the space.

Kelso enters, holding a burger, fries, and milkshake

KELSO: Is Hyde here?

Hyde enters from his room, wearing an eye patch. Kelso offers the food.

KELSO: Hey, man. Here I brought you this.

HYDE: What is it? I can’t see.

KELSO: It’s a burger. With a bite out of it. ‘Cause I’m sorry, but I’m also hungry.

HYDE: Yeah, well, it’s almost two. I have to go flush out my eye.

Hyde exits to his room.

KELSO: You guys, how bad is it? Is Hyde gonna be a cyclops?

ERIC: Kelso, what were you thinking? I mean, did you do it on purpose?

KELSO: No! It was an accident.

ERIC: Well, he kinda thinks you did.

KELSO: How could I? I mean, yeah, I was mad. I don’t know, maybe I did it accidently-on-purpose.

DONNA: You mean subconsciously?

KELSO: No, I was definitely awake the whole time.


Hyde wears his eye patch and eats his burger. Jackie talks to Hyde.

JACKIE: I’m glad your eye’s not hurt. Even though you deserve it, because you were such a jerk about my dad.

HYDE: Look, Jackie, I’m never gonna be the guy who says the right thing at the
right time. I’m just not.

JACKIE: You’re so full of it. All I’m looking for is a gesture and you can’t even do that. Come on, Steven, give me something.

HYDE: Okay. I got something. Get your dad a carton of cigarettes, so he can trade ‘em for not being someone’s wife.

JACKIE: That’s horrible. I’m wasting my time.

She starts to go, Hyde catches her arm

HYDE: No, it’s funny. When my dad went to prison, that’s what someone said to me to make me feel better. (calling after her) It was my mom, we had a real good laugh.

She's gone


Eric and Donna anter, Red and Kitty are at the table eating lunch

DONNA: Hey Mr. and Mrs. Forman, can you settle this for us: if someone you love is kinda depressed, should you shower them with kindness or give them space?

Kitty smiles at red, then looks at Donna

KITTY: Well that’s a very good question. (takes Red's hand) And it really takes a lot of living with someone to get it right.

RED: That’s true.

KITTY: But you’ll find that the best thing to do is—

KITTY/RED: Shower them/ Give them space… (off Kitty's look)…to shower them.

KITTY: What did you say?

RED: I said what you said.

KITTY: You’re lying.

RED: Kitty, come on. When menopause makes you crazy, I could be with you all day and it wouldn’t do any good. You need space.

KITTY: Menopause makes me crazy? I’m crazy? (CRAZY) I’m crazy?!! Well if you want space Red Forman, you got it! This crazy lady’s out the crazy door!

She starms out, Red glares at Eric

Red: We were having a nice lunch.



Hyde watches TV. He hears someone coming and flips the eye patch down over his eye. Kelso enters with the BB gun.

KELSO: Okay, Hyde, I feel really bad, I shouldn’t have shot you, and I think I might’ve done it on purpose ‘cause I’m not okay with you and Jackie, and I’m not sure I ever will be. And I’m almost positive I’ll never shoot you again, but the way to be really sure is for you shoot me. I’ve always responded really well to corporal punishment.

Kelso hangs the BB gun to Hyde

KELSO (cont’d): So here.

Kelso bends over the couch

KELSO (cont’d): Do it. Shoot me.

HYDE: This is like "Old Yeller."

KELSO: C’mon, just do it. (SLAPS BUTT) Right here. It’s the only way.

HYDE: Okay

Hyde flips up his eye patch

Kelso, who looks back and sees Hyde's eye is fine

KELSO: You lied!


KELSO (cont’d): Oww!! You’re dead!

Kelso chases Hyde upstairs


Eric and Donna console Jackie

JACKIE: Well, my mom’s flying home from the Fiesta de Las Margaritas, so I guess it’s pretty serious.

ERIC: That is serious. "Playboy" voted Fiesta de Las Margaritas Latin America’s number one singles party.

Donna gives Jackie hugs. Hyde enters, clean shaven


Jackie looks up, sees him, her face lights up. 

JACKIE: Steven! You shaved your beard!

HYDE: I thought it might cheer you up.

JACKIE: Oh my God. You shaved it for me! You let your razor say the words your
mouth couldn’t speak.


HYDE: Shut up!

JACKIE: You are the best hairless boyfriend ever! (HUGS HIM)

They exit to his room

DONNA: Huh. So the answer to their problem wasn’t more or less space. It was more or less hair. And that’s….bizarre.

ERIC: Yeah, about that space thing, look, I’ve been thinking about it and here’s
what’s gonna happen: you’ll want to talk about stuff, and I’ll just leave!

DONNA: And I’ll follow you! And I’m strong enough to take you down and make you listen.

ERIC: And I’ll let you lie on me and pretend it bother me.

DONNA: Yeah, we’re perfect together.

They nuzzle, Fez enters, panicked.

FEZ: Something horrible has happened! The little men in my pants has turned black!

ERIC: What?!

Eric and Donna laugh

FEZ: It’s not funny! Black is the color of death! Oh, my little man is going to die before he gets to see the world! I’m so very sorry! How could this happen?!

He holds his hands palms up, near his face, and looks heavenward. His palms are inky black.

FEZ (cont’d): How?!



The gang hangs. Fez enters from the back, panicked.

FEZ: Okay, I washed but the ink isn’t coming off my little man! Help!

KELSO: You should try bleach!

DONNA: Or comet.

JACKIE: Or steel wool

HYDE: If all else fails, the one thing that gets out ink, is more ink.

ERIC: Whatever you do, use the steel wool first--- really scrub---so the soap gets
in there. If it doesn’t sting, it’s not working.


Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !